02 Nov

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in November 2021

Middlesbrough (Tuesday 2nd  Nov) Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 OTF

Durham (Thursday 11th Nov) Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street, Durham City DH1 4BG

South Shields (Thursday 18th ) Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street. NE33 2QU

Samhain greetings to you all!

Middlesbrough Tuesday 2nd November (6-8)

Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham TS8 OTF
Thanks to Gordon Williams*, one of our long term allies in
Middlesbrough, we will joining in with his new Neuro Key meetings at a new venue in Coulby Newham on the first Tuesday of every month! This gives us a fantastic opportunity to discuss the interrelationships between AD/HD and all the other neurodiverse comorbid conditions that can occur, including ADHD, ASD, PTSD, Brain injury, FASD, Tourett’s etc

The venue is great and there’s a big free car park. As usual, everyone is welcome who has an interest in ADHD etc, including carers, family members, professionals working in the field etc. For further information about the venue, or Neuro key, an alliance supporting people with neurological conditions (established by Gordon) email neurologicallychallenged@hotmail.com

facebook page @NeurokeyTVDNY And please check out Gordon’s amazing blog


Download the Middlesbrough flyer here

Durham: Thursday 11th November  (6-9)

Thanks to our lovely friends at Waddy we will be having our support group meetings back in the heart of Durham City!  Venue: Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street, Durham City DH1 4BG.

Download the Durham flyer here.

South Shields: Thursday 18th November (6-9pm)

Venue: Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / corner of Anderson Street, South Shields NE33 2QU. Thanks once again to Age Concern for their invaluable support.

Download the South Shields flyer here.

We look forward to seeing everybody who can make it along to any of our meetings.


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East


