08 Oct

Adult AD/HD Groups North East Support Groups North East UK – October 2021 Meetings

Middlesbrough (Tuesday 5th October) Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 OTF [new venue]

Durham (Thursday 14th October) Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street, Durham City DH1 4BG

South Shields (Tuesday 21st October) Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street. NE33 2QU

Middlesbrough Tuesday 5th

Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham TS8 OTF
Thanks to Gordon Williams*, one of our long term allies in Middlesbrough, we will joining in with his new Neuro Key meetings at a new venue in Coulby Newham on the first Tuesday of every month! This gives us a fantastic opportunity to discuss the interrelationships between AD/HD and all the other neurodiverse comorbid conditions that can occur, including ADHD, ASD, PTSD, Brain injury, FASD, Tourett’s etc

The venue sounds great and there’s a big free car park. As usual, everyone is welcome who has an interest in ADHD etc, including carers, family members, professionals working in the field etc. For further information about the venue, or Neuro key, an alliance supporting people with neurological conditions (established by Gordon) email neurologicallychallenged@hotmail.com

facebook page @NeurokeyTVDNY And please check out Gordon’s amazing blog

Hiding Neurodiversity in plain sight: A lifetime of Masking, Suppressing and Acting.

Download Middlesbrough flyer here


Durham: Thursday 14th October  (6-9)

Thanks to our lovely friends at Waddy we will be having our support group meetings back in the heart of Durham City!  Venue: Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street, Durham City DH1 4BG

Download Durham flyer here

South Shields: Thursday 21st October (6-9pm)

Venue: Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / corner of Anderson Street, South Shields NE33 2QU. Thanks once again to Age Concern for their invaluable support.

Download South Shields flyer here

We always look forward to seeing everybody who can make it along to any of our meetings.


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




04 Oct

Mind Mail: Money and Mental Health

Money is a tough subject

Talking or speaking about money problems can be difficult and uncomfortable, and it can cause many of us to feel embarrassed or ashamed.

`This shouldn’t be the case. Having money problems isn’t something to be ashamed about. So many of us deal with them. This has only been heightened in the last eighteen months, where lots of people have faced new or worsened financial difficulty.

Poor mental health can make earning and managing money harder. And worrying about money can make your mental health worse. It can start to feel like a vicious cycle.

We don’t want it to be this way. It doesn’t have to be this way.

“I get so anxious and embarrassed about money that I have cut off friends and family so that they don’t know the truth. This just makes me go deeper into my black hole.”


Investing in Mental Health

Here at Mind, we’ve launched our Investing in Mental Health programme, which aims to support people with mental health problems who are also facing money worries, particularly during the pandemic.

This work is key to our new strategy and strategic priorities, one of which is fighting for people in poverty.

We can often feel overwhelmed when talking about money and mental health problems, but you’re not alone. 

Let’s tackle them both, together.

Find Information and Support

P.S – We’re gearing up for World Mental Health Day on 10th October. You can find out what we are doing this year on our website.

Take care,

Candy at Mind

Need support in your area?

Call the Mind Infoline

0300 123 3393

01 Oct

Make Every Contact Count Mental Health Training

Book your space on the Make Every Contact Count for Mental Health Training course. The MECC MH training is split into 3 sections across 2 days (must be able to attend all 3 sessions)

  • Session 1 – Introduction to MECC – Thursday 7 October 1pm-3:30pm
  • Session 2 – Knowledge and Skills – Friday 8 October – 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Session 3 – Signposting & Pathways – Friday 8 October –  1pm-3:30pm

Training will cover

  • What is meant be mental health, mental wellbeing and mental illness?
  • What is MECC and defining the MECC approach?
  • Develop skills and confidence to engage with individuals about their mental health and wellbeing
  • Develop skills to support service users distressing feelings and experience
  • Develop awareness of local support services
  • Develop confidence to understand and implement appropriate signposting pathwaysSessions will be delivered via Microsoft teams. Places are limited so to book a place or for further information please contact matty.starforth@newcastle.gov.uk
01 Oct

Newcastle United Foundation launches free mental health text support service

The new service was launched on World Suicide Prevention day on 10 September. It’s a 24/7 mental health textline for anyone struggling to cope – whether they are dealing with anxiety and loneliness, to issues around self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

Supporters visiting the St. James’ Park stadium can expect to be handed pocket-size business cards from the Foundation detailing signposts to the free offer of support. By texting ‘BAGC’ to 85258 at any day at any time, textline users will be put in contact with a trained volunteer or clinical supervisor. Texts are completely free, anonymous and do not appear on phone bills.

26 Sep

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 21 September 2021

Domestic abuse in Newcastle

Domestic abuse has a huge impact on families across Newcastle and there are concerns about the short- and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 introduced several changes to legislation, including that a child who sees, hears or experiences the effects of domestic abuse, and is related to the person being abused or the perpetrator, should also be regarded as a victim of domestic abuse.

We are currently focussing on local service provision for children and young people affected by domestic abuse. Keep your eyes peeled for our report, which will be published later in the autumn.

Read about the Domestic Abuse Act at https://tinyurl.com/d8nf749p


What works and what you would like to see improve?

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete our survey — there’s still time to give us your feedback if you haven’t already done so.

Have you used local health or social care services recently? What works and what you would like to see improve?

Share your views and experiences in our survey at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/hw-have-your-say (by Monday 4 October).

If you need a paper copy, or support to complete the survey over the phone, please email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or call Freephone 0808 178 9282.


Help make a difference – volunteer with us

We’d like to welcome Volunteer Coordinator Michelle and our new Young Volunteers, Iqra and Kieran, to Healthwatch Newcastle! Michelle has four children and feels that the pandemic has had the greatest impact on young people. She’s passionate that services need to support young people and make sure that their voices are heard.

We’d love to hear from more young people aged 14 to 25 who are interested in volunteering. You can help us with everything from running information stalls to carrying out face-to-face research. If you enjoy meeting people and listening to their stories and experiences please think about joining us.

Read more at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/new-young-volunteers


You said, we did: help accessing urgent care

Mr H recently moved to Newcastle seeking asylum. He contacted Healthwatch Newcastle because he wanted advice on what local services were available to him. He had attended his GP practice for problems with his eyes and was referred for a hospital consultation.

When he called us, Mr H had been waiting for three months for a hospital appointment. He needed urgent care and wanted to know where to go for help.  

We provided Mr H with details of the emergency eye department at the RVI. Happily, Mr H was then able to receive the emergency care he needed.

“Thanks for your answer and respect. I am glad to be able to get help now.”

Do you need free, independent and confidential information about local health and social care services? Just ask online at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/just-ask or call us on Freephone 0808 178 9282 (leave a message outside office hours).


What’s your experience of waiting times?

The NHS is working hard to get people the hospital treatment they need. But we know you might not be getting enough support to manage your health while you wait for care.

It can only get better if you tell us your experience of waiting, so we can work with the NHS to improve how they support people like you.

Share your story today in a short Healthwatch England survey at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/SQVSJO


Other news and events

The COVID-19 autumn and winter plan

Last week, the Health and Care Secretary announced the COVID-19 autumn and winter plan.

There’s an initial plan (Plan A) and a backup plan (Plan B) should it be needed. Key areas covered in Plan A include:

  • Building our defences, including offering booster doses to people at greater risk from COVID-19.
  • Identifying and isolating positive cases to limit transmission.
  • Supporting the NHS and social care services.
  • Advising people how to protect themselves and others.
  • Furthering the international approach to help vaccinate the world.

Consultation on city-centre plans
Newcastle City Council is consulting on proposed changes to some roads in the city centre, including planned closures to traffic and bus travel on Blackett Street, New Bridge Street West and the northern section of Pilgrim Street.

You can give your views online at https://tinyurl.com/2ppxmmf6 (consultation closes at midnight on Monday 11 October).

Consultations for older people and those with disabilities
The Elders Council is hosting an event for older people to find out more about the proposals and have their say. It takes place on Tuesday 5 October from 1.30pm to 3.30 pm at Newcastle Civic Centre. Book your place at https://tinyurl.com/2nft7a7y

Newcastle Disability Forum is hosting a meeting with council officials to explore the proposals. There are limited spaces available for this meeting, which is open to all with an interest in disability/disability issues, taking place on Wednesday 6 October at 2pm in the Civic Centre. Phone Alison Blackburn, Chair of the Forum, to book your place on 0191 274 1414.

Vaccinations for students
Being up to date with vaccinations is important for all of us but even more so for students starting university and college, who will be meeting, mixing and living with lots of new people.

Students are at more risk of certain infectious diseases including mumps, COVID-19, meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia. Make sure you’re up to date with your free vaccines.

Read more at www.ucas.com/connect/blogs/getting-back-together-vaccination-and-students

Participants needed for resuscitation study

A team of researchers from Newcastle and Manchester Universities are looking for participants for a study. Did your relative die in hospital during the pandemic? Did you talk about resuscitation or a DNACPR with a healthcare professional (DNACPR means Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)?

This research aims to understand the experiences of relatives/carers of people who died in hospital, where resuscitation/DNACPR was discussed. They would like to learn from you to improve discussions in the future. The deadline to take part in this study is the end of November 2021.

Find out more at www.opfpru.nihr.ac.uk/our-research/project-7

Let’s talk about dementia
It’s World Alzheimer’s Month and the theme is ‘Let’s talk about dementia’.
Do you or a loved one need support? The Alzheimer’s Society has a Dementia Connect support line. You can get personalised information, support and advice by calling 0333 150 3456.

Find out more at www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line

Know someone with dementia at risk of going missing?
People with dementia can sometimes start to wander. This might only be in to the garden or street for a short time, but sometimes people get lost and go missing.

Carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves, can complete a Herbert Protocol form in advance, containing information to help the police if the person goes missing.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/3emwj6ej

Employability support in Tyne and Wear
Moving On Tyne & Wear is a local employability programme. It helps people in Tyne and Wear who are unemployed and have a health barrier, disability, additional learning need or autism get into employment, training or volunteering. If you live in Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, North Tyneside or South Tyneside you could be eligible for free one-to-one employment support.

Find out more at www.motw.org.uk or phone 0191 217 3206.

What can pharmacists learn from people’s experiences of services?
Both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, people have generally felt satisfied with pharmacies. But there are still some areas for improvement, including raising awareness of the different services they provide.

Healthwatch England has written about their findings on using pharmacies during the pandemic and how professionals can use the insight to improve the support they offer.

Read more at https://tinyurl.com/2bws82rk

What to expect when waiting for care
Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/cdzntctj

This newsletter in other formats
We’re not currently printing paper copies of this newsletter. If you would like a version you can print out yourself you can find copies of all our recent newsletters at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/resources

If you need this newsletter in another format please get in touch by emailing info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or phoning Freephone 0808 178 9282.

10 Sep

Connected Voice Magazine – Autumn 2021


In our Autumn edition, we focus on mental health as we talk to different voluntary and community organisations about how their staff, beneficiaries and volunteers have been affected by mental health and COVID-19 restrictions, how their services have been adapted and what they are doing to support people around mental health. We also hear from our own Connected Voice teams about our new mental health peer research findings, changes around mental health legislation and share some tips around funding mental health projects.

Connected Voice – Autumn 2021

09 Sep

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings – September/October 2021

Hi folks,

Apologies for the delay but it was worth it! (see #2 below)

(1) South Shields: Thursday 16th SEPTEMBER (6-9pm)

Venue: Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / corner of Anderson Street, South Shields NE33 2QU. Thanks once again to Age Concern for their invaluable support. Download a PDF reminder flyer for this meeting here.

We look forward to seeing everybody who can make it along.


(2) I’m delighted to announce that coming up in October, we will also be in Middlesbrough and Durham:-       

  • Middlesbrough – Coulby Newham- Tuesday 5th Oct (Thanks to Gordon*)
  • Durham – Waddington Street Centre Thursday 15th Oct (Thanks to Ali et al)      
  • South Shields Age Concern – Thursday 22nd Oct (Thanks, as always to Grahame)

* Thanks to Gordon Williams, one of our long term allies in Middlesbrough, we will now be able to join in with his brand new Neuro Key meetings in Coulby Newham on the first Tuesday of every month! This gives us a fantastic opportunity to fully explore all  Neurodiverse conditions. Please check out Gordon’s latest blog post

Hiding neurodiversity in plain sight a lifetime of masking suppressing and acting

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




06 Sep

Befriending & Telephone Befriending for Age UK North Tyneside

Do you know someone who would enjoy some extra company? Loneliness can affect people in very different ways and even if an older person has family and friends, they may still have times when they may feel lonely or are in need of friendship. Age UK North Tyneside’s befriending services offer older people a chance to share their stories, make a new friend and connect with someone outside their usual social circle. Befriending volunteers offer supportive, reliable friendships to people who would otherwise be socially isolated. Befriending volunteers are empathetic and good at talking and listening. Befriending is fun, safe and easy. Lots of people say these chats are the highlight of their week. Call 0191 2808484 Option 0. If you are interested in volunteering call 0191 2877011 to express an interest.

06 Sep

Volunteering Update: Latest volunteering opportunities in North Tyneside

Latest volunteering opportunities in North Tyneside

Read our latest volunteering round-up. for North Tyneside. New roles added this week include:

Independent Age needs a Community Volunteer who will support and work with an older person to help them achieve their desired goals.

Fighting All Cancers Together (FACT) NT needs a number of Charity Shop Assistants for their Whitley Bay store.

Mind Matters is looking for Retail assistants to help with all aspects of retail, including steaming, using the till, merchandising, back of house, tidying and or ticketing stock.

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is recruiting a Training Assistant Volunteer to provide support to the Training Officer to deliver the programme of training and information sessions.

Families 1st 4 Additional needs has various roles available, including Administration, Social Media, Stock and Food Distribution

LD:NorthEast is looking for a volunteer that has a love of art to run art sessions for them. Have you time to spare and a hobby to share? Get in touch: info@ldne.org.uk

26 Aug

FREE employability support

Are you unemployed? Have you recently been made redundant?

You can join the Making a Difference programme through a National Careers Service Adviser, Job Centre Plus Adviser, a charity or by contacting us directly.

You must be aged 18+ unemployed and resident in the Coast to Capital LEP region or North East LEP region in order to join us on the programme.

Towns and cities covered in the North East LEP region include Alnwick, Barnard Castle, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Bishop Auckland, Durham, Gateshead, Hexham, Newcastle, North Shields, Peterlee, Sedgefield, South Shields, Sunderland and Whitley Bay.

The Making a Difference North of Tyne Team is here to support you on your employability journey. If you would like to make a referral you can email mades.ne@educationdevelopmenttrust.com

Joanne Berresford is the Employer Engagement Manager for the new ‘Making a Difference’ employability project in the North East. She specifically looks after the North of Tyne area.

Download an e-flyer here, which gives a little more information about your friendly, local team, but there is also a link to their main website, which describes the larger project across the whole North-East area.

Joanne Berresford

Employer Engagement Manager

ESF Making a Difference North East

Mobile: 07918550756

Email: jberresford@educationdevelopmenttrust.com
