16 Feb

Time to Change Employers Newsletter – February 2020

Time to Change

Mental Wellbeing in theRetail Sector Time to Change and the British Retail Consortium (BRC) have come together to provide guidance to retailers on how to develop a holistic mental wellbeing strategy for the workplace. 36% of employees in the retail sector have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, but only 51% of employees in the retail…

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08 Feb

Technology use and the mental health of children and young people (CR225 January 2020)

This report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists explores the use of technology among children and young people. As well as looking at the impact of screen time, the area that most previous publications on this topic have focused on, this Report also looks at the impact of different types of screen use on the…

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27 Jan

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 22 January 2020

Healthwatch Practice Participation Group ForumSaturday 22 February, 10am to 12pm, Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ We’re starting a Healthwatch Practice Participation Group Forum in February. This is open to all members of Practice Participation Groups (PPGs) in Newcastle and Gateshead. A PPG is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff…

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26 Jan

Time to Change Employers Newsletter – January 2020

Download our newWorkplace Activity Pack Time to Talk Day is just a month away! Our new Workplace Pack is full of activities that you can deliver, alongside resources to raise awareness around addressing mental health stigma and the events your colleagues can get involved in. The Pack includes a range of fun activities and games…

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12 Jan

An Update from Time to Change – 9 January 2020

Happy New Year from all of us at Time to Change! We’re proud that our movement has been voted one of the greatest public health achievements of the 21st century. With your help over the last decade we’ve made real progress in changing the way people think and act about mental health, with 5.4 million improved attitudes….

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