06 Dec

Boloh – New helpline and web chat service from Barnardo’s

Barnardo’s has launched a new free telephone helpline and web chat facility for children, young people and families from black asian and minority ethnic communities who are suffering the long lasting and wide ranging impact of COVID-19. It is called Boloh which means speak. Barnardo’s specialist advisors who speak English, Urdu or Hindi, aim to provide ongoing support on a complex range of issues including: mental health, bereavement, family breakdown, neglect, back to school, parenting advice, counselling, family stress, discrimination and barriers to accessing and using services.

06 Dec

Save the date for winter activities in Newcastle! 1 – 31 December 2020

Life might be different this year, but you can still spend #DecemberTogether.

Newcastle City Council have teamed up with Active Newcastle to deliver a full month of frolics this December. Daily activities will include arts and crafts, fun exercises, cooking, pop-up choirs and more, with some extra special guests joining in to help out.

Keep an eye on the Active Newcastle website and Facebook page in the coming days to find out how you and your communities can get involved.


29 Nov

Update from Time to Change – 19 November 2020

Time to Change

Today is the start of our latest Ask Twice campaign – aimed at getting more men to check in with their mates and show they care.

New research shows that 45% of men say they feel more isolated than ever, despite technology providing opportunities to catch up with friends. And with lockdown restrictions set to continue for weeks ahead, getting our message out is more important than ever.

Read on to find out how you can help with a final push to change attitudes towards mental health and to get people asking twice.

If you haven’t already, you can also sign up to get involved with Time to Talk Day 2021, below.

We’ll also be in touch next week with more information about our response to the government’s decision not to fund Time to Change after 31 March 2021 and how you can get involved.


Share Ask Twice

Sometimes we say we’re fine when we’re not. That simple act of asking again – ‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ – shows a genuine willingness to talk and listen, and can make all the difference.

We need you to show the people in your world that with fewer chances to meet up during lockdown, they can reach out to their mates with a text, a meme or a call.

Here are two quick and easy ways you can help:

1. Use the new Ask Twice assets

Share a post, a film, or update your cover photo.

Use the assets >


2. Share Ask Twice content

Throughout the week there’ll be new Ask Twice content to share.

Share Ask Twice content >


Keeping in touch in a virtual world

“I sometimes say nothing when I’m struggling. I’m more likely to if I’m asked twice.”

Andrew talks about the importance of catching up virtually when we can’t hug or high five, and how he’s made checking in with mates part of his daily routine.

Read the blog >


Sign up to take part in Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk Day takes place on Thursday 4 February 2021. We know that a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference, whether in person or virtually. Sign up to take part and get your free poster and pack of postcards, so you can reach out to someone from afar.

Sign up now >


Our top tips

Lots of us will be struggling with our mental health in lockdown. Here are our tips for how to respond if someone opens up to you.

Blog for us

Personal stories are a powerful way to change attitudes. If you have experience of a mental health problem, you can share it as a blog or vlog.

Events near you

If you’re looking for more ways to get involved in tackling mental health stigma, take a look at our list of events and campaign groups.

29 Nov

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 18 November 2020

Listen to us!

Enjoy this newsletter on the go by downloading our podcast at soundcloud.com/healthwatch-newcastle


Welcome, Siobhan!

We’re delighted here at Healthwatch Newcastle to welcome our new Chief Executive, Siobhan O’Neil.

Siobhan has worked in the voluntary and community sector for many years in Gateshead and Newcastle, and most recently at a mental health charity in Northumberland. She has also held national roles for a large social housing provider.

Siobhan says: “It’s a huge privilege to be joining Healthwatch Gateshead and Healthwatch Newcastle and to take on responsibility for continuing to listen to local people and supporting services to meet people’s needs and be the best they can be. We only achieve this through working with others — the local people we are here to listen to, our dedicated volunteers, our Committees, statutory and voluntary and community partners and everyone who works with us.”

Read more at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/healthwatch-chief-executive


Your care, your feedback

We are here to make sure that the voices of patients, carers and the public are heard by the people who plan and provide social care and health services.

You can search for all social care and health services in Newcastle on our online feedback centre, as well as review and rate them using a star system. The information you provide also helps us to analyse local trends, with the ultimate aim of making sure everyone in the city receives great care.

Share your experiences at http://tinyurl.com/Newcastle-feedback or call us free on 0808 178 9282.


Tune in to ‘Health matters’

Tune into the ‘Health matters’ radio show to hear about the health and wellbeing issues that matter to you. We’re on air on Wednesdays from 10am to 12 noon.

In the run up to Christmas the focus is on cancer awareness, loss and bereavement with St Oswald’s Hospice (18 and 25 November), Be A Game Changer Newcastle United Foundation project (18 and 25 November), connection and loneliness, resolutions and moving forward.

Listen on 98.8 FM or online at www.spicefm.co.uk

Catch up with previous shows at https://soundcloud.com/spice_fm


COVID-19 — national restrictions

National restrictions in England from Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December mean that we must all:

  • Stay at home, except for specific purposes such as work, childcare or education
  • Avoid meeting people we do not live with (can exercise outdoors with one person from another household
  • Close certain businesses and venues

These measures are aimed at reducing the growth rate of the coronavirus. We can all do our bit and remember these key thing things:

  • Keep your distance
  • Wear a face covering if you can
  • Wash your hands

Read more at www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november


Are you finding self-isolating difficult?

Are you self-isolating or identified as being clinically extremely vulnerable in Newcastle? If you need extra support, Newcastle City Council’s Welfare and Wellbeing Team can help. Complete a form and someone will call you back to discuss the support you need when self-isolating. The Welfare and Wellbeing Team works from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm.

Request support online at https://tinyurl.com/y455r3xc or call the helpline on 0800 170 7001.


Boloh — the Black, Asian and minority ethnic family COVID-19 helpline

Barnardo’s has launched a free telephone helpline and webchat facility for children, young people and families from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities who are suffering the long-lasting and wide-ranging impact of COID-19.

Boloh (meaning ‘speak’ in many languages) provides specialist advisors who speak English, Urdu or Hindi to provide ongoing support on a complex range of issues including mental health, bereavement, family breakdown, neglect, back to school, parenting advice, counselling, family stress, discrimination and barriers to accessing and using services.

Find out more at https://helpline.barnardos.org.uk


Parents and carers needed for advisory group

Oxford University is seeking parents and carers of children aged 2—16 to join a parent advisory group. The university is carrying out a large-scale study on child mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The role involves giving thoughts and opinions on a range of issues to help make the research better. This includes things such as giving feedback on materials and helping to identify the best ways to recruit participants to the survey.
No specialist knowledge or skills are needed for this — just a willingness to be honest and say what you think. The group will meet remotely, using Zoom.

Find out more about the parent advisory group at www.cospaceoxford.com/involve


NIHR Research Champions

Could you help spread the word about health and care research to patients and the public?

The National Institute of Health Research is seeking volunteers to help get more people involved, especially those who are currently less likely to take part in research. Some of the activities Research Champions can be involved with include speaking at local events and working with schools to develop a poster about the benefits of research.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/NIHR-help


North East NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy

Unhappy with your NHS treatment or care? Want to make a complaint but you’re not sure where to start? This is where North East NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy (ICA) can help.

ICA is free, independent and confidential. It can support you to make a complaint by yourself or with the help of an experienced worker, known as an Advocate.

To make an appointment please call Freephone 0808 802 3000.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/ICAnortheast


Printing this newsletter

We’re currently unable to provide paper copies of this newsletter. If you would like a version you can print out yourself, you can find copies of all our recent newsletters at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/resources

27 Nov

Active Age Healthy Walks – Walking Bingo!


We have teamed up with North Tyneside Council to bring you Walking Bingo! It is very easy to get involved and can be enjoyed with the family, or even as a peaceful walk alone. 

All the information is on our website:


Download the poster here.


Jo Linton
Community Engagement Officer

Bradbury Centre
13 Saville Street West
North Shields
NE29 6QP
0191 280 8484
0872 1108 450

26 Nov

Chilli Studio Winter Newsletter: Exciting News!

Winter greetings!

With further lockdown and winter drawing in, it’s important to stay connected. Please feel free to join us for social and creative stimulus. We have some exciting updates below including a trial opening of the Studios for two weeks in December!

It’s a packed programme! as well as new online Zoom activities (Programme below) we also have a few one-off Guest Artist workshops, 20 by 20 art sale, “Never Normal” Vane Gallery Exhibition, Xmas party, Postal Art Exchange and New postal creative wellbeing box offers! Exciting stuff! so keep eyes peeled for updates on our facebook wall.

“We can get through this together
with kindness, cleanliness and creativity”

In this email:
1. Winter Chilli Studios Online programme
2. Guest Artist discussions and demos
3. 20 X 20 Art Sale
4. STUDIO NEWS! Trial Opening in December
6. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages
7. Postal Art Exchange
8. Chilli Quiz
9. Membership update
10. Support links

1. NEW Online Programme above
Workshops & Activity for November & December

All links for daily workshops are on the member’s Facebook group and Members forum.

If you would like easy accessible links to each workshop and a guide on how to use zoom contact jo@chillistudios.co.uk


We are super excited to announce more fabulous guest Artists for our “Let’s Talk Art” sessions on Monday at 2pm. First up is Rosie Stronach this Monday 16th Nov 2pm.

Rosie Stronach is an exciting mixed media artist from North Tyneside, primarily using methods of drawing in her creative practice to create bold, often colourful and playful works that are both powerful in meaning and presence. Rosie also co-founded and co-hosts the art podcast ‘Hey Art, What’s Good?’ which aims to promote creative happenings in the region.
Find out more about Rosie here https://pink-collargallery.com/About-the-exhibition

email jo@chillistudios.co.uk to book a place and we will send you the link ready

Book a place on Guest Artist session here

3. 20 BY 20 FOR £20

We’re doing our 20 by 20 for £20 online this year and would love our past and present members to get involved.
If you would like to make some Art for this, here’s how to get involved:

● email terri@chillistudios.co.uk
● We’ll arrange the delivery or drop off your canvas on Monday 16th November
● you have one week to create your art
● We will arrange the delivery or collect your work on Monday 23rd November

All canvases will be listed for £20 on our website on the 1st December and shared through social media channels from 23rd November

If your work sells, you’ll receive £10 of the sale price (the remaining £10 will cover postage & packaging, cost of canvas, listing, and transaction fees plus a small donation to the Studio)
Drop us an email if you have any questions!

Trial opening in December 🙂

We are planning a trial opening of the Studios venue for 1-3 days a week from Thurs 3rd Dec to 17th Dec. Then with luck we can extend activity and days from Jan 5th  (dependent on government guidance and safety). This is exciting news and we can’t wait to see more of you all in person. However, this has to be done within Government guidelines with safety implications for all our members, volunteers, and staff. It will be different! and we will all have to make small changes to work together to maintain the safety of the space and people. It’s all about getting back to making a great creative community and fun space again, where we can support everyone’s wellbeing. #chillilove #chillicommunity

We will be carrying on online activity as it’s been such an important development at reaching everyone, staying connected, creative and safe. As more venue and outdoor activity starts this may reduce the online workshops a little due to staff capacity.

BOOKING & ALLOCATED TIMES ONLY: Initial spaces will be offered to members most isolated and not able to access our Chilli Online offer.
Please still contact us with an expression of interest about which workshops you would like to attend. We are operating a fair policy with rotating attendance. We will get back to you with available dates & details.

To express your interest please contact: info@chillistudios.co.uk


Steps to submit work below:

1. Any member of Chilli Studios past and present can submit artwork for the show. This includes anyone who has been involved in the online Chilli Zoom workshops.

2. Choose a few pieces of artwork that you have made during or post lockdown in 2020. This is a chance to celebrate your artwork created in difficult times. The artwork can also (but not necessarily) be challenging. If you want to create new work you can – please reflect on your personal experience of 2020 and lockdown.

3. Take a photo of 1-4 pieces of your work and email to jo@chillistudios.co.uk NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 18TH
also include this information about the work:
a) Title
b) Date created
c) Your Name or pseudonym
d) What it is made with and created on
e) Size of the work
f) Why you created it and why you want to submit it
g) Artist Statement if you have one, quote or short sentence about you as an artist.
h) Any weblinks or social media links to your artwork online if you have them.

4. If you are submitting a complicated sculpture or installation please contact Jo in November to discuss.

5. Chilli Studios will choose 1-3 pieces of your art and will contact you to confirm being exhibited.

6. We will collect or pay for postage of your art no later than 12th January. As we will need to frame and curate the work that week.

7. Vane Gallery Opens to the public on Wed 20th Jan – Sat Feb 6th and runs wed-sat 12-5pm. Please book a time slot to view by emailing jo@chillistudios.co.uk

6. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages

We are delighted to announce that we will be releasing a further 3 Creative care packages to current members of our charity (please see membership update below first). Please sign up by emailing info@chillistudios.co.uk You can sign up for them all but there is a fair policy so please state your preferred box.

1. General Wellbeing box
2. Beginners Silk painting kit
3. Mosiac Rainbow TBC 

Images below are examples of past boxes


Members of the Chilli Studios that are interested can receive 2-3 free blank postcards to create their artworks as well as pre-paid envelope to return to Chilli Studios

Is a new exciting project open to all. Information above.

To get involved please contact jo@chillistudios.co.uk

8.Chilli QUIZ returns!

2pm First Friday of the month
Zoom link on Members forum and members facebook group

9.Membership Update

There was no charge attached to our online service from April – August 2020.
From September 2020 membership will be back to the subsidised £10 a month for full membership which includes online activity and postal creative care boxes. Please contact info@chillistudios.co.uk to update membership. 

Chilli Studios opened up the forum and live workshops further to new members and those who would benefit from this resource and are experiencing isolation & mental health issues. This is to support those wishing to join in Chilli Studios Creative activities during the Covid19 crisis.

All new members will have to fill in a more basic version of our membership form to ensure we support on an individual basis, maintain good practise and create a safe space for all using the resources. Link to form: https://forms.gle/H1fkqRYFXjoof9rK7​​ 

Our current ONLINE offer includes:
– Access to 3-10 zoom workshops a week (live and interactive) and basic technical support
(see timetable www.chillistudios.co.uk)
– Access to our Online forum community and activity

Occasional & optional:
– Wellbeing check-ins and signposting
– One to one music support sessions – zoom, email or phone
– Postal art 
– Creative care boxes 
(Past Creative boxes have ranged from clay, fimo, printing, card making, watercolours, to general wellbeing & care packages)

  1. Support Links

Remember, there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone, we will come together soon and be stronger still.

Chilli Love to all x

13 Nov

Introducing Time to Talk Day 2021

Time to Talk Day 2021

On Thursday 4 February 2021 we need your help to get your workplace talking about mental health. 

This Time to Talk Day we’re focusing on the power of small – because a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference. 

The coronavirus pandemic means that this Time to Talk Day might look a little different. You might not be able to get involved in the way that you usually would, but at times like this open conversations about mental health are more important than ever.

Whether you’re able to bring people together in person, online or by phone, we have lots of resources, tools and tips to help you get your colleagues talking.

Start by signing up for our Time to Talk Day updates and ordering your free postcards and poster to help get the conversation started.

Sign up now >


See our activity ideas

Our conversation starter activity packs are full of ideas and inspiration.


Download free resources

Social media images, virtual meeting backdrops, posters and more.



Share with a friend

Forward this email to a friend to spread the word and get everyone talking.

12 Nov

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 6 November 2020

Our News and Events

Maternity, birth and early baby care services – new survey launched

maternity-surveyShare your story for the chance to win £25 Love2Shop vouchers
Services have changed due to the coronavirus pandemic and we have heard from a number of people the impact this has had on their maternity, birth and early baby care. Sharing your views and experiences helps us to make recommendations to providers in North Tyneside to improve services for expectant parents, mothers and babies.

You can take our online survey here, or contact our team to share your views or request a hard copy of the survey. Read more here – and please help to share this survey with those who have accessed maternity, birth and early baby care services.

Still time to share your experiences during the coronavirus pandemic

As part of our ongoing consultation with North Tyneside residents and users of health and care services in the borough, we want to hear about your experiences during the pandemic. What worked well? What could have been improved? How have your health and care been affected? Share your views to help improve local services (and you could win £20 high street vouchers).

Trustees’ Week: Thanks and Recruitment


This Trustees’ Week we want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to our own board of trustees, who have guided us through a very different and challenging year – thanks to each and every one of you for your support and dedication.

Can you use your knowledge and skills to help to improve health and social care services for people in North Tyneside? We are currently recruiting new trustees, who have the skills and experiences to help us deliver our aims and can volunteer at least three hours a month to support our work. Read more about this varied and rewarding opportunity.

Service Changes Information Hub

service hubIn light of ongoing adaptations and restrictions due to Covid-19, we are continuing to keep our Information Hub updated with changes to local health and care services, with sections on local hospitals, pharmacies, care homes and more. Read more here

What to do when you feel ill

Our research has found that local people are often confused as to who to call or where to go when they feel ill in North Tyneside. As a result, we have produced online information, video and leaflet giving you a guide to your options. Read more here, including how to request copies of our leaflet for distribution.

Healthwatch North Tyneside AGM 2020

Our annual general meeting will take place on Tuesday 24 November at 3pm. The meeting is open to the public and will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to attend please contact the Healthwatch Team on 0191 263 5321 or email info@hwnt.co.ukRead more here.

Have your say

As well as maternity services and your experiences during coronavirus, we are currently gathering people’s feedback and experiences on the following themes. Please follow the links to find out more and share your views with us. You can also telephone us on 0191 263 5321 or email info@hwnt.co.uk


Along with North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, we want to hear about the experiences of carers during the coronavirus outbreak. Have your caring responsibilities changed? Have you had all of the information you need? Have your say

Care Homes

There has been lots of discussion about access to care homes in the national media. The government has published new guidance as part of the new national lockdown. We want to hear your experiences. Have your say here

Visit our website to see more ways to ‘Have Your Say’

Local and national news

Could you help keep your community safe from Covid-19?


North Tyneside VODA is harnessing the power of local residents as Community Health Champions to play a vital role in sharing up-to-date, trusted health messages with people they know and care about during the Covid-19 pandemic. To do this, VODA is recruiting a network of voluntary Community Health Champions from all walks of life who can share accurate information with their friends, family, neighbours and networks as they go about their lives. Read more and register your interest here

New lockdown restrictions from 5th November

Visit the Government’s website for official guidance on new measures and restrictions to control coronavirus in England, which came into force on 5th November, including updated guidance on visiting arrangements in care homes

Definition of clinically extremely vulnerable updated

The Government has also updated its definition and related guidance on people who are defined as clinically extremely vulnerable and therefore at high risk from Covid-19. If you think there are good clinical reasons why you should be added to the Shielded Patient List, discuss your concerns with your GP or hospital clinician.

Volunteer opportunities with VODA’s Good Neighbours project

Can you spare a few hours a week to help your neighbours in North Tyneside? North Tyneside VODA’s Good Neighbours project is recruiting new volunteers to help with shopping or prescription collections for vulnerable and isolated residents during the second lockdown. Read more and register your interest here

Have your say on NHS language and interpreting services

The NHS wants to hear from people who use interpreting and translation services when accessing NHS primary care services across the North East. Feedback will be used to shape the future of these services. Read more here

Get Well for Winter campaign in full swing

Developed by the North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network and Skills for People, the campaign aims to support and empower people with a learning disability and their supporters in the North East and Cumbria to get fit and well for winter. Read more here, including how to receive a weekly campaign bulletin.

National Pharmacy Association: Ask Your Pharmacy Week 2020  

Organised by the pharmacy body along with the NHS, this week-long campaign (2-9 Nov) aims to build public awareness and understanding of community pharmacy services and the role of pharmacy as an important part of the NHS family. Read more here and visit our website to find or leave feedback about your local pharmacy

For the latest news and opportunities to have your say follow us on social media






10 Nov

North Tyneside VODA Volunteer Centre Facebook Page

Hi All

Here is the link for the page https://www.facebook.com/VolunteerCentreNorthTyneside 

In addition to volunteering opportunities being advertised on our Volunteer Plus website, we will also be sharing volunteer information on our Facebook page.

If you would like to please feel free to visit and give us a like and share.

Best Wishes



Kimberley Rackstraw

Volunteering Development Officer

Please note I work part-time, usually Mondays and Tuesdays.

VODA, Queen Alexandra Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields, NE29 9BZ

Tel: (0191) 643 2634

E-mail: Kimberley.rackstraw@voda.org.uk

Charity Reg. No. 1075060

Company Reg. No. 3703221

VODA is an ISO9001 organisation

09 Nov

Covid 19 shopping volunteers required by VODA North Tyneside

Can you spare a few hours a week to help your neighbours in #NorthTyneside?
VODA’s Good Neighbours project is recruiting new volunteers to help with shopping or prescription collections.
Covid-19 has left many people vulnerable and isolated and no doubt this second lockdown will see this increase. We urgently need your help!…
Download flyer here.