19 Jan

Healthwatch – Living Well North Tyneside booklet

Living Well North Tyneside is a useful booklet providing information and advice on local health and wellbeing services. It includes information on how to maintain a healthy mind and body, how to access useful services in the borough including shopping and prescription delivery services, and lots more. Healthwatch North Tyneside led its development, working with other local organisations who make up the Living Well North Tyneside Partnership. Read more here

19 Jan

North Tyneside Council launches new look My Care

My Care is an interactive information and advice platform for Adult social care and wellbeing for North Tyneside. My Care now includes:

  • New ways to interact
  • New and improved content
  • Additional functions for the public and professionals
19 Jan

Women’s Voices 2021 – International Women’s Day Monday 8 March, 10am to 3pm online

If your charity supports women, girls or those who identify as female, and is looking to reach new audiences, develop a campaign or raise awareness about your cause, then you are invited to apply for a place at Media Trust’s Women’s Voices, in celebration of International Women’s Day. The deadline for applications is Monday 25 January at 9amRead more here

This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge, which focuses on calling out gender stereotypes and bias.

19 Jan

Last year’s campaign wins from Mind

As the New Year begins, we’ve been taking the time to reflect on 2020. Despite the challenges we all faced and continue to, it was also a year full of campaigning wins to be proud of. We are so grateful to you, and every single one of our amazing campaigners for your support along the way.

It hasn’t been easy, but at every turn you have helped us keep mental health on the political agenda:

  • At the start of 2020, 34,000 Scope and Mind campaigners signed our joint open letter to the UK Government calling for fairer sick pay.
  • As coronavirus hit, over 16,000 of you answered our survey about how the pandemic was impacting your mental health. These responses helped us build a clear picture of what we should focus our campaigning on.
  • In response, we asked the UK Government to meet our five tests for better mental health – 1200 of you sent postcards to your MPs asking them to give their support to the campaign.
  • For many of us with mental health problems, having a benefits assessment over the phone is difficult or impossible. When benefits assessments went remote in March, we pushed for flexibility in assessment options so no-one is locked out of support. The Department for Work and Pensions have shown they’re listening and are now talking about the need for a ‘menu’ of options.
  • When face masks became compulsory in shops and on public transport, we pushed for guidance for those of us with mental health problems for whom wearing a mask is difficult or impossible. This resulted in clearer exemptions being published.
  • We helped ensure people with mental health problems were able to access support from NHS Volunteer Responders and that Local Minds were able to refer people to the scheme for support.
  • The UK Government included our recommendations in their policy plan to improve social housing for those of us with mental health problems.
  • The UK Government committed to the removal of dormitories from mental health wards.
  • In September, changes were brought in which mean many more people with mental health problems could be entitled to claim the disability benefit Personal Independence Payment (PIP). This is thanks to a Supreme Court challenge by a PIP claimant, a 47-year-old man known as MM, which Mind supported.
  • As Winter came around, 7000 of you called for urgent mental health support by signing our petition to Boris Johnson. The UK Government listened and announced a Mental Health Support Plan for Covid-19, including a pledge of £500 million to address the mental health impact.
  • We pushed the UK Government to ensure that people severely affected by mental health problems will receive regular physical health checks, including being offered the flu vaccination.

These are just some of the highlights, and we couldn’t have done any of it without you. A survey of MPs in parliament showed that 73% believed Mind to be effective – and that’s thanks to you!

As we start 2021 in lockdown, we know there are many more challenges and difficult months ahead. Please remember to look after yourself – as always, you can find useful information and tips on our coronavirus webpage here. We look forward to achieving many more successes together in 2021.

Take care,


14 Jan

Volunteering Update from North Tyneside VODA

Volunteers needed to help at North Tyneside vaccination centres

VODA is continuing to recruit non-clinical volunteers to support the healthcare teams at the North Tyneside Covid-19 mass vaccination centres. The volunteer roles include door attendants and stewards to manage the safe flow of people through the site. Training, PPE and support will be provided. Read more and sign up here


Good Neighbours and other VODA volunteering roles

Good Neighbours shopping and prescription collection – support for local people who are shielding
Community Health Champions – share verified and useful health updates with the people you care about. 
Digital Champions – help people to get online.
Find out more about these roles and 
sign up here


Clinical volunteers for the Covid vaccination centres

TyneHealth is recruiting volunteers from a clinical and medical background to support us with the continued delivery of the vaccination programme in North Tyneside. Sign up here

29 Dec

Chilli Studio Season’s Greetings & Newsletter

Season’s Greetings!
 & to a better year ahead

We are thinking of you and look forward to coming together soon

Stay creative & stay safe

From everyone at Chilli Studios xx


We will be reducing our online programme during the festive period but there are a couple of extra sessions to break up the weeks.

  • Last zoom workshops: Monday 21st December
  • Extra Monday 28th Dec 12-1pm Chilli Chat
  • Extra Wednesday 30th Dec 1-3pm Ceramics with Carole
  • Back to normal ONLINE Zoom programme Monday Jan 4th 
  • The In-studio VENUE last workshop Thurs 17th Dec
    re-opens from Tuesday Jan 5th
    (Workshops are bookings only for studio venue. Also dependent on Gov & safety guidance)

Links can be found on the Members forum and facebook group.

The trial studio opening during Dec went really well and it really felt like positive steps to bringing our community back together again safely. We hope to carry on the trial in Jan of 2-3 days a week in the studio but this depends on government and safety guidance. The phased opening will extend in workshops and days if the situation improves.

It’s a packed programme! as well as new online Zoom activities (Programme below) we also have a few one-off Guest Artist workshops, “Never Normal” Vane Gallery Exhibition, Postal Art Exchange and New postal creative wellbeing box offers! Exciting stuff! so keep eyes peeled for updates on our facebook wall.  

“We can get through this together with kindness, cleanliness and creativity”


1. Studio News! trial venue opening
2. Online Programme
3. Guest Artist Derek Eland
4. NEVER NORMAL Chilli Studios Annual Exhibition @ Vane Gallery
5. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages
6. Postal Art Exchange
7. Mad Studies – New Course dates

8. Support links

1. STUDIO NEWS! Trial opening in Dec & Jan 🙂

We are carry on our trial opening in January from 5th (dependent on government guidance and safety). This is exciting news and we can’t wait to see more of you all in person. However, this has to be done within Government guidelines with safety implications for all our members, volunteers, and staff. It will be different! and we will all have to make small changes to work together to maintain the safety of the space and people. It’s all about getting back to making a great creative community and fun space again, where we can support everyone’s wellbeing. #chillilove #chillicommunity

We will be carrying on online activity as it’s been such an important development at reaching everyone, staying connected, creative and safe. As more venue and outdoor activity starts this may reduce the online workshops a little due to staff capacity.

BOOKING & ALLOCATED TIMES ONLY: Initial spaces will be offered to members most isolated and not able to access our Chilli Online offer.
Please still contact us with an expression of interest about which workshops you would like to attend. We are operating a fair policy with rotating attendance. We will get back to you with available dates & details.

Please contact:
Text, call, and leave a message with

2. Online Programme above
Workshops & Activity for January +

All links for daily workshops are on the member’s Facebook group and Members forum.
If you would like easy accessible links to each workshop and a guide on how to use zoom contact jo@chillistudios.co.uk

Derek Eland Monday 11th January 2pm

We are super excited to announce more fabulous guest Artists for our “Let’s Talk Art” sessions on Monday at 2pm. To start the year we have the amazing Derek Eland with an Artist talk and discussion. Derek Eland is a British artist based in the Lake District, Cumbria, and whose practice explores what it means to be human and the impact we make on landscape. He was an official British War Artist in Afghanistan in 2011 and Artist in Residence at Everest Base Camp in 2016. His work creates a narrative dialogue using images, text and objects and seeks to challenge the perceptions of viewers in relation to preconceived ideas about issues and places.
email jo@chillistudios.co.uk to book a place and we will send you the link ready

Image credit: Phil Rigby, CN Magazine

Book a place on Guest Artist session here


5. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages

We are delighted to announce that we will be releasing a further 1-2 Creative & wellbeing care packages to current members of our charity (please see membership update below first). Please sign up by emailing info@chillistudios.co.uk You can sign up for them all but there is a fair policy so please state your preferred box.

1. Beginners Silk painting kit
2. Chilli Cooking

Images below are examples of past boxes.



Members of the Chilli Studios that are interested can receive 2-3 free blank postcards to create their artworks as well as pre-paid envelope to return to Chilli Studios

Is a new exciting project open to all. Information above.

To get involved please contact jo@chillistudios.co.uk


7. Mad Studies 
New course starts Jan 28th. Application details below

Each year’s intake is a half and half mix of university undergraduates (studying health, counselling, those kind of things) and people with lived experience of mental distress. We have reserved a number of places* on the course for Chilli members. 

It’s free and no prior qualifications are needed.

It starts 28th January and, inevitably, given the circumstances, will be online this time round.
It runs each Thursday 11am to 4pm and concludes shortly before Easter.
We’ve used the title Mad Studies because that’s a little bit provocative, designed to make academics a little uneasy, because the point is to critically consider all different angles of mental health with the service user/lived experience central to the discussions. So, there will be elements of history, of mental health politics, of definitions of madness, of how mental health sits within wider society, plus creative approaches and interactive activities.

If this sounds interesting, please get in touch with Alisdair at info@recoverycoco.com before the 15th of January.

If, as has happened before, we got more applications than places, then a simple drawing of lots will determine who gets a place


8. Support Links

Remember, there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone, we will come together soon and be stronger still.

Chilli Love to all x


21 Dec

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 17 December 2020

Healthwatch North Tyneside wishes you a merry Christmas. We look forward to hearing more about your experiences in 2021.

The Healthwatch North Tyneside office will close for the holidays at 1pm on Thursday 24 December and re-open on Monday 4 January but you can visit our website for information and to review services at anytime. www.healthwatchnorthtyneside.co.uk

Our news and events

New report highlights dental access issues

Following a fivefold increase in people sharing issues about NHS dental care, Healthwatch England’s review of patients’ experiences has found that: more than 7 in 10 people found it difficult to access help and support; treatment was offered on a private basis unfordable to many; and the impact of not being able to access treatment led to people experiencing pain, discomfort and further complications.  Read the full report here

We know that some people in North Tyneside have not been able to get dental or other types of treatment they need before and during the pandemic.

We want to hear about your experiences of having health and care treatment delayed over the past 12 months and whether you feel you have been kept informed about what’s happening. Tell us what worked well for you and what could be better.

Tell us your experiences of waiting for treatment


1Did you know many local pharmacies offer a prescription delivery service?

There is no need to stand in line for your prescription. Many of our local pharmacies will deliver it right to your door.  We’ve updated our website service directory with all of the latest information.  Simply look up your local pharmacy and find out if they deliver, whether there is a cost and how to arrange it.  Find a pharmacy here.

Please tell us about your experiences of getting prescriptions including ordering prescriptions from your GP and getting the medication you need from a pharmacy.  Tell us what is working well for you and what could be better.

Tell us your experiences of pharmacy services


Our plans for the next six months

Paul Jones, Director of Healthwatch North Tyneside presented our plans for the next six months to North Tyneside’s Health and Wellbeing Board.  You can read a summary of our plans and view the full presentation on our website

Find out more about our plans for the next six months


North Tyneside rolls out its first COVID-19 vaccines this week. 

You will have seen the exciting news that a COVID-19 vaccine has now been approved and that the NHS has begun vaccinating patients against coronavirus at the start of the biggest immunisation programme in history. You can read more about this landmark moment here.

The first phase is being rolled out for people over the age of 80 to receive the vaccinations. The NHS will be in touch with people who are eligible for the first vaccinations, so there is no need to contact your GP. 

Find out more about Priority Groups here

Read more here


Julia Charlton confirmed as new Chair of Healthwatch North Tyneside

We’re delighted to announce that Julia Charlton was appointed our new Chair at the AGM on Tuesday 24 November. Julia has served as a trustee of Healthwatch North Tyneside for five years, and takes over from Judy Scott who is stepping down after 18 months but will continue as a trustee.

Julia has experience as patient, carer, nurse, midwife and teacher in health and social care. As Chair of the North Tyneside and Newcastle British Thyroid Foundation Patient Support Group she has successfully worked with patients and carers to inform and support.

Read more here


Our Annual General Meeting 2020

Our 2020 AGM took place using Zoom on Tuesday 24 November.  If you were not able to make then you can watch the recording here.


Service Changes Information Hub

service hub
In light of ongoing adaptations and restrictions due to Covid-19, we are continuing to keep our Information Hub updated with changes to local health and care services, with sections on local hospitals, pharmacies, care homes and more. Read more here

What to do when you feel ill

Our research has found that local people are often confused as to who to call or where to go when they feel ill in North Tyneside. As a result, we have produced online information, video and leaflet giving you a guide to your options. Read more here, including how to request copies of our leaflet for distribution.

Have your say

We are currently gathering people’s feedback and experiences on the following themes. Please follow the links to find out more and share your views with us. You can also telephone us on 0191 263 5321 or email info@hwnt.co.uk

December is the last chance to complete our Maternity, birth and early baby care services survey

Share your story for the chance to win £25 Love2Shop vouchers
Services have changed due to the coronavirus pandemic and we have heard from a number of people the impact this has had on their maternity, birth and early baby care. Sharing your views and experiences helps us to make recommendations to providers in North Tyneside to improve services for expectant parents, mothers and babies.

You can take our online survey here, or contact our team to share your views or request a hard copy of the survey. Read more here – and please help to share this survey with those who have accessed maternity, birth and early baby care services.

Read more here

Still time to share your experiences during the coronavirus pandemic

As part of our ongoing consultation with North Tyneside residents and users of health and care services in the borough, we want to hear about your experiences during the pandemic. What worked well? What could have been improved? How have your health and care been affected? Share your views to help improve local services (and you could win £20 high street vouchers).

Congratulations to Susan Mackay of Monkseaton, the winner of our November draw.

Share your experiences here


Along with North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, we want to hear about the experiences of carers during the coronavirus outbreak. Have your caring responsibilities changed? Have you had all of the information you need? Have your say

Care Homes

There has been lots of discussion about access to care homes in the national media. The government has published new guidance as part of the new national lockdown. We want to hear your experiences. Have your say here

Visit our website to see more ways to ‘Have Your Say

Local and national news

Meet Amii, 29, a Police Officer with Northumbria Police. Amii is joining the call to the North East for us all to keep doing our bit to #BeatCovidNE. Working with communities as a neighbourhood PC to help keep them safe – and Covid transmissions down – is a big part of Amii’s job. 

Amii’s very close to her family and when her grandmother passed away in September, like lots of people who have lost loved ones during the pandemic, she found it incredibly hard, especially with the reduced numbers at funerals. Watch Amii’s video and find out more about her story

Updated guidance for people visiting care homes

The government have updated the guidance around care home visitation. You can see the full guidance here.

This is welcome news however we’d advise that you check with your care home before you plan a visit to make sure there are no current Covid-19 cases and that they have the necessary arrangements in place to allow visitors. Find out more on our website here

Tell us about your care home experiences here

Covid-19 mass vaccination volunteers needed

Are you patient, calm and reliable? Can you spare a few hours to help protect communities from COVID 19? VODA are looking for volunteers to help in the mass vaccination centres to support the medical staff in non-clinical roles such as marshals to oversee car parking and directing patients into and out of the centres safely. No medical or previous experience required. Training will be provided to all volunteers along with PPE equipment and ongoing support from VODA. There may also be opportunities in similar roles in the next few weeks at mass test centres. Apply here or email: Volunteering@voda.org.uk If you would like further information please contact Keith Hardy on 0191 6432636 or email keith.hardy@voda.org.uk


Age UK North Tyneside have launched their Christmas programme

There are a whole host of virtual activities on offer throughout December, from Tai Chi tasters, to gingerbread workshops, there’s something for everyone! Click the link to find out more and sign up


Looking after someone? Know your rights.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been estimated that across the UK there are 13.5 million unpaid carers. Many people are unaware of their rights as a carer and, as a result, are not accessing the help and support they are entitled to. Read more here.

Care Quality Commission (CQC) to review Do Not Attempt CPR or Do not resuscitate orders during the pandemic

The Department of Health and Social Care have asked CQC to review how Do Not Attempt CPR or Do not resuscitate orders were used during the coronavirus pandemic following concerns that we reported earlier in the year. CQC are looking to start hearing from people who’ve had experience of a DNACPR order since March 2020.
This is a funded opportunity. Read more on how to apply.

VODA’s Community Health Champions

VODA is harnessing the power of North Tyneside residents as Community Health Champions to play a vital role in sharing up to date, trusted health messages with people they know and care about during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out more about getting involved here

Get your free flu vaccine

This winter, it is more important than ever that those people most at risk from flu have a free flu vaccination to protect themselves and others. Visit nhs.uk to check if you are eligible for a free flu vaccination

Stay safe and warm this winter

The Royal Voluntary Service has put together a helpful guide to help us to stay safe, warm and well this winter. The guide includes a list of handy contact numbers for organisations that can help and support you this winter. Read the guide here>.

Hospital discharge must be improved to manage COVID-19 second peak

Healthwatch England research shows significant numbers of people are not receiving follow-up support after being discharged from hospital under new policy, leading to unmet needs. Find out more in our joint report with the British Red Cross

18 Dec

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 16 December 2020

The Healthwatch Newcastle office will close for the holidays at 1pm on Thursday 24 December and re-open on Monday 4 January.

You can search, review and rate local services at any time on our website at http://tinyurl.com/Newcastle-feedback

Don’t forget that NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year when you need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation.

Thank you to everyone who gave us their views during what has been a challenging year — together we can help make our city’s services better for all.

The Healthwatch team wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2021!


We’re on Soundcloud

Enjoy this newsletter on the go by downloading our podcast at soundcloud.com/healthwatch-newcastle


COVID-19 vaccination — first phase

You may have seen in the news recently that Dr Hari Shukla and his wife, Ranjan Shukla, were the first two patients at the RVI in Newcastle — and two of the first people in the world — to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on 9 December.

The NHS is offering the vaccine (two injections, given 21 days apart) to people most at risk from coronavirus.

At the time of writing, the vaccine is being offered in some hospitals to:

  • Some people aged 80 and over who already have a hospital appointment in the next few weeks.
  • People who work in care homes.
  • Health care workers at high risk.

The vaccine will be offered more widely, and at other locations, as soon as possible. The order in which people will be offered the vaccine is based on advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. Read more about ‘COVID-19 vaccinations – first phase’ on our website at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/covid-19

Please do not contact the NHS for a vaccination. Everyone will be contacted when it’s their turn to be vaccinated.

Read more, including advice if you’re of childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding, at https://tinyurl.com/coronavirus-vaccineUK


An update on our work

Since March 2020 we have been working hard to continue to gather information about people’s experiences of health and social care services. Our information and signposting service and feedback centre have been up and running throughout, and we have been hearing about people’s experience via these two services and via emails.

During recent months, we have also run a survey called ‘COVID-19: your experiences of health and social care’ and promoted the national Healthwatch England and Care Quality Commission ‘Because we all care’ survey.

We have pulled all of this data together and this has allowed us to identify some themes, particularly about GP practices.

Find out what people had to say at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/work-update


About our Healthwatch Committee

The work of Healthwatch Newcastle is governed by a Committee of volunteers who live and work in Newcastle. It informs the strategic direction of Healthwatch Newcastle and provides scrutiny and oversight of its activities, monitoring and reviewing the progress of the work programme. The Committee also advises and supports the staff team in delivering the projects we undertake.
Committee members come from a wide range of backgrounds and experience, but all care passionately about promoting access, quality and equality in health and social care for everyone living in our area. 
We are working to build the Committee membership to be as representative of the diversity of our local population as we can, so it can best reflect the real needs of everyone. Representatives of the different communities in the city can best help us understand the different perspectives and values which drive them.
We are very pleased to welcome a new addition to the Committee to join us in our work. Our new member, Idah Dodzo, lives in Newcastle and is a qualified social worker (not practising in Newcastle). Idah also works extensively with the black and minority ethnic community, including through her church. 
We are looking forward to Idah joining the Committee at our next meeting in January, when we will start a programme of induction and team building so we can develop a strong programme for Healthwatch Newcastle for the coming year.
If you are interested in becoming a Committee member please contact Kate Beattie on 0191 338 5720 or email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk to arrange an informal discussion.
Read more about the Committee at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/healthwatch-newcastle-team


Healthwatch Committee Chair vacancy

Are you someone with a strong desire to make a difference and the ability to work with people from a wide range of backgrounds?

We are looking for a Chair who can lead our Committee and continue the growth and success of Healthwatch Newcastle. The Chair leads the Healthwatch Newcastle Committee in its responsibilities around:

  • Upholding sound governance.
  • Providing strategic direction.
  • Building strong partnerships with key stakeholders.

This is a voluntary, unpaid role but travel and carer’s expenses are available.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 15 January 2021.
Interviews will take place week beginning Monday 25 January 2021.

Find out more and apply at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/work-with-us


Help us see what’s going on

Since March 2020 we have been working hard with Healthwatch Gateshead to gather people’s experiences of local health and social care services.

Right now, we especially want to hear from people who have contacted an optician in the past few months.

Have you or someone you know used an optician’s service in Newcastle?

Take the ‘Because we all care’ survey at https://tinyurl.com/because2020


Other news

How will the Christmas COVID bubble work?

During the Christmas period in the UK, coronavirus restrictions will be eased to allow people to mix with a slightly wider circle of family and friends.

People will be able to form ‘bubbles’ of three households from 23 to 27 December. There will be no limit to the number of people in a household joining a bubble. If you have already formed a support bubble with another household then this will count as one household; therefore, you can join with two other households in a Christmas bubble.

Households in your Christmas bubble can’t bubble with anyone else on different days. However, travel restrictions will be lifted over the Christmas period so you can form bubbles and visit families anywhere in the UK.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/xmas-bubbleUK

Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable
Have you been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable? The government provided updated COVID-19 guidelines from 2 December 2020 which include:

  • Socialising inside and outside the home
  • Work
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Going to shops and pharmacies

Read more at https://tinyurl.com/shield-2-dec

If you need extra support, Newcastle City Council’s Welfare and Wellbeing Team can help. Complete a form and someone will call you back to discuss the support you need when self-isolating. The Welfare and Wellbeing Team works from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm.

Request support online at https://tinyurl.com/y3kuhu6e or call the helpline on 0800 170 7001.

Self-isolation period reduced from 14 to ten days
Changes to the required self-isolation period came into effect on Monday 14 December.

Self-isolation for contacts of people with confirmed COVID-19, and people returning from countries not on the travel corridor list, should now isolate for ten days instead of 14 days.

People who test positive for COVID-19 should continue to self-isolate for ten days from the onset of symptoms or ten days from point of taking a positive test if asymptomatic.

Find out about self-isolation at www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-and-treatment/when-to-self-isolate-and-what-to-do


Think you need to go to A&E? Call NHS 111 first

From Tuesday 1 December the NHS introduced a new system.

If you have an urgent but not life-threatening health problem you can now contact NHS 111 first to find out if you need to go to A&E. It’s hoped this will lead to shorter waiting times and allow for social distancing in hospitals. However, in a medical emergency you should always ring 999.

NHS 111 can be contacted online at https://111.nhs.uk or phone 111 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is free to use, including from a mobile phone.

Read more at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/think-you-need-to-go-to-ae


Tune in to ‘Health matters’

Tune into the ‘Health matters’ radio show to hear about the health and wellbeing issues that matter to you.

The final show of the year will be looking back at an eventful 2020.

Listen on 98.8 FM on Wednesdays from 10am to 12 noon or online at www.spicefm.co.uk

Catch up with previous shows at https://soundcloud.com/spice_fm

13 Dec

Time to Change Employers Newsletter – December 2020

Time to Change

Time to Talk Day 2021

On Thursday 4 February 2021 we need your help to get your workplace talking about mental health. 

This Time to Talk Day we’re focusing on the power of small – because a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference. 

The coronavirus pandemic means that this Time to Talk Day might look a little different. You might not be able to get involved in the way that you usually would, but at times like this open conversations about mental health are more important than ever.

Whether you’re able to bring people together in person, online or by phone, we have lots of resources, tools and tips to help you get your colleagues talking.

Get involved >


Reaching Out

Blue Light Survey

Our emergency services have always had an extremely challenging job, but this year it has been even harder.

Mind want to ensure that Blue Light staff get the support they need both now and into the future. To do this, we want to hear about current experiences and how the coronavirus pandemic may have affected the mental health of staff & volunteers working in emergency services in England and Wales.

If you work in the emergency services, you can share your views & take part in the survey now, and if you have friends or family working in the services we’d greatly appreciate your sharing this link.

Take the survey >


Useful Resources

The stigma and mental health impact of an HIV diagnosis

While the treatment and outcome of an HIV diagnosis have improved dramatically since the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, a stigma still surrounds the virus and many inaccuracies still persist.

Ewan Summersbey, Network Investment Senior Officer at Mind, discussed his experiences of having HIV, and the impact he has seen it have on the mental health of those living with it.

Read more >

Coronavirus and Isolation: Supporting yourself & colleagues

At a time when things are moving and changing fast, we want to make sure you’ve got some useful and practical information when you need it.

This toolkit brings together resources and advice from a range of organisations including Mind, Leapers, MHFA England, Glide and the City Mental Health Alliance.

Read more >


Upcoming Events

17 DEC

Masterclass: Mental Health & Intersectionality in the Workplace

In our final Masterclass, we’ll be joined by Leyla Okhai, CEO at Diverse Minds, who will be discussing the intersectionality of diversity and mental health in the workplace.

Find out more >



Time to Talk Day 2021

Save the date! A small conversation about mental health this Time to Talk Day has the power to make a big difference.

Find out more >