01 Jun

Word and Verse

Please find details for an engAGE group at the Linskill Centre that we are trying to get up and running.  The group is called Word and Verse and after the success of the Scribblers group who meet to get their words onto paper this group is all about listening and enjoying the spoken word – come and join us with your favourite poem to share or maybe you have your own creations to read out?  The group meets every 2 weeks on a Thursday morning at 10.30am and the next meeting is Thursday 31st May.  If you would like to come along or find out more information please get in touch.

Download a poster here.

Thanks for your time,

Charlotte Mulvaney
engAGE Coordinator

Linskill Centre
Linskill Terrace
North Shields
NE30 2AY

0191 2578000


Working days: Monday to Thursday 10-3pm.