20 Apr

Domestic Abuse Advice and Information from Newcastle City Council

Newcastle City Council has provided links a number of useful resources: Women’s Aid practical safety advice for survivors SafeLives advice and information for survivors, professionals and policymakers Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline Galop National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline Men’s Advice Line (Male victims of domestic abuse) Respect Phoneline  (For anyone worried about their behaviour…

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17 Apr

An Update from Time to Change – 9 April 2020

During this uncertain time, looking out for our own and others’ mental health is more important than ever. Below, we share three simple tips to help you be there for someone, as well as advice from the NHS on looking after your own mental wellbeing at this time. We’re also continuing our campaign to end…

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17 Apr

Update from Rethink Mental Illness – 7 April 2020

Last week we asked you to share your photographs of what you are doing at the moment, and the response was amazing. Thank you to everyone who sent in your beautiful photographs. We will keep sharing all the creative ways you are dealing with the current situation – your walks, crafts, singing, baking and artwork….

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15 Apr

Join Chilli Studios Live Online: Art Workshops & Community

Newcastle and Gateshead Art Studio (NAGAS)

Chilli Studios has gone digital! In these odd and surreal times, it’s important to stay connected. We know the value of creativity to our mental health and we will endeavour to do our best to replicate something as creative, fun, engaging and community-driven as our usual programme. “We can get through this togetherwith kindness, cleanliness…

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13 Apr

Update from Rethink Mental Illness – 30 March 2020

Last week, we emailed you and asked you to share how you are looking after your mental health during these extraordinary times. We were blown away by the response – so many of you shared creative and compassionate ideas for getting through the pandemic. We’ve included a selection of your tips at the bottom of…

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11 Apr

DWP Northumberland, Tyne and Wear District External Partner Newsletters – COVID-19

Hello This newsletter contains details of some of the changes  we have had to make during  this Covid 19 Crisis. It also includes  some useful links to information, advice and guidance designed to support our customers, employers and partners. Download this newsletter week commencing 6 April 2020 Kind Regards NTW Partnership Team Partnership Managers| DWP|…

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09 Apr

Press release: New advice to support mental health during coronavirus outbreak

People struggling with their mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak will be offered additional online support and practical guidance to help them cope.   Published 29 March 2020 From: Department of Health and Social Care and Nadine Dorries MP   Public Health England guidance will give helpful tips on how to look after your…

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09 Apr

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

With the country in ‘lockdown’ and many people feeling understandably anxious about their health, employment, family and friends, it is more important than ever to share helpful advice resources for managing everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. Government Advice The government has published detailed and useful advice that covers steps we can all take in looking…

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07 Apr

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 31 March 2020

Service Changes Information Hub We are working hard to bring you all the updates and changes to NHS, social care and community services due to Coronavirus. To make things easier, our online Service Changes Information Hub brings together the rapidly changing information about local services into one easy to access place. The hub includes information…

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06 Apr

New online COVID-19 resources from North Tyneside VODA

VODA has developed new online resources including a series of animations aimed at supporting volunteering during the COVID-19 emergency. These can all be found on our website. We will be adding further pages including details of the response of the North Tyneside VCS to COVID-19 in due course. COVID-19 Response – the latest updates from…

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