02 Nov

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in November 2021

Middlesbrough (Tuesday 2nd  Nov) Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 OTF

Durham (Thursday 11th Nov) Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street, Durham City DH1 4BG

South Shields (Thursday 18th ) Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street. NE33 2QU

Samhain greetings to you all!

Middlesbrough Tuesday 2nd November (6-8)

Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham TS8 OTF
Thanks to Gordon Williams*, one of our long term allies in
Middlesbrough, we will joining in with his new Neuro Key meetings at a new venue in Coulby Newham on the first Tuesday of every month! This gives us a fantastic opportunity to discuss the interrelationships between AD/HD and all the other neurodiverse comorbid conditions that can occur, including ADHD, ASD, PTSD, Brain injury, FASD, Tourett’s etc

The venue is great and there’s a big free car park. As usual, everyone is welcome who has an interest in ADHD etc, including carers, family members, professionals working in the field etc. For further information about the venue, or Neuro key, an alliance supporting people with neurological conditions (established by Gordon) email neurologicallychallenged@hotmail.com

facebook page @NeurokeyTVDNY And please check out Gordon’s amazing blog


Download the Middlesbrough flyer here

Durham: Thursday 11th November  (6-9)

Thanks to our lovely friends at Waddy we will be having our support group meetings back in the heart of Durham City!  Venue: Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street, Durham City DH1 4BG.

Download the Durham flyer here.

South Shields: Thursday 18th November (6-9pm)

Venue: Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / corner of Anderson Street, South Shields NE33 2QU. Thanks once again to Age Concern for their invaluable support.

Download the South Shields flyer here.

We look forward to seeing everybody who can make it along to any of our meetings.


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




26 Oct

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 19 October 2021

Volunteering can help save lives!

Volunteering with us can help develop skills, gain experience and make a difference. Volunteers play a vital role in helping people have their say on health and social care.

Raj Nair from Heaton is one of our volunteers. He’s a teacher with a passion for healthcare and previously worked for the NHS. He’s interested in health and sharing his knowledge and has a particular interest in strokes. Raj became an advocate after taking a speech language course and helps people who have had a stroke with their social justice rights.

Read more about Raj and stroke prevention at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/volunteering-lives

Out and about

Office Manager Beth and our new Administration Apprentice Nikki (pictured above) went along to Newcastle University last week. It was lovely to meet students at a freshers’ event and hear their views and concerns, including about mental wellbeing and sexual health.

If you’re a student and need support with your mental health you can text STUDENT to 85258. The Student Minds charity also provides support in other ways. Find out more at https://studentspace.org.uk

Read about sexual health services in Newcastle at www.newcastle-hospitals.nhs.uk/services/sexual-health

We’re here when you need us — just ask

Our confidential signposting and information service can help you find the answers you need. We have helped people with many queries from patient transport to hospital to finding social care support. We can also make referrals to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Independent Complaints Advocacy (ICA) on your behalf.

Get in touch
Our phone line is staffed during these hours:
Tuesday — 10am to 3pm
Wednesday — 10am to 3pm
Thursday — 1pm to 5pm

If you call outside these times please leave an answerphone message and we will get back to you. Call Freephone 0808 178 9282, text 07551 052 751 or go online at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/just-ask

Other news

Start breathing this Stoptober

In 2012 adults around 459,000 adults smoked in the North East. Now there are around 325,000 smokers – a fall of around 134,000.

Stoptober is back and is calling on smokers in England to join the 2.3 million others who have made a quit attempt with the campaign since it launched a decade ago. Quitting remaining one of the best things a smoker can do for their health and there’s lots of free support, including an online Personal Quit Plan.

Find out more at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/stoptober

New proposals for sexual health services to targeted groups in Newcastle
These prevention and support services are for vulnerable groups who may not seek mainstream sexual health provision. They’re delivered in a range of local setti“`ngs across the city including community centres, sports clubs, churches and schools. Newcastle City Council’s proposals are focussed on:

  • Hard to reach young people
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People at risk of sexual exploitation and/or sex workers
  • People living with HIV

Find out more about the proposals and take part in the consultation at www.letstalknewcastle.co.uk/consultations/info/348 (deadline is Monday 25 October).

Getting a COVID-19 vaccination without an NHS number
Did you know the COVID-19 vaccine is free to everyone in the UK? If you don’t have an NHS number or aren’t registered with a GP you’re still entitled to a free vaccination.

You can have vaccinations at walk in centres and pop-ups, or book appointments as an unregistered patient through a local GP practice.

Find out more (available in more than 20 languages) at www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-information-for-people-without-an-nhs-number

National COVID Cancer Survey — participants needed
The National COVID Cancer Survey is evaluating antibody tests in people with cancer.

It is not clear what antibody levels are helpful and protective against future COVID-19 infection. This means that at an individual level, there is currently uncertainty about the exact meaning of the results.

If you live in England and have been diagnosed with cancer in the last year or are having cancer treatment you can participate (it’s a finger prick blood test).

Find out more at https://covidcancersurvey.uk

The Little Orange Book
The Little Orange Book helps parents of under-fives in Newcastle with practical information about common childhood conditions. A new 2021 version has been launched, with even more helpful advice for parents and carers of babies and young children. The Little Orange Book provides up-to-date health advice and includes new sections on topics such as COVID-19.

Download the Little Orange Book at https://newcastlegatesheadccg.nhs.uk/your-health/children-and-young-people/little-orange-book

New mental health text support service
Newcastle United Foundation has launcheda a free 24/7 mental health text line for anyone struggling to cope — whether dealing with anxiety and loneliness, to issues around self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

Text ‘BAG’ to 85258 on any day at any time to be put in contact with a trained volunteer or clinical supervisor. Texts are completely free, anonymous and do not appear on phone bills.

Read more at https://tinyurl.com/dysw4c7x

How can your pharmacy help you?
Did you know that pharmacies provide advice and information on minor illnesses and ailments?

Find out more at www.healthwatch.co.uk/advice-and-information/2019-01-15/should-i-see-pharmacist-instead-doctor

What should I expect after being referred for mental health support?
Your mental wellness is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting.

Read what to expect when you seek support for your mental health at https://tinyurl.com/rfn84bcp

About this newsletter
You can find copies of all our recent newsletters at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/resources

If you need this newsletter in another format please get in touch by emailing info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or phoning Freephone 0808 178 9282.

15 Oct

Hate Crime Advocacy Service

We are delighted that the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner is continuing to fund our vital Hate Crime Advocacy Service. The service can support anyone who has experienced hate crime or been targeted because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity and lives in Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, North or South Tyneside, or Northumberland.

Find out more

15 Oct

Peer Research on Mental Health in Our Communities – New report from Connected Voice Haref

We’re pleased to share the findings from our recent peer research project on mental health in ethnically minoritised communities. Our peer research project was commissioned by Newcastle Healthy Futures. Connected Voice Haref coordinated the project while Fulfilling Lives Newcastle Gateshead provided peer research training. Four organisations (Rainbow Home. First Step, Riverside Community Health Project, West End Friends) provided members of staff and peer researchers to design and implement the research. This project was started after almost a year of living with the pandemic. Although the overall research does not focus specifically on the pandemic’s effects on mental health, COVID-19 has had a significant impact, and its presence is notable in some questions and in the results.

The peer research team was involved in all aspects of the project, from designing questions, developing methods, collecting responses, and analysing the data. The team decided to focus on: ‘Experiences and thoughts of mental health’ as the overall theme of the research along with questions related to:

  • Stigma
  • Perception  and knowledge of services
  • Recommendations on improving services

Find out more and read the full report

15 Oct

Stroke Awareness Session – 2 November 2021

Thursday 2 November, 10am to 11.15am online
The North Tyneside Carers Centre is hosting an online Stroke Awareness course with the Stroke Association for carers who live or care for someone in North Tyneside. The informal session will focus on: What is a stroke? / FAST test / The impact of a stroke / Stroke prevention. To book email training@ntcarers.co.uk or call 0191 643 2298.

14 Oct

Managing Mindfulness and Wellness – 18 October 2021

Monday 18 October 10am to 12pm at the Linskill Centre
During this free in-person Sector Connector session Phil Waugh will explore how we can help staff and volunteers with their wellbeing using ‘smugness-free’ and ‘jargon-free’ mindfulness techniques. In promoting wellness, we will look at using positive psychology and mixing ‘hippy’ with science – remembering that it is important to keep what works and bin what doesn’t. No prior mindfulness experience is needed and scepticism is welcomed. Book here

14 Oct

Latest volunteering opportunities in North Tyneside

Read our latest volunteering round-up. for North Tyneside. New roles added this week include:

Meadow Well Connected is looking for a Kids Club Volunteer for their Connected Kids Club, an affordable after school club which runs from Monday to Thursday during term times from 3.00pm – 6.00pm and during school holidays from 10am to 4.00pm. They provide a walking train picking up children from the local primary schools. They are also on the lookout for an ICT volunteer and a Reception volunteer.

Veterans at Ease seeks a Volunteer Shop Assistant to help the Shop Manager or Assistant Shop Manager to stock the shop with the donated goods, keep the shop floor tidy and serve customers.

Parents And Communities Together (PACT) Mumspace is a unique group which offers mums the space to have a weekly workshop whilst children/babies are looked after by volunteers. They need Children’s Playworker Volunteers while to oversee children playing while mums are participating in the workshops for half an hour.

Independent Age is recruiting for Lived Experience Advisory Panel Volunteers to be part of a group that will share your views and lived experiences as an older person to help develop their Policy and Campaigning work and to make a positive change for people in later life. They are also recruiting Community Volunteers who will support and work with an older person to help them achieve their desired goals.

Whitely Bay Young People’s Centre requires 2 experienced Youth Work Support Volunteers to support the development of their youth committee. This takes place on a monthly basis at the youth centre and they will be working with the community development worker and the Chair.

Beach Access North East is recruiting a mechanic or engineering volunteer who can help them to design, create, develop or modify equipment so the beach is more accessible for wheelchair users. They also need volunteers to support the loan of access equipment by appointment. Based at Whitley Bay or Blyth and a Marketing & PR volunteer.

13 Oct

The Living Well North Tyneside platform is now LIVE!

Living Well North Tyneside is now live!

The Living Well North Tyneside platform is now live – www.livingwellnorthtyneside.co.uk – providing the residents of North Tyneside with trusted information and resources on local services, activities and events available to them to help us all live well.

If you provide services, events or activities in North Tyneside around health, wellbeing, social care or are community organisation and you would like to be listed on the site, please email hello@livingwellnorthtyneside.co.uk

Please share this information with your staff, service users and employees, so that they can access health, wellbeing, social care and community organisations to help them to live well. You can also follow Living Well North Tyneside on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for the latest updates.

11 Oct

Kooth – free service for young people to use to support their mental health

Young People need a safe and welcoming space to explore their mental health needs. For the past 15 years Kooth has been the UK’s leading provider to the NHS in effective online mental health support.1 in 5 children and young people suffer from mental health illness in any given year. At Kooth, we believe every young person has the right to thrive and to access high quality mental health care.

Kooth.com is commissioned by the NHS, Local Authorities, charities and businesses to provide anonymous and personalised mental health support for Children and Young People. With over 4000 logins per day, we provide end to end support whatever the need. Kooth is an anonymous site which helps children and young people to feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support. Kooth.com is an online application removing the need for Apple/Android accounts, data requirements and the stigma of mental health apps on your devices.

Kind Regards,


Jaskaran Soomal  (She/Hers)

Kooth Engagement Lead


2 Eastbourne Terrace,
London. W2 6LG

+44 (0)7777 777777
