08 Apr

Mental Health Matters (MHM) and JET launch an employment and wellbeing service to support Newcastle’s COVID-19 recovery

Mental Health Matters (MHM) has launched a two-year pilot project, in partnership with JET, to support residents in the West End of Newcastle to improve their mental health and wellbeing and access employment.

Pathways Employment & Wellbeing Newcastle is aimed at supporting the West End community’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The service offers bespoke support to those impacted directly by the virus or by the wider impacts, including those struggling with unemployment. Individuals accessing the service will be provided with support to develop strategies to improve their mental health and wellbeing and to secure or sustain employment.

Find out more

08 Apr

A year in lockdown to become an exhibition

The challenges of facing a year in lockdown for the North East LGBTQ+ community is to be the subject of an exhibition and a book. Throughout 2020 Northern Pride had been running its Life in Lockdown campaign, gathering the stories shared by its community with thanks to the support of games company, Ubisoft UK, which is one of the world’s leading video game companies.

If you would like to add your story to our exhibition and book, email info@npride.org.uk

08 Apr

Creative sessions – Finding your words


I’m excited to let you know we have a local writer, Elaine Cusack running some free workshops for us exploring words and creativity.  No prior experience is necessary, just an open mind.  People can attend as many or as few of the sessions as they wish or are able but spaces are limited so need to be booked.  The first three sessions will be held via Zoom, we hope to run a fourth and final session outdoors but this will be confirmed nearer the time.

These sessions are aimed at anyone who struggles with their mental health and is an opportunity to explore he everyday in a creative way.  Further details are in the poster attached, please contact me if you’d like further information or would like to book a place.

Download the poster here.

Many thanks,


Beth Allan (she/her)

User Development Worker

Launchpad, North Tyneside


I work three days a week, email is the best way to contact me.

We’re on Facebook and Twitter


29 Mar

Click and Connect

Hello all,

I would like to tell you about a social evening, “Click and Connect” we are hosting next month for people with mental health difficulties to get together to connect and make new friends.

A lack of social opportunities and increased feelings of loneliness have been identified as key challenges people have been facing and we hope this will be a useful space for people.

We will be meeting via Zoom, on Tuesday 20th April, 7-8pm where you can choose to join in a quiz, colouring in and doodling or a general chat space.

Please contact me at launchpadnt@gmail.com if you’re interested and would like the Zoom link and/or further information.

Download the poster here.

Many thanks,


Beth Allan (she/her)

User Development Worker

Launchpad, North Tyneside


I work three days a week, email is the best way to contact me.

We’re on Facebook and Twitter


29 Mar

Free 6-week BSL program available for residents of Tyne & Wear

This new initiative from Signs4Life is to encourage more members of the public to take up sign language as an extra language and skill. Signs4Life is leading efforts towards a society in which people with disabilities have full access and are working to raise the public and political awareness of disability provision. This 6-week BSL program will be delivered by Zoom on Friday afternoons, starting after Easter. For more details please email Radiyya, community@signs4life.org marking your email as ‘Tyne’.

29 Mar

Good Neighbours buddy scheme relaunch

Having shielded from the COVID-19 virus for over a year, many local residents will have likely lost confidence, mobility and experience anxiety about the prospect of going outdoors. The Buddy Project aims to enable local residents to regain their confidence and independence through buddying roles. The project will also seek to address issues of loneliness and isolation by supporting local residents to become more connected to their local community. The Good Neighbours Buddy Project re-launches on  from 12 April and referrals can be made via First Contact Clinical, and Care and Connect. Read more here

27 Mar

Anthony Nolan Newcastle City Campaign

Anthony Nolan is the stem cell register charity saving the lives of people with blood cancer. They are running a virtual city campaign in Newcastle to recruit new potential lifesavers to their register and to raise awareness of their work. Their campaign is engaging with schools, universities, colleges, local businesses and sports clubs. There are already 23,000 amazing potential donors in the Newcastle Area, but they urgently need more people from minority ethnic backgrounds to sign up as stem cell donors.

Patients who are White Caucasian have a 71% chance of finding the best match from an unrelated donor. This drops to a 37% chance for patients from minority ethnic backgrounds. It is a priority to address this imbalance to give every patient the best chance of finding their match.

If you are aged between 16-30, join the Anthony Nolan stem cell register today to be ready to save the life of someone with blood cancer.

27 Mar

Safe Newcastle Domestic Abuse Directory

Refuge has reported a 60% increase in calls to their National Abuse Helpline since the start of 2020. 72% were from women who were experiencing violence and abuse. Respect, a charity that runs an advice line for male victims of domestic abuse, says it saw a 70% increase in calls, emails and webchats in 2020.

In Newcastle, there is a range of services to support adult survivors of domestic abuse, children and young people and anyone worried about their own behaviour towards someone in their family. Details of these, and the main national domestic abuse services, are listed in this directory