An Update from Time to Change – 5 December 2019

Christmas is supposed to be a merry time of year, but if you’re experiencing a mental health problem it can be especially difficult. Knowing how to support someone can make all the difference – below, you can read our supporters’ top tips.
In this newsletter you can also find out more about how you can get involved in Time to Talk Day (6 February 2020). We’ve got all the resources and tips you need to start a conversation about mental health.
By choosing to talk this Time to Talk Day, you can help to end the shame, isolation and worthlessness that too many people with mental health problems are made to feel.
Order your free Time to Talk Day resources
Time to Talk Day on 6 February 2020 is an opportunity for us all to choose to talk about mental health. If you haven’t already, order your Chatterbox for plenty of free resources to get people talking – from posters and tip cards to origami conversation starters.
Sparking conversations with Sussed
We’ve teamed up with Sussed, the award-winning card game, to help spark more conversations. You’ll find our logo on the back of new Sussed card packs, as well as four special edition Sussed: Time to Talk cards available to download from our website.
By talking I could suddenly see a future
“Struggling with mental illness can be very isolating… Starting a conversation about mental illness will help ‘normalise’ those feelings.”
Christopher shares how talking helped him feel less alone and gave him hope for the future.
Supporting someone at Christmas
Christmas can be a challenging time. Read our social movement’s top tips for supporting someone.
Download one of our conversation starter guides, packed with tools, tips and ideas to get people talking about mental health
Personal blogs can be a powerful way to change attitudes about mental health problems. Find out how to share your story.