Mind Campaign – your experiences of mental health inpatient care

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to share your experiences of mental health inpatient care. We know that talking about this subject can be difficult but we really appreciate you being so open.
Each story we heard was different. Some of you have had good experiences of inpatient care. Sofia told us about how she was treated by staff. ‘They helped me shower, blow dried my hair and plaited it, they encouraged me to eat, sat with me when I needed a cry, and made me laugh when I needed it most’.
But unfortunately, this has not been the same for everyone. Many of you were not treated in the way you should have been, and this needs to change.
When we asked what you think the UK government should do to ensure access to safe therapeutic care, you gave lots of great ideas.
Good inpatient care, according to Emily ‘should include plenty of access to different forms of group and individual therapy, practice in life skills and access to group activities.’ Anne said the government needs to ‘return to funding it effectively including increasing the funding every year by more than inflation’. One of you told us that the government needs to ‘make mental health care accessible 24/7 and staff the NHS properly with well-trained, well-paid employees, who are cared for so they are able to look after patients better.’
We also asked what you think people need most when they are in mental health inpatient care. You said that there needs to be compassion, care and respect. But what was said most, is that there needs to be understanding.
Together, we hope to make the UK government understand the need for change.
Thank you for working with us on this campaign so far. We will be in touch again soon with more ways to get involved.
Take care,