Battle Hill & Linskill Community Development Grapevine Newsletter – 21 July 2023

Our CEO Simeon dusted off his bike and joined our community cycle club ‘Linskill Riders’ for a special presentation. Volunteer Kim has been nationally recognised as Cycling UK ‘Most Inspiring Individual’ in their 2023 Volunteer Awards. The Trust would like to thank Kim, and all our cycling volunteers, for their dedication and support. It couldn’t happen without you!
Joining Kim at the presentation were representatives from the Linskill Riders and fellow winners Cycling Minds. Cycling Minds were awarded ‘Most Inspiring Group’ and are based in Hexham.
Big thanks to Ride Electric for kitting us out for the occasion and helping Kim buy her bike a few years ago. Who knew it would lead to this?!
GET CREATIVE – Craft with Amy
Join us in August to learn the basics of needle felting with volunteer Amy. You will be making flowers to decorate a brooch, bookmark, necklace or to enjoy in a vase. All resources are included in the cost and priority will be given to people who haven’t attended one of our previous needle felting sessions.
Places are limited – please book using the link below.
Come and join us for a day on Holy Island – rain or shine it will be a fab day out!
The trips book up very quickly and places are limited – please book using the link below.
engAGE is funded for people aged 55+
KEEP ACTIVE – Route Planning
Have you ever wanted to get from A to B on your bike but not sure what the best route is?
Do you want to cycle on your own or with a friend but worried about the ‘what ifs?’
Then this session is for you! We will cover how to route plan using maps, popular apps such as Kamoot and how to help keep you safe when cycling.
KEEP ACTIVE – Electric bike 101
Learn about how your riding style impacts on your e-bike, beneficial tips and how to maintain and fix with Cycling4Everyone.
This session is designed for those who already have an electric bike and you will need to bring it with you on the day. We won’t be going on a ride but we will be using a dedicated space to practice a few things on your bikes.
This session is part of Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival initiative.
All servicing is free and delivered by Velotech trained bike mechanics.
After a comprehensive ‘M-Check’ has been completed minor repairs to ensure a cycle is safe and roadworthy will be carried out.
A typical Dr Bike health check may include some of the following cycle replacements and checks:
• Brakes – Calliper and cable adjustment, cable, and pad replacement,
• Gears – Indexing, adjustment, and cable replacement,
• Chain – Check for wear, lubricate if necessary,
• Tyres – Puncture repair/tube replacement, inflated to recommended pressure,
• Other – Check all nuts and bolts are correctly torqued; Check headset and bottom bracket; Check and replace missing bar plugs / cable end caps.
Dr Bike – 17th August – Linskill
Save the date
Tuesday 22nd August approximately 1pm – Join the Art Appreciation volunteers as they head to Amble for a sculpture trail.
Charly, Lucy and David
Your Community Development team
From our friends…
Heritage Open Days runs from 8-17 September 2023 and Bishopwearmouth Townscape Heritage Scheme are running a number of free events in Sunderland (all funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund). All events are free but places must be booked, see links below for further information and to book your place:
Wednesday 13 September, 1pm
Sunderland Minster Tea and Tour
Wednesday 13 September, 10.30am
Sunderland Empire Tour
Saturday 16 September, 11am
Sunderland Empire Tour
Saturday 16 September, 2pm
Bishopwearmouth Geology Walk