12 Dec

Free training courses delivered by Tyneside Mind

The sessions are available to anyone currently working within the region.

Online Mental Health First Aid Sessions (Four consecutive weeks)
Course 1 – 28/01/21, 04/02/2021, 11/02/2021, 18/02/2021 (14:00-16:30pm)
Course 2 – 25/02/2021, 04/03/2021, 11/03/2021, 18/03/2021 (14:00-16:30pm)

Suicide Awareness
Course 1 27/01/2021 (1400 to 1500)
Course 2 24/02/2021 (1400 to 1500)

Suicide on Support
Course 1 09/02/2021 (0900 to 1300)
Course 2 10/03/2021 (0900 to 1300)

Self Harm Awareness 
Course 1 – 14/01/2021 (0900 to 12:30)
Course 2 – 11/02/2021 (0900 to 12:30)

Mental Health Awareness
Course 1 – 03/02/2021 (0900 to 1300)
Course 2 – 10/03/2021 (0900 to 1300)
To book onto one of the above courses or for further information please contact training@tynesidemind.org.ukstating which course and date you would like to attend. For more information see here https://www.tynesidemind.org.uk/help-support/training/north-east-training-hub.aspx

12 Dec

COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Volunteers – Call for help (North Tyneside)

VODA is helping to coordinate the mass vaccination programme in North Tyneside by supplying volunteers to marshal up to 4 vaccination hubs across the borough. The first 1,000 vaccinations are taking place at the Oxford Centre from Tues to Fri next week, starting 15 December, followed by vaccinations at the other hubs on week starting 21st and 28th December.

Download the poster here.

If you are interested in the role you can apply through the website at https://voda.org.uk/opportunity/stewarding-support-volunteers-covid-19-vaccination-sites-778/

or email volunteering@voda.org.uk please include a contact number if you send an email.

11 Dec

YMCA North Tyneside Christmas Appeal 2020

YMCA has launched this year’s Christmas appeal with a mini-documentary which shows how YMCA North Tyneside helps vulnerable young people by providing supported accommodation, education and help with independent living. Find out the stories of young people who find themselves homeless and why YMCA is so important to them. Read more here

11 Dec

GamCare: Seeking Women’s Voices

GamCare’s Women’s Programme is designed to ensure that women who need specialist support around gambling can access the right help at the right time. To help us get this right, your voice is essential.

We are conducting a short survey to gather the views of women who are or have been engaged in support and treatment services, and who either gamble, used to gamble, or have been affected by someone else’s gambling.

11 Dec

Become a telephone befriender with Dreamshine

Dreamshine urgently needs more volunteer telephone befrienders for their North Tyneside COVID-19 telephone befriender service which operates 7 days a week. Your calls can make a real difference to lonely and isolated members of our community. To find out more, complete the contact form on their website

11 Dec

AGE UK North Tyneside recruiting new befriending volunteers

As a befriender you could provide company for a lonely older person in North Tyneside.

As you build up and maintain a trusting close relationship over time, your regular social interaction might help someone pursue a new direction in life, open up a range of activities and lead to increased self-esteem and confidence. Your one to one relationship will be supported by us.

You can choose to help by visiting a befriendee in their home environment or by making telephone calls. With increased concerns about COVID-19, we are offering telephone calls to all befriendees at present.

Telephone calls are offered to any older person who is currently stuck at home because of the Coronavirus crisis. You can enjoy chatting with someone over the phone, all from the comfort of your home.

If you’re empathetic and good at talking, you could be a befriender. Your time could make a massive difference to an older person’s life. It’s fun, safe and easy. Lots of people say these chats are the highlight of their week.

Read more and sign up here

07 Dec

Urgent Mental Health Support this Winter – Mind Campaign

An incredible 7000 of you signed our petition calling on the UK Government to provide urgent mental health support this Winter. Thanks to your campaigning, this week we’ve had some positive news!

The UK Government has now announced a Mental Health Support Plan for Covid-19. And it includes many of the things we’ve been campaigning for.

  • A commitment to continuing face to face support for people with mental health problems who need it, even in areas with the tightest lockdown restrictions.
  • £50 million to protect mental health beds in hospitals over the Winter and to make sure mental health patients are discharged with the right support when they are ready to go home.
  • Assurance that people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, will receive regular physical health checks.
  • Confirmation that many people with mental health problems are eligible for free deliveries of essential items such as food.

Today, in the Spending Review the UK Government have also pledged an additional £500 million to address the mental health impact of Covid-19. This is positive progress and it wouldn’t have happened without 1000s of us speaking up and calling for action. Thank you.

However, we know that this is not enough. We need to see action at a greater scale to match the scale of this mental health emergency.

One thing in particular is missing from announcements this week. As part of a Winter Support Package, we’ve also been calling for improvements to the benefits system. We’ve seen little progress on this. So, with your help, we’ll be continuing to campaign to make sure that people with mental health problems get the support they need during the tough Winter months and beyond.  

Take care,


07 Dec

An Update from Time to Change – 25 November 2020

Time to Change

We wanted to get in touch with you following our last email announcing the closure of Time to Change on 31 March 2021, as we said that we would keep you up to date with developments. 

We know that many of you were distressed to hear the news, and we are very grateful for all of your messages of support.

We are incredibly proud of what Time to Change has achieved but, like you, we know there is still more to be done. Our research shows that certain groups have not yet felt the benefit of improvements in public attitudes or behaviour change – including those living with less understood diagnoses such as schizophrenia or people from black and minority ethnic communities.

Sadly, we will not be able to carry out this vital work but we are focusing our efforts on making sure that our ambition is driven forward within the work of our charity partners, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness. 

While we do not have all the answers now, we are doing everything we can to make sure that you can continue campaigning and challenging mental health stigma with the support of our charity partners. So please bear with us while we put these plans in place.

In addition, we have written to the Government asking them to agree to our three point plan to ensure that they continue to address mental health stigma and discrimination into the future.


Stigma still exists


We believe that ending mental health stigma and discrimination must be the cornerstone of any national mental health policy, and it is the responsibility of Government to lead the way. We have written a joint letter to Government with Mind and Rethink Mental Illness outlining our three point plan to ensure they continue to address mental health stigma and discrimination.

Read more >


Time to Talk Day

The continuation of Time to Talk Day is just one of the elements of our campaign that we are talking to our charity partners, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness about. Make sure you’re signed up to take part in Time to Talk Day 2021. We need your help to get the nation talking about mental health on Thursday 4 February 2021.

Sign up now >


Sharing our knowledge

Time to Change is a successful behaviour change campaign that has seen public attitudes to mental health improve by 12.7% in almost 15 years. We have created a series of ‘how to guides’ to share our skills and experience to help support behaviour change campaigns into the future.

Read more >

06 Dec

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Caring during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Survey Results and Digital Resources for Carers

This fact sheet explores ways we can help adult carers during the COVID crisis.  Download the full, 4 page fact sheet here.


Register for our FREE digital resources and get the help you need today. Download the 2 page information sheet here.