20 Feb

ADHD-360 Open Evening/official launch of their service in the North East – 24 February 2020

You are cordially invited to find out more by going along to meet the ADHD 360 bods next Monday (24th February) between 7 and 9pm at Gateshead Clubhouse, Worcester Green, Gateshead NE8 1NH Ask them questions and hear why they can confidently say that ADHD-360 offers “more than your diagnosis”. As they go on to…

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11 Feb

Reducing Isolation and Loneliness in Carers – North Tyneside Carers’ Centre

Good afternoon You may be aware that the Carers’ Centre is working in the community to reduce Loneliness and Isolation in carers and we have arranged 5 well-being sessions in 4 locations in the North East to do this. See the promotional flyers. I would appreciate it if you would share these with colleagues who…

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08 Feb

SIGN Campaign – End Loneliness in North Tyneside

Help us end loneliness in North Tyneside and become part of the SIGN Directory! The SIGN Directory is an online directory of community services and events for the residents of North Tyneside. It is designed for the public and professionals to search for and find services and activities that may support people to connect to their local…

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07 Feb

Free ‘suicide prevention’ training from the Zero Suicide Alliance

The Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaborative of National Health Service trusts, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention in the UK and beyond. The alliance is ultimately concerned with improving support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness of and promoting FREE suicide prevention training which is accessible to all. The…

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28 Jan

Chilli Shout Out: Art Materials shop @ Ouseburn – Survey

There’s something exciting brewing…. Please help us with a little market research! Art Materials Shop – Ouseburn Chilli Studios, a charity that creatively improves mental well being, are looking at opening an Art Materials shop in the Ouseburn area. We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete this short survey Questionnaire CLICK HERE! Jo…

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28 Jan

Hear my Voice North Tyneside – Your experience matters

North Tyneside clinical commissioning group

Hear my Voice North Tyneside is a new project being launched by North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group which enables patients, residents, family members, carers and staff to describe their experience of receiving and delivering health care across North Tyneside. Hear my Voice North Tyneside is one of the ways in which the CCG can strengthen…

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15 Jan

FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together) Appeals

Please see the posters for FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together). If anyone wants any further details please call the main office number 091 442 0833 or email  hayley.springgay@fact-cancersupport.co.uk. Donations can either be dropped into the shop or made via the Just Giving link https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/FACTCancerNorthTyneside?utm_term=xpD9ZaWmP Download the posters: 2020 Cancer Challenge Great North Cancer Coffee Morning…

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