24 May

How do you feel about lockdown easing?

Lockdown has been so tough for so many, and lots of us will be feeling relieved that restrictions are gradually being lifted. From seeing friends and family to being able to go out, you may feel that there is much to look forward to. However, we also know that many are feeling anxious, reluctant, or…

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21 May

LGBT Patients’ Experiences of Primary Care Survey

This survey asks about your experiences of accessing healthcare services from your GP, dentist, pharmacist and optometrist. It aims to build a picture of current healthcare provision by primary care services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. The findings of this research will be turned into a report which will be used to…

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19 May

Helix Arts Neighbours and Strangers Project

Please see a flyer for a new project being delivered by Helix Arts.  Helix are looking to engage participants in a creative spoken word piece about connection during the pandemic in collaboration with local artist Alex Woolley.  Please contact Elizabeth Kane from Helix arts if you or someone you know would like to contribute (details…

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14 May

Chilli Studio News – May 2021

Welcome to the Chilli Newsletter. There’s a lot of exciting things happening soon and opportunities for our members to be involved with. 1. CHILLI STUDIOS IS OPENAND EXTENDING OUR WORKSHOPS! See above for updated workshops at the studio. Please send an expression of interest in which events & workshops you would like to attend and…

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11 May

Happy to Chat Benches in Newcastle

As part of its work to improve health and wellbeing across the City, Collaborative Newcastle partners have installed new signage across public benches to help break down the barriers of social isolation and get people talking. The ‘Happy to Chat’ benches feature a simple sign which reads ‘Sit here if you don’t mind someone stopping…

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11 May

Time on My Hands – open call for creative personal reflections on lockdown

Artist Gail Curry, who runs Happy Planet Creative Arts CIC, used her creativity during lockdown to help manage her mental health, as well as to create items that helped her to reflect on the time she spent alone. She is creating an exhibition – Time on My Hands – around this lockdown creativity and is…

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11 May

The Northern Guide to Happiness would love to hear from you!

The Northern Guide to Happiness is a podcast funded by the National Lottery Community Fund that aims to put a smile on the faces of people across the North East and beyond. They’re talking to adopted and native Northerners about what makes them happy and what happiness means to them as well as exploring what’s…

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07 May

Volunteers’ Week 2021 is almost here

Volunteers’ Week takes place between 1-7 June every year and is a time to recognise and thank volunteers. During an exceptionally difficult year, people from all walks of life around the UK have taken the time to volunteer and made a huge difference to people and their communities – just as they do every year. That’s why the theme for this year’s Volunteers’ Week is ‘A…

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07 May

Click and Connect – May 2021

Hello, Please see the poster for the next Click and Connect which will take place on Wednesday 19th May, 7-8pm.  The social space is aimed at people with experience of mental health difficulties looking to connect with others, feel free to share with anyone you think might benefit. Email me if you’d like to come…

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