16 Mar

Marie Curie Newcastle Bereavement Support Service

Marie Curie Newcastle Bereavement Support Service is designed to meet the needs of bereaved people in the community who have lost someone due to COVID-19, or whose grief process has been impacted by COVID-19. Their aim is to offer emotional support and counselling, via 1:1 telephone and 1:1 virtual appointments via Microsoft Teams. If you require a referral form or any further information about the service, please contact Louise Bowen, COVID Bereavement Co-ordinator on 0191 219 1120 or 07754747982 or to complete a self-referral form or visit their website

03 Mar

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 26 February 2021

February 2021

Welcome to Healthwatch North Tyneside’s eNews. Please feel free to forward to anyone who may find it useful and they can sign up here to receive their own copy. If you’d like an article included in a future eNews, please email l.johnson@hwnt.co.uk

Our news

We’re launching two new surveys

In our latest survey we want to find out your experiences of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. We’re working with North Tynside CCG and TyneHealth to gather feedback. See our Have Your Say section for details and a link to the survey. Next month we’ll be asking you to share your views on Menopause support.

Look out for our next survey – Menopause

We’ll be asking women about their experiences of information and support in North Tyneside for menopause, perimenopause and post menopause. We also want to hear from the people who offer women support – families and partners, and from younger women about the information available to them.

The survey will be launched on 8 March to coincide with International Women’s Day #ChoosetoChallege.

Welcome to our new trustee Bea Grove-McDaniel

We’re delighted to welcome Bea Grove-McDaniel to Healthwatch North Tyneside’s board of trustees.  Bea is a teacher in further and higher education and has a strong interest in mental health and LGBTQ+ issues. She has been associated with Healthwatch since its inception and also with its predecessor organisation LINK. Previously she was national president of the Institute for Learning.

Clinical Research survey

Thank you to everyone who completed the clinical research survey that was carried out in partnership with other regional Healthwatch and the NHS. We had a great response from people in North Tyneside. The survey has now closed.

Have your say

Tell us your experience of getting the COVID-19 vaccine

In our new survey we’d like to hear about your experience of getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Setting up the vaccination programme has been a huge task for the NHS and its partners. Your feedback will be shared with them to understand what is working well and what could be done better.

Tell us your experience here


Are you waiting for treatment?

There has been national headlines about treatments being delayed and some local people have told us about their treatment being delayed by health and care service. We want to hear about your experiences of waiting for treatment and whether you feel you have been kept informed about what’s happening.

Tell us your experience here

Everyone who completes this survey will be entered into a prize draw to be in with a chance of winning £25 Love2Shop vouchers.


Tell us about your experience of getting prescriptions

We’d love to hear your experience of getting prescriptions in North Tyneside, including ordering prescriptions from your GP and getting the medication you need from a pharmacy.
Our website also has information about what local services are available.

Tell us your experience here

Everyone who completes this survey will be entered into a prize draw to be in with a chance of winning £25 Love2Shop vouchers.


Local news

An update on vaccinations in North Tyneside

In North Tyneside 50,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered to-date in GP-led local vaccination centres. These centres are delivered by four Primary Care Networks: North West, North Shields, Wallsend and Whitley Bay.

The local GP-led vaccination sites across North Tyneside are currently focusing on the clinically vulnerable from JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) Cohort 6.

This is because of the relationship between general practice and those with long term conditions and continuity of care. GPs are working together with secondary care colleagues in hospitals, across social care and the local authority, as well as with voluntary and community services in North Tyneside to ensure that all people in Priority Group 6 are contacted and invited for the vaccine in the coming weeks.

The national COVID-19 vaccination programme is focusing on residents aged 65 and above.  Letters are being sent inviting those eligible to book onto the national system, which includes locations such as Centre for Life in Newcastle and the Nightingale Hospital in Washington. If you would prefer to have your vaccination locally in North Tyneside, then please wait to be contacted by your GP. You will not be penalised if you do not act upon the national booking letter and prefer to wait for a local GP-led vaccination service.

You can find out more information about the vaccine programme here.

COVID-19 vaccine: North Tyneside GPs prioritise ALL adults with learning disabilities

The four NHS Primary Care Networks in North Tyneside, representing all local GP Practices in the borough and the North Tyneside CCG have announced that they are prioritising ALL adult patients with learning disabilities for COVID-19 vaccination, after fresh evidence showed that disabled patients are at much higher risk from the disease.

Read the full story on TyneHealth’s website

Support for people in North Tyneside who are affected by dementia

Age UK North Tyneside’s Admiral Nurse and Dementia Connections team provide a holistic package of expert practical, clinical and emotional support to people living with dementia, and their carers.

The Dementia Coordinators provide group and activity services for people with a low to moderate level of need. From singing groups to museum trips, their aim is to stimulate memories and social interactions. Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy training sessions are also available as well as support groups for the bereaved, those transitioning into care and for carers.   

To find out more, talk to their expert team. Call 0191 280 8484 Option 1 or email enquiries@ageuknorthtyneside.org.uk or visit the Age UK North Tyneside website

How Fit – Small steps to feeling good

People in Tyneside are already feeling the benefit of a new exercise programme launched in October 2020. Over 317,000 households across Gateshead, Newcastle and North Tyneside have had the HowFit (Home Wellbeing and Fitness) Plan instructional leaflet Small steps to feeling good delivered to their homes.

The Plan is designed to help people improve their fitness and health during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the booklet and the aid of a brand new website, HowFit encourages users of any ability, from chair-based to fairly fit, to undertake a plan of simple exercises that can be carried out at home without the need for any special equipment.

Age UK North Tyneside has been supporting the activity through a range of exercise programmes, which take place on Zoom and for those without internet access a free DVD is available. For further information about the programme telephone 0191 2808484 Option 0 or visit Age UK North Tyneside’s website.

Consultation on changes to the disabled person exemption at the Tyne Tunnels

Changes to the disabled person exemption are being proposed to implement the Tyne Pass barrier-less free flow scheme, which is anticipated to come into operation in December to reduce emissions and journey times. Find out more about the options being considered and share your views on the proposed changes, by completing the online survey before the closing date of 14 April 2021.

Useful information and opportunities

Do you know about NHS 111 BSL?

NHS 111 British Sign Language is a new service for deaf and hard of hearing impaired people to get help and advice. Users can video call a BSL interpreter from their computer, phone or tablet using the Interpreter Now app. It is open all day, everyday. 

The interpreter telephones an NHS 111 adviser and relays your conversation with them. The NHS 111 adviser will ask you questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best.

Where possible the NHS 111 team will book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to.

If NHS 111 advisers think you need an ambulance they will immediately arrange one for you.

Find out more on the InterpreterNow website.

Connection in the Community

VODA is working with local artist Alex Woolley to capture the feelings of connection during a global pandemic. Alex would like to speak with people with a range of experiences and from all walks of life.

If you would like to get involved, then you can either:

  1. Complete this short form by clicking here.
  2. Or get in touch with VODA via josie.robinson@voda.org.uk to arrange a chat with Alex.



How to keep your brain healthy – advice from Alzheimer’s Research UK

If you download the free brain health guide, you’ll:

  • Understand the causes of dementia
  • Learn how to spot the signs
  • See how the different parts of your brain make you who you are
  • Find out how to keep your brain healthy and reduce your risk of dementia
  • Get fun exercises to keep your mind active.

Find out more here

Vaccine Q&A from Diabetes UK

If you or anyone you know is diabetic and is worried about how safe the vaccine is for people with diabetes, check out this really useful Q&A video from Diabetes UK.


Kooth’s live forums

Kooth, the UK’s online mental wellbeing community for under 18s are holding a number of live forums in March:

Friday 5th March, LGBTQ+ History
Wednesday 10th March, Disability Awareness
Friday 19th March – Pursuing Happiness
Monday 22nd March – Spring’ing into Action
Wednesday 31st March – Social Takeover: Easter Fun

If you’d like to join the forums sign up to Kooth.com and create a free account. The service is free, safe and anonymous for any young person aged 11-25 in North Tyneside and provides emotional and mental wellbeing support via articles, discussion boards and online activities, as well as optional 1:1 counselling and support from qualified counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners, via an online text based chat and messaging service.

Information and advice from Healthwatch England

A survey of people’s beliefs about persistent musculoskeletal pain

Teesside University PhD student Nick Livadas is conducting a survey on people’s beliefs about persistent musculoskeletal pain. Musculoskeletal pain is typically related to pain experienced from the muscles, joints, spine, bones and/or nerves. The results of the survey will be shared with a  public health campaign called Flippin Pain. The current beliefs of the population may be useful to the Flippin Pain campaign team in designing effective public messaging.

Please note this survey is not a Healthwatch survey. For more information click here or contact Nick at n.livadas@tees.ac.uk

Follow us on social media for the latest local health and care news and information.






28 Feb

Free virtual fitness sessions for anyone 16+ in NE28/29 postcodes

In partnership with Family Gateway, Hannah from TyneMet NESA is delivering free virtual fitness sessions for anyone who lives in an NE28/29 postcode. The sessions are aimed at those who have barriers to exercising or are new to exercise… particularly the Anxious Buddies session on a Tuesday, that is for women only, who are struggling with anxiety, loneliness or a variety of mental and physical health conditions.

All sessions will be delivered on zoom and if anyone is interested. Email hannah.marshall@tynecoast.ac.uk or contact 07949083588 for more information.

Download flyer here.

28 Feb

AGE UK North Tyneside Information & Advice Service

Last year Age UK’s Information & Advice service achieved a total benefit gain of £1,778,026 for North Tyneside residents. They can help with:

  • Welfare benefits, pensions, tax and other financial matters
  • Housing and property
  • Health and Social Care matters
  • Leisure and social activities
  • Family and personal matters
  • Your rights and local services
  • And most other things that affect your quality of life

To access this service please contact Customer Service Team on 0191 2808484 or email customerservices@ageuknorthtyneside.org.uk

28 Feb

Connection in the Community

Alex Woolley is working with VODA on capturing the feelings of connection amidst a global pandemic. She is keen to speak to people from all walks of life on what connection means to them.

How has it changed since COVID 19 ?

Have connections improved in the community ?

What connections have they lost ?

If you, someone you know, or someone you’re working with would like to take part then.. you can either pop Alex a message, so she can arrange a time to catch up and chat through what connection means.

Or you may prefer to complete Alex’s online survey online.


Responses to the conversation will be used to inspire a piece of spoken word and a series of images curated by Alex.

The more people who take part, the more help this will be to Alex in creating something just as amazing as her last piece ‘voices behind the door’. 

Download flyer here.


Josie Robinson


26 Feb

Managing Mental Health and Stress – Free online course from FutureLearn

2 weeks, 3 hours per week

Supporting you to thrive at home during the coronavirus outbreak.

Our mental health is as important as our physical health, and it can fluctuate on a spectrum from good to poor. Work-related stress and mental health problems often go together and the symptoms can be very similar. In this course, you will have the opportunity to discuss the definitions of mental health and stress, and explore how to recognise the key signs.

The course focuses on the cost of mental health problems and workplace stress at both individual and organisational levels. We’ll also assess interventions to combat workplace stress and the value of performance coaching and its impact upon employee wellbeing.

Managing Mental Health and Stress

26 Feb

Northern Pride Festival moves online for 2021

North East festival-goers are invited to show their pride virtually this year, as one of the UK’s largest LGBTQ+ events moves online.

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, organisers of the Northern Pride Festival, sponsored by Barclays, have made the decision to postpone their physical event and UK Pride status until 22 – 24 July 2022.

But there are huge plans in place for a virtual celebration on 24 July 2021. You can also visit their Facebook page for updates.

23 Feb

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 16 February 2021

Making a difference — influencing at a national level

Thank you to everyone who took the time to tell us about their experiences of health and social care last year through our ‘Because we all care’ survey. For those who don’t know, this was a joint piece of work with Healthwatch England, local Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission.

One of the topics you raised was around access to dentists. People both locally and nationally said that some dentists prioritised private care or asked them to pay private fees if they wanted treatment. Sales of at-home dental kits went up by 87% in the last three months of 2020 compared with the previous year.

Sir Robert Francis QC, chair of Healthwatch England, said the coronavirus pandemic had “Exacerbated the human impact of years of structural issues in NHS dentistry and is now pushing it to crisis point.”

If you would like to read more about the dentistry issues people are facing, read the Guardian article at https://tinyurl.com/BWACdental


Setting our priorities

The past year saw so many changes for everyone. Here at Healthwatch Newcastle, we re-prioritised our work to make sure we support the efforts to share important messages and information with the public. We signpost people to get the help they need and support local communities by making befriending calls.

We also continue to collect feedback on people’s experiences of health and social care services and help people when things were not going the way they should.

It is now time to be thinking about the year ahead and what  our work priorities should be. We’ve already made a start and the staff team are looking at what we have heard over the past year.

We will be talking to members of the Committee and other partners soon too. Please look out for messages from us so that we can ensure that decisions on our health and social care priorities are based on what matters most to people in Newcastle.


Healthwatch Newcastle appoints a new Chair

We are delighted to welcome Peter Deans as the new Chair for Healthwatch Newcastle.
Peter brings a wealth of experience from a career spent working with and for charities, social enterprises and organisations that make a difference and contribute to a strong civil society. This experience and a passion for ensuring users’ views shape excellent services and influence policy make Peter an excellent choice.
Peter is looking forward to working with the Committee; listening, learning and ensuring that Healthwatch Newcastle continues to respond to the challenges we are all facing as a result of the pandemic and effectively planning for the future, keeping the experiences and involvement of local people at the heart of all we do.  

Peter says “Understanding the views and needs of local people is essential for effective services. Our health and social care sector has responded extremely well to the immediate challenges of the pandemic. The next stages and our recovery will bring fresh challenges. I am determined that Healthwatch Newcastle will help to make this work well for everyone.”


Healthwatch Newcastle’s response to the council’s budget proposals

Our Project Manager, Rachel Wilkins, has been focusing on the local authority budget consultation with our Chief Executive, Siobhan O’Neil. Newcastle City Council recently outlined its budget proposals in a medium-term plan for 2021—22 and 2022—23.

The Healthwatch Newcastle response to the budget proposals acknowledged the challenging financial position for Newcastle City Council and the impact COVID-19 has had on this. We emphasised our commitment to working together to support consultations going forward.

The importance of engagement and consultation was highlighted as part of any proposal to make changes. We raised concerns about how easy this may be currently, due to the restrictions in place as a result of COVID-19.

We also expressed concerns about the impact some proposals may have on unpaid carers and the importance of considering this for each one.

You can read our budget response at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/council-budget-response2021


Become a Healthwatch associate

Did you know that you can work with us on an associate basis? We sometimes need additional skills or to enhance our team to deliver particular pieces of work or research projects. If you have skills in engaging and involving local people and communities, project management or research we’re keen to hear from you.

Register via our website at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/work-with-us or email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk if you would like further information.


Other news

Research strategy for Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust aims to be at the forefront of health research and innovation internationally.
It is keen to get feedback from both patients and the public on five priority areas in its proposed strategy covering: patients, people, partnerships, pioneers and performance. The Trust will then produce a final research strategy document in the coming months.

The deadline for giving feedback via a questionnaire is Sunday 28 February.
Find out more and take the questionnaire at https://tinyurl.com/s44zrqqi

Mental Health Act reform — consultation
Have your say on the proposed changes to the Mental Health Act. The changes are based on four principles:

  • Choice and autonomy – ensuring patients’ views and choices are respected.
  • Least restriction – ensuring MHA powers are used in the least restrictive way.
  • Therapeutic benefit – ensuring patients are supported to get better and discharged as quickly as possible.
  • The person as an individual – ensuring patients are viewed and treated as individuals.

Following consultation, the government plans to draft a revised Mental Health Bill, which will be introduced when Parliamentary time allows.

Deadline to respond is Wednesday 21 April.

Find out more at www.gov.uk/government/consultations/reforming-the-mental-health-act

Free PPE for unpaid carers
Newcastle City Council can provide free Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for COVID-19 needs. This is for all unpaid carers providing care and support to a person they do not live with.

The council is working with Newcastle Carers to coordinate this. Carers needing PPE should contact Newcastle Carers on 0191 275 5060 to place an order. When it is ready you can collect it from the Adult Social Care reception, adjacent to the trampoline park on Westgate Road.

Wellbeing tips for carers
Newcastle Carers has put together a booklet called ‘Looking after you. This includes tips and suggestions from staff and carers about ideas, activities and ways for carers to look after their wellbeing.

Download the booklet at https://tinyurl.com/42b65gf2

Vaccine information for people from BAME communities

People from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities (particularly Black and South Asian ethnic groups) have been hardest hit by COVID-19 — they are also the least likely to take up a coronavirus vaccination. Newcastle Council is in the process of producing vaccine videos in community languages for local people. The first two are now available:

Why it’s important to take the vaccine (in Bengali), Dr Islam GP in Newcastle

Vaccine misinformation in Bengali, Rajib Basit

Further videos will be coming so please keep your eyes peeled.

For more useful links related to COVID-19 please visit our website at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/covid-19

Staying mentally well: winter plan 2020 to 2021
The Department of Health and Social Care has published plans to support people’s wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic this winter.

The plan sets out the support in place to help people stay well during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic and through the winter months ahead, including wellbeing and work, support in communities, the voluntary sector, children, mental health services, crisis support, physical health and support for frontline health and social care workers.

Find out more at www.gov.uk/government/publications/staying-mentally-well-winter-plan-2020-to-2021

Sign up to the National Vaccine Registry
It’s important that clinical trials continue into several other COVID-19 vaccines. Different vaccines work in different ways and NHS researchers still need to collect vital information about which vaccines work best.

They’re looking for people from all backgrounds, communities and ages to help with this.

Find out how you can help this research by signing up to the National Vaccine Registry at www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/research/coronavirus-vaccine-research

Videos on how you can get involved also available in Sylheti (https://youtu.be/dLFRTfTNAnA) and Hindi (https://youtu.be/O5HmdMNY5Jw)

Help create the world’s biggest study of the causes of ME/CFS
The DecodeME DNA study needs 20,000 participants with ME/CFS (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome).

DNA from saliva will be analysed to see whether the disease is partly genetic and, if so, help pinpoint what causes it. The study should help researchers understand the disease and ultimately find treatments.

Find out more at www.decodeme.org.uk

This newsletter in other formats
We’re currently unable to provide paper copies of this newsletter. If you would like a version you can print out yourself, you can find copies of all our recent newsletters at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/resources

If you need this newsletter in another format please get in touch by emailing info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk or phoning Freephone 0808 178 9282.