23 Jun

Time to Change Employers Newsletter – June 2020

Time to Change

Working From Home Wellness Action Plan The Wellness Action Plan (WAP) is a useful tool to help us identify what keeps us well and what impacts our mental health.  This revised WAP is designed to support you when you’re working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak. As we all adapt to new ways of working…

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12 Jun

Domestic abuse advice and information

Friends and family members are being urged by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria to ‘make domestic abuse everyone’s business’ in a new campaign designed to set out how they can help those at risk. Further information is available here Children North East have launched a domestic abuse helpline. Please share the Domestic Abuse…

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12 Jun

Update from Time to Change – 11 June 2020

Time to Change

The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on all of us and our mental health. Below, we share Antonio and Anna’s experiences of managing their mental health during lockdown. As lockdown begins to ease, we know that coronavirus will continue to impact our mental health, and we’re looking for your stories about what this means…

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07 Jun

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 4 June 2020

Your experiences during coronavirus We want to hear your experiences of health and care services during the outbreak of coronavirus.NHS and care services are starting to develop plans for how they can open up again and deliver more services whilst social distancing and other coronavirus restrictions are in place. We want to ensure that local…

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23 May

Guide to wellbeing and mental health during COVID-19

The Suicide Prevention Network has created a new guide to looking after yourself and others during COVID-19. The booklet is being delivered to 1.3 million homes in the region as part of Mental Health Awareness week. You can download a copy here

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16 May

Update from Time to Change – 12 May 2020

Time to Change

No one should have to fear being treated differently because of a mental health problem, and that’s why we’re working to end mental health stigma and discrimination. By sharing the image below on your social media this Mental Health Awareness Week (18–24 May) you’ll help us reach even more people. And why not share this…

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16 May

Updated Government Guidance on COVID-19

The Government has updated guidance on keeping safe from COVID-19 (coronavirus). The updated guidance includes: Stay alert and safe: social distancing guidance for everyone Stay alert: what you can and cannot do How to stay safe outside your home Our plan to rebuild: the UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy Existing guidance on ‘self-isolation’ and ‘shielding’…

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