20 Jun

Tell us your experience of breast screening services in North Tyneside

Share your experiences of breast screening services

We’d like to hear from people who have recent experience of breast screening services

Have you used breast screening services?

We want to hear from you if you have recently been invited to book a breast screening appointment.

If you booked an appointment…

We are interested in all aspects of the process from receiving your invitation letter, traveling to your appointment, to getting your results. Tell us what worked well and what could be better.

If you didn’t book an appointment…

We would like to understand why some people choose not to make an appointment for breast screening. Your feedback will help us to address any barriers people experience.

Everyone who completes a survey will be entered into our £50 Love2Shop voucher prize draw.

Your feedback will help improve breast screening services in North Tyneside.

Complete our survey here

Please share this post with people who would be interested in sharing their views.


Breast screening

The NHS breast screening programme aims to detect breast cancer at a very early stage.

The mobile screening unit is at North Tyneside General Hospital or you can book other locations. If you’re aged 50 to 70 and it’s been more than three years since your last appointment, you can book now by telephoning 0191 282 0202 or online by clicking this link. Eligible people should have received a letter from their GP.

20 Jun

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 14 June 2022

Join our team!

Tell Us North is a community interest company (CIC) with three new roles supporting the delivery of the Healthwatch Gateshead and Healthwatch Newcastle contracts.

Business and Governance Manager
The Business and Governance Manager is responsible for the efficient management of day-to-day administration, finance and governance activities, working closely with the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive to ensure compliance with Tell Us North policies and procedures and legislative and statutory requirements.

Research and Engagement Manager
The Research and Engagement Manager will be a confident researcher with experience in public engagement, leading, developing and supporting the engagement team in its activities.

Healthwatch Newcastle Engagement and Involvement Officer
The Engagement and Involvement Officer will design and deliver innovative engagement activities, produce high-impact reports and contribute to the design and delivery of new data visualisation techniques.

How to apply
Further information, job descriptions and an application form can be downloaded at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/work-with-us
Please note we do not accept CVs.

The deadline to apply is Friday 1 July 2022.

Meet our new Healthwatch Stars

We’re proud to recognise the contribution that people and organisations make to the success of social care and health services in Newcastle.

We’re delighted to announce the following have recently received a Star for providing exceptional care:

  • The Learning Disabilities Community Team for their fantastic support.
  • Saville Medical Group doctors for helping to rehouse a patient with learning disabilities.
  • The Coquet Trust for their fantastic support for people with learning disabilities.
  • Sutherland Court Care Home staff for their ethos and care, which are second to none.

Tell us about your Healthwatch Star at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/nominate-a-star

Carers’ experiences during the pandemic

We wanted to gain a greater understanding of carers’ experiences in Newcastle during the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire was designed, which included a short evaluation for people who had used Newcastle Carers’ services.

Carers saw a significant increase in the amount of care they provided during the pandemic. Because of this, many carers felt they struggled to cope and there was an impact on carers’ mental health. Social and emotional wellbeing was heavily impacted during the pandemic, with most carers feeling more isolated.

We also compared findings with a North Tyneside survey, looking at the similarities and differences in carers’ needs in the two local authority areas.

Read our reports at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/reports

Healthwatch Newcastle’s annual report

All local Healthwatch are required to produce an annual report and submit it to various organisations, including Healthwatch England, the Care Quality Commission and the commissioning local authority by the end of June each year.

Our 2021—2022 annual report takes a look at our work on services for children and young people affected by domestic abuse, the experiences of health checks for people with learning disabilities, dental services in Newcastle during the pandemic and more.

We want to say ‘thank you’ to our volunteers, including our Committee, for their support throughout the year. They have helped people in Newcastle have their say on health and social care services and we couldn’t do it without you!

Read the report at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/reports

What is adult social care?

Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Healthwatch England has put together a useful guide about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.

Social care can be very different from the health care you receive from the NHS. Although it can include medical help, social care offers more practical support to enable people to live independently. These services are usually provided in people’s homes, care homes or elsewhere in the community, rather than at a GP practice or hospital.

If you or someone you live with needs social care, it’s important to understand what types of care and support are available, where to find the correct information, and how services are paid for.

Read ‘What is adult social care?’ at www.healthwatch.co.uk/advice-and-information/2021-10-07/what-adult-social-care

If you would like to tell us about your experiences of adult social care services please get in touch with us via email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or call us free on 0808 178 9282.

Other news and events

Newcastle United Foundation health and wellbeing event
Friday 1 July, 9am to 1pm, at St. James’ Park, Newcastle upon Tyne
Join Newcastle United Foundation and 30 local organisations offering free support to improve the health and wellbeing of you and your family.

  • Listen to four inspirational guest speakers discuss different topics designed to improve your wellbeing in the current climate.
  • Enjoy a free healthy breakfast and refreshments.
  • Access free resources and support from 30 local organisations.
  • Receive one free raffle ticket and be in for a chance to win a range of prizes.

Find out more and book at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/health-and-wellbeing-event-tickets-338094438567

Glaucoma UK urges people to get their eyes tested
With the number of people living with glaucoma in the UK expected to increase by almost a third between 2020 and 2035, Glaucoma UK is urging people to get their eyes tested.

Glaucoma is the name of a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve, which is responsible for transferring visual information from the eye to the brain. Damage to the optic nerve can result in sight loss and even blindness. Over 700,000 people in the UK have glaucoma, and half of them don’t know they have it.

Find out more at https://glaucoma.uk

New online mental health service
Togetherall is a free, safe and anonymous online mental health service now available for people living in Gateshead and Newcastle The service is available 24/7 and is moderated by mental health professionals.

Find out more at www.togetherall.com

Have you or your loved ones been affected by cancer?
Northern Cancer Voices are a collaboration of volunteers, patients, carers and health professionals in the North East and North Cumbria.

They’re looking for people to join their Patient, Carer and Public Involvement Network to share their stories and experiences and get involved in future work.

Find out more at https://northerncancervoices.co.uk

How should your hospital prevent and respond to falls during your stay?
Did you know that over 2,000 people over the age of 60 fell and fractured their hip while staying in hospital in England and Wales in 2020?

The Royal College of Physicians has published a patient resource for the National Audit of Inpatient Falls. It includes information about what level of care patients should receive if they sustain a fall when admitted to hospital. It also advises people on how to get involved with patient and public improvement groups.

Download the ‘How should your hospital prevent and respond to falls during your stay?’ resource at www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/outputs/how-should-your-hospital-prevent-and-respond-falls-during-your-stay

About this newsletter
You can find copies of all our recent newsletters at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/resources

If you need this newsletter in another format please get in touch by emailing info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or calling Freephone 0808 178 9282.

15 Jun

NT LIFE Recovery College – Taking brave steps with Woodland Wellbeing

Lisa & Vicky holding tree branch

When Lisa and Vicky first started out as volunteers for Woodland Wellbeing, neither of them could imagine facilitating a main part of the session. However, they have both worked incredibly hard towards this shared goal, which has taken a huge amount of courage, commitment and energy on their parts, and this week saw Vicky deliver her first main session, with Lisa to follow next week. You can read more about their inspiring story, and also learn a bit about how to make nettle cordage in our latest NT LIFE blog

12 Jun

NT LIFE Recovery College – Last few places available for this term

NT LIFE Recovery College has a just a few places left on the following courses starting weeks commencing 20 June and 27 June – see below and click on the course for more information.

If you know anyone who’s 18+, lives or works in North Tyneside and would like to improve their mental health and wellbeing, please feel free to share with them! Details of how to sign up are on the posters.

09 Jun

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in June 2022

Hi folks,

Here are the dates and times for our JUNE meetings. Please see the PDF flyers for further information:-

  • Middlesbrough: Tuesday JUNE 7th 6 – 8pm Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 OTF. Download the Middlesbrough flyer here.
  • Durham: Thursday JUNE  9th 6-9pm Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street Durham City DH1 4BG. Download the Durham flyer here.
  • South Shields: Thursday JUNE 16th 6-9pm Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street, South Shields. NE33 2QU. Download the South Shields flyer here.
  • Newcastle: Thursday JUNE 23rd 6-9pm Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle NE1 6UF. Download the Newcastle flyer here.

Thank you to all of you who came along to our meetings last month and contributed such meaningful, thought-provoking and useful responses to the discussions on the theme of What makes a good ADHD service & what doesn’t? Your views were genuinely valued, as can be seen in this extract from an email from North East ADHD Ltd I’ve just received

“I meant it when I said we want to listen. There’s no point setting up a service that people don’t want as they just won’t use it. That’s the old way. We intend to listen not preach”.

So, let’s hold them to it! — Please continue the conversation and take part in this important survey!

Following on from our extremely useful May meetings with our special guests from North East ADHD Ltd, they have put together a survey, to capture more of your views. These include …

Sourcing information about ADHD | what makes a good ADHD service | experiences of accessing / attempting to accessing services | service provision found useful |frustrations with current services | strengths you would like to develop and support that you might need.

Please use this link to access their survey (the link can also be accessed on our website):

North East ADHD How can we help?

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




13 Apr

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 11 April 2022

Tell us your story – questionnaire

We want to understand what services matter most to support your health, care and wellbeing. We also want to find out what the public, patients and carers would like us to look into further. This questionnaire is anonymous and closes on Friday 27 May. Completed questionnaires will be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 shopping voucher.  

If you live, work or use services in Newcastle or Gateshead we would love to hear from you.

Take the questionnaire at www.surveymonkey.com/r/6SVHHF2

Please email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or call us free on 0808 178 9282 for a paper copy.

Tell us your story — join Healthwatch online
Thursday 28 April, 11am to 12 noon or 5pm to 6pm, via Zoom

Please join Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead for this online discussion group. What is working well and what do you think may need improving? Join us to discuss what matters most to you and your local community.

If you can’t attend but have a question or want to tell us about your experiences of using health or social care services, please email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk, call us free on 0808 178 9282 or text 0755 105 2751.

Book your free place at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/healthwatch-tell-us-your-story-tickets-313338603197

Share your experiences of loneliness

We all feel lonely from time to time — and our experience of loneliness varies from person to person.

Loneliness is not always the same as being alone. You can be perfectly happy alone with your own company and not feel lonely. However, some people can be surrounded by friends and family and still feel lonely.

Your feedback is vital in helping to improve services. If you’re 25 or under please share your experiences of loneliness in our short, confidential questionnaire.

Take the questionnaire at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7WHHZBV


Experiences of dental services in Newcastle

Healthwatch teams across the North East region saw a significant increase in concerns about accessing NHS dental care during 2021. Eight local Healthwatch worked together to gather people’s experiences in the region. We published a report outlining our collective survey findings from March 2020 to January 2022.

We also published a report on the findings for people living in and accessing dental care in Newcastle from March 2020 to December 2021.

Read the ‘Experiences of dental services’ reports at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/reports


Tell us about your Healthwatch Star!

Our ‘Healthwatch Star’ award encourages patients and service users to tell us about the wonderful care that local health and social care professionals provide.

Our new campaign has a twist — and health and social care services can now nominate members of the public who have had a positive impact on their service!

Have you been on the receiving end of a small act of kindness, perhaps prompted by the #BeKind campaign? Who brightens up your day? Wherever someone makes a positive impact we would love to celebrate with you.

Please nominate your Healthwatch Star at www.tinyurl.com/HWNstar


Your care your way — the Accessible Information Standard

Do you have a condition that affects your ability to communicate or understand information? We’re campaigning with Healthwatch England for everyone to be provided with health and care information in the way they need it.

The Accessible Information Standard gives people who are disabled or have sensory loss legal rights. If you have a disability, impairment or sensory loss, or are a parent or carer of someone who does, you should expect:

  • To contact and be contacted by services in ways you find accessible.
  • Services to give information and correspondence in formats you can read and understand.
  • To be supported at appointments if needed.  
  • Health and care services to support you to communicate.

Find out more about our Your Care Your Way campaign at www.healthwatch.co.uk/yourcareyourway

Take the survey at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/YourCareYourWay


Other news and events

St Oswald’s Hospice questionnaire
St Oswald’s Hospice is open to everyone who needs support, regardless of background or culture. However, they know that the referrals do not reflect our local communities and want to change this.

Please help the hospice understand why people are not being referred to them for care by taking a short questionnaire.

Let the hospice know what you think by Friday 22 April at www.stoswaldsuk.org/broadening-access-survey

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. Nearly 43,000 people are detected with bowel cancer each year in the UK. If it is diagnosed early it is treatable and curable. The symptoms of bowel cancer can include:

  • Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo.
  • A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason.
  • A pain or lump in your tummy.

Bowel cancer screening in the UK uses a home test kit that’s sent automatically every 2 years for people aged 60 to 74 but has recently been extended to include 56-year-olds. Complete your bowel cancer screening test and please don’t ignore it, It could save your life!

Find out more at www.nhs.uk/conditions/bowel-cancer-screening

COVID-19 vaccines in Newcastle
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and give you the best protection against the disease. Check who is eligible for COVID-19 vaccines and boosters and where you can get a vaccine in Newcastle.

Read more at https://newcastlegatesheadccg.nhs.uk/covid-19-vaccine-drop-in-clinics

Newcastle ranks as the 12th ‘least healthy’ area in England
Newcastle ranks as the 12th ‘least healthy’ area of England according to the Office for National Statistics’ Health Index. The Health Index score measures factors such as access to health services, living conditions and behavioural risk factors.

Newcastle’s Health Index score decreased in the year before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The city’s highest score in the index is for health relating to ‘access to services’. This looks at the distance to GP services, distance to pharmacies, distance to sports or leisure facilities and internet access. The lowest score is for ‘personal wellbeing’.

The North East as a whole is ranked as the worst region.

Explore the data at https://tinyurl.com/c9jurtm8

Lost for words – improving access to healthcare for ethnic minority communities
Healthwatch England’s latest research shows that people who speak little or no English struggle at all points of their healthcare journey. These are often some of the most vulnerable in our society, for example, refugees and asylum seekers.

NHS England created the Accessible Information Standard in 2016. This makes it mandatory for all health and social care providers to provide information in accessible formats, such as in British Sign Language or easy read. However, the standard doesn’t apply to people who cannot speak English and plans to address the challenges they face in accessing healthcare information and communication support are unclear.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/HWElostforwords

Oral Health Foundation dental helpline
This charity has a dental helpline providing free and impartial advice on a range of topics, such as dental terms and treatment procedures, oral hygiene, current legislation and regulations, dental charges and complaints procedures.

Find out more at www.dentalhealth.org/dental-helpline

What services does NEAS provide?
The North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) has created a range of videos to inform you about its services and how and when to use them.

Find out more at https://bit.ly/3q2MVsS

About this newsletter
You can find copies of all our recent newsletters at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/resources

If you need this newsletter in another format please get in touch by emailing info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or calling Freephone 0808 178 9282.

04 Apr

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in April 2022

Please see the flyers for location details & other information

Middlesbrough:  Tuesday 5th April from 6 – 8pm

Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham

Middlesbrough TS8 OTF

Download the Middlesbrough flyer here

Durham : Thursday 14th April from 6-9pm

Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street

Durham City DH1 4BG

Download the Durham flyer here

South Shields Thursday 21st April from 6-9pm

Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street,

South Shields. NE33 2QU

Download the South Shields flyer here

Newcastle Thursday 28th April from 6-9pm

Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square

Newcastle NE1 6UF

Download the Newcastle flyer here

Please display the flyers to let other kindred spirits know about our meetings

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




01 Apr

Healthwatch North Tyneside eNews – March 2022

Read our latest report on the key issues of dentistry in North Tyneside and get an early glimpse of the new edition of Living Well North Tyneside magazine before it hits your doormat. And there’s still time to tell us what matters to you in our Annual Survey.

Healthwatch news

Key issues with dentistry in North Tyneside

Throughout the pandemic we heard that people were having trouble accessing dental care in North Tyneside and the wider region. We spoke to 235 people in North Tyneside about their experiences of dental care since the pandemic began; and talked to dental practices to get an understanding of the situation. Read our findings and recommendations for dental care in North Tyneside in our latest report.

Read our report on dentistry

Living Well North Tyneside Magazine

Living Well North Tyneside. Healthwatch North Tyneside led on the production of the magazine, which will be delivered to all homes in North Tyneside throughout March. 
The magazine is packed full of information and advice about local health and care services and how to keep yourself and your family healthy. 
If you would like to read it online download it on our website here

Qnload Living Well North Tyneside magazine

Out and about in North Tyneside

Our Healthwatch team of wonderful volunteers have been out and about meeting people at libraries and visiting community groups across North Tyneside. 
Keep up to date with our upcoming engagements by following us on Facebook @HealthwatchNT. If you’d like Healthwatch to give a talk at one of your group events then get in touch with Amanda by emailing a.graydon@hwnt.co.uk

You said, we did!

Ms B was struggling to find a new NHS dentist close to home, having been removed from her dentist’s patient list, so she called Healthwatch North Tyneside for advice. From our dental research we were aware of a dentist taking on new NHS patients located a short distance from her home.

We put her in touch and provided her with information on the registration process. She was able to register with the new dentist and thanked Healthwatch for our support.
If you would like some advice or information, or would like to share feedback about a health or social care service you have used, please get in touch on 0191 263 5321 or email info@hwnt.co.uk

Welcome to our new trustee Carol Nevison

Carol has joined Heathwatch after retiring from 30 years’ service in the voluntary sector in roles including Assistant Programme Director at Save the Children and Engagement Manager at MacMillan Cancer Support. She has worked to deliver services for children living in poverty, older people experiencing loneliness and social isolation and more recently people having lived experience of cancer. Carol is particularly passionate about volunteering and how it helps both services and individuals.

Latest news and reports from Healthwatch England

Healthwatch England Annual Report

With your help Healthwatch England has supported over 2 million people tell their story or get the advice they need. Your feedback has helped Healthwatch shine a light on:

  • Making leaving hospital safer
  • Access to NHS Dentistry
  • Improvements to patient transport
  • COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation for carers 

Download the Healthwatch England Annual Report

Congratulations to our two prize draw winners: Rob from Wallsend, the winner of our Dentistry survey prize draw; and Mr Banyham from Forest Hall, the winner of of Pharmacy survey prize draw. Both win £50 Love2Shop vouchers.

Have your say

Have your say in our current surveys and help make a difference to health and care in North Tyneside.

Tell us what matters to you

We’ve been delighted by the response so far to our annual survey and have therefore decided to extend the closing date to 28 April, to give more people the opportunity to share their views.

This is the chance for you to say thank you to the services you’ve used and/or to tell us what you think could be improved. Share your views for a chance of winning a £50 Love2Shop voucher.

Have your say in our annual survey

Share your experience of a health or care service

Have you or a friend or relative recently used a health or care service in North Tyneside and would like to share your experience?

The Healthwatch Feedback Centre is an online directory that helps people to gather health and care information, post reviews and opinions of local services.

You can leave a thank you for the care received or suggestions for improvements.

Search for a service and leave your feedback and a star rating

COVID- 19 vaccination update

Spring booster:
From March, a spring booster is being offered to people aged 75+ and over 12s who have a weakened immune system (immunosuppressed). 

People are advised to wait 6 months since their previous dose to get maximum protection from a spring booster. You’ll usually be contacted by the NHS, inviting you to book when it’s due. Book an appointment using the National Booking Service, telephone 119 or wait to be contacted by the NHS.

1st, 2nd and booster doses:

Young people aged 12-15 can get their first and second doses. If you missed the school immunisation programme, then make an appointment with the National Booking Service.

People aged 16+ can book 1st, 2nd and booster doses through the NHS National Booking Service or visit a walk-in clinic. 

Children aged 5-11 who are clinically at risk or living with someone immunosuppressed, can receive 1st and 2nd doses at selected GP practices and clinics by invitation. This group will be contacted by their GP. 

The programme for all 5-11 years olds will be launching shortly.

Anyone who has had a positive Covid test will need to wait before getting any dose of the vaccine. You need to:

  • wait 4 weeks (28 days) if you’re aged 18 years old or over
  • wait 12 weeks (84 days) if you’re aged under 18
  • wait 4 weeks (28 days) if you’re aged 5 to 17 years old and at high risk from Covid.

You can book, cancel or change a Covid-19 vaccine online via the National Booking Service, or by phoning 119 or attend a walk-in clinic. 

How to get your Covid pass here.

The law requiring vaccination to work in a care home ended on 15 March but it is still good practice to get vaccinated.

Read the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccination programme in North Tyneside

Useful information and opportunities

Children’s Heart Unit Consultation

Newcastle Hospitals was awarded £41.7m by the Prime Minister in 2018 to provide a new Children’s Heart Unit for the region. The proposed building will be next to, and part of, the Great North Children’s Hospital, bringing highly specialised children’s services together on one site. 

Patients, families, staff, stakeholders, and neighbours are invited to share their comments on the planning proposals for the new building before Monday 11 April 2022

Book your breast screening appointment in North Tyneside

On average, 70% of invited women attend breast screening appointments, but in North Shields, less than 50% of those invited have booked their appointment.
Breast cancer treatment is most effective when found and diagnosed early so don’t delay screening. If your screening is due book an appointment for the North Tyneside screening unit at Rake Lane, North Shields, on 0191 282 0202 or online here

Help plan North Tyneside’s digital future

Have you completed your Digital Survey?  Northumbria University, Newcastle University and North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are working together on behalf of local partners to help gather information on how people in North Tyneside access and use digital technology. The survey also wants to understand why people aren’t using the internet or digital devices. Your help is needed to plan how local services in North Tyneside can be delivered in the future.

Take part either by filling in the survey delivered by post or here: https://northumbria.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/resident-survey

If you know someone with no or limited access to digital technologies, please can you help them complete the survey or ask them to call the Community Healthcare Forum on 0191 257 8000 extension 4280.

This survey is a response to Healthwatch North Tyneside raising awareness of digital exclusion during the pandemic and the forming of a partnership to promote digital inclusion, including Healthwatch, North Tyneside Council, North Tyneside CCG, VODA, Citizens Advice North Tyneside, and Age UK North Tyneside.

Do you know the symptoms of a heart attack?

The early signs of a heart attack can vary – the most common symptoms includes squeezing across the chest and a feeling of unease. It’s never too early to call 999 and describe your symptoms.
Find out more ➡️ https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/heart-attack/

Sign up for local news direct to your inbox

North Tyneside Council has launched a digital version of Our North Tyneside. The monthly newsletter includes local news, events and opportunities for you to have your say. The council will continue to deliver the printed magazine to every North Tyneside household three times a year but if you would like to subscribe to the email newsletter, please opt in at my.northtyneside.gov.uk/newsletter

MMR survey for parents/carers of under 5s

If you are the parent/carer of a child aged 5 and under, The North East and North Cumbria NHS Public Health Programmes Team would really value your feedback about what would help you access the MMR vaccination for your child and whether the information available is helping you to make an informed decision. Share your views in their survey here.

Therapy Deep Dive Survey

The NHS in the North East and Yorkshire regions want to hear the views of parents, carers, children and young people about their experiences of Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

The Therapy Deep Dive is looking at how therapies are organised, delivered and commissioned to children, young people with SEND and their families. Share your views about therapy services and support in this anonymous survey here

Become the`heartbeat of your local NHS

If you’re passionate about the NHS, then joining Northumbria Healthcare as a member will give you the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas about the way the Trust delivers care to over half a million people across Northumberland and North Tyneside. Find out more here.

Peer Pals

Peer Pals is a newly developed service run by volunteers in the community who have lived experience of health conditions and are matched with people with similar health conditions. They are currently looking for volunteers who have lived experience in:

  • Musculoskeletal or Chronic pain conditions
  • Weight Management
  • Quitting smoking
  • Cardiac conditions.

For more information contact Niki Marshall (details below).


Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Living Well North Tyneside website for the latest trusted information on services, activities, events and people to support you locally.

Visit the website at www.livingwellnorthtyneside.co.uk


Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may find it useful and they can sign up here to receive their own copy. If you’d like an article included in a future eNews, please email l.johnson@hwnt.co.uk.

Follow us on social media for the latest local health and care news and information.