06 Jul

Offer of short creative courses at NTAS ll for Wallsend community groups and volunteers

We are offering short creative courses at NTAS ll for community groups and volunteers.  These courses would only be open to the members of that particular community group.  We are looking at 8-10 people to come to each group. The sessions would run over the course of 3 weeks.

The groups will take place in the Wallsend Shopping Forum in the unit opposite Greggs. It is a huge space with lots of space for social distancing and hand sanitizer stations and a thorough risk assessment has been put in place.

Tuesday morning 10:00-12:00 would be a good time to run the closed groups.

I was thinking of activities like making cards using marbling, mono printing, watercolour and collage.

Lucie Henderson

(NTAS ll Project Manager)


06 Jul

Mind Mail: Easing out of lockdown with social anxiety

The last year has been strange and unsettling, and we know that the changing milestones regarding restrictions have been difficult and frustrating for many of us to navigate.

However, easing restrictions may come with new challenges and lead to conflicting feelings. We’ve heard from many of you that while you feel relieved to see things opening up and having more access to loved ones, you feel anxious at the same time, and wary of the continued changing guidelines.

One person who feels this way is Annabel, who is navigating easing restrictions with social anxiety. Annabel blogged about the challenge of returning to normality after the comfort of being able to isolate during the pandemic.

Read Annabel’s story


You may find our information on managing difficult feelings about lockdown helpful. Remember to be kind to yourself and take things at your own pace.


“Don’t force yourself to have to start again immediately”


Read Annabel’s blog

05 Jul

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meeting – 15 July 2021

Hi Folks:

I’d like to let you know about our July meeting, in South Tyneside:-

South Shields: Thursday 15th JULY (6-9pm)

Venue: Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / corner of Anderson Street, South Shields NE33 2QU. Thanks once again to Age Concern for their invaluable support. Download the PDF flyer for this meeting here.

Our other meetings across the region should start again in September. We will let you know as soon as things are fully confirmed via email and on the website.

If there are any amendments or additions to our email contact list, please let me know.

We look forward to see everybody who can make it!

best wishes


Bill Scott

Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East

07856212564 / 0191 496 7467 (office)

02 Jul

Acorns Live! A Special Charity Event at The Exchange – 7 August 2021

Saturday 7 August, 7pm to 10.30pm
Acorns Project is hoping to raise funds to cover the costs of their summer programme of family activities and music therapy sessions by holding a night of live bands and merriment with the support of two amazing local groups: Almost Recognisable and Camp Vamps, who have a huge female following!

Acorns is a local charity based in North Shields, which works with families affected by domestic abuse, offering a range of recovery and support services including music, art and play therapy, counselling, practical help and support and also outreach work in the community. Book your tickets here

25 Jun

New Dementia Meeting Centre at Howdon Community Hub opens

Age UK North Tyneside has launched the first North East Dementia Meeting centre at the Family Gateway’s Howdon Hub. Life-changing centres where people living with Dementia and their families can receive vital support are set to appear in the North East for the first time. These life-changing centres provide a place for people living with Dementia and their families to receive vital support. The first meeting will be held on July 8th. For more information, please call 0191 209 0092.

25 Jun

Be an Age UK North Tyneside Befriender

Find out more about becoming a befriender with Age UK North Tyneside in this lovely video featuring Befriending Co-ordinator Beverley Swan. They are also recruiting for a number of other volunteer roles. Click the links to find out more.

25 Jun

Identifying and Supporting Carers Zoom Session – 14 July 2021

Wednesday 14 July 10am to 11.30am via Zoom
The session, delivered by North Tyneside Carers Centre, is aimed at anyone working or volunteering in the local voluntary sector and will enable you to:

  • Identify who is a carer
  • Deepen your understanding of the impact of caring
  • Have a better understanding of carers’ needs and how you could effectively support them in their caring role
  • Find out how the Carers’ Centre can help you to support carers (whether they are clients, employees or volunteers in your organisation)

Book your free place here

25 Jun

North Tyneside vaccination centres: volunteers urgently needed

Vaccination centre volunteers urgently needed

Do you want to be part of the Covid-19 pandemic response in North Tyneside? Due to a number of volunteers returning to work, VODA is urgently recruiting for more volunteers to support the North Tyneside Covid Vaccination programme. Tasks will include greeting people, requesting people use hand sanitiser / wear face coverings on arrival and coordinating flow of people. Volunteer steward Kevin Dickinson shares his experiences of volunteering as a steward. If you are interested and would like to know more, you can sign up here.