20 Oct

Get active with Age Proud Newcastle

October is the month during which older people worldwide stand proud and celebrate their achievements and the contributions they make to society.  Putting a global spotlight on getting older, the World Health Organisation has this year launched its Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030), looking at how people can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality in a healthy environment.

Age Friendly Newcastle, have collated all the events taking place for ‘Age Proud Newcastle’.  Much of the activity is online and virtual and includes:

  • Get your voice on the A – Z of Ageing Well Gif Wall – Pick a letter of the alphabet and get creative. Tell us about a location, an emotion, an activity – anything, as long as it represents is something that you feel helps you to age well.  You can either film a 30 second clip on your phone or take a series of photos.
  • Nominate your Age Proud Champion – This autumn we’re shining a light on the often unsung differences older people are making within their communities. Do you know someone who is a great example of ageing well or has helped those around them? Perhaps they’re a volunteer, has supported you through the past six months or simply have an inspiring attitude to life.
  • Get your voice on the LLARC airwaves  – share a story; tell us what makes you tick or interview someone about their life and experiences
  • Get involved in either of the Artist in Residencies films or creative writing

Visit: Age Proud Newcastle for information, activities and events taking place throughout the month.

14 Oct

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 9 October 2020

Our News and Events

What to do when you feel ill in North Tyneside

People in North Tyneside have told us through our research, at local events and via our online channels, that they often find it confusing to know who to call or where to go when they feel ill. As a result we have produced this short video, accompanying leaflet and online information. Read more here

New report: Experiences of Dementia and Memory Support Services in North Tyneside

To coincide with World Mental Health Day (10 October) we have published our Insights Report into local memory and dementia services. The findings are based on the experiences of older people and their families and includes recommendations around early identification and referrals, improving care coordination and crisis planning. Read more here

The impact of Covid-19 and recovery plans

Health and wellbeing board graphic

As part of the latest meeting of North Tyneside’s Health & Wellbeing Board, Healthwatch North Tyneside highlighted some of the key themes and issues from the information people have told us about their experiences during the pandemic.
Read more here.

Service Changes Information Hub

NHS and other health, care and community services continue to change in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Keep up-to-date with local changes at our online Service Changes Information Hub, which contains sections on Urgent and Emergency Care, Hospitals, GPs, Mental Health Services, Pharmacies and lots more.  Read more here

Phoenix Detached Youth Project launches ‘The Good Practice’ video

We are delighted to share this new video from Phoenix Detached Youth Project, which aims to help improve the service and accessibility of mental health support in the borough for young people. Funded by Healthwatch North Tyneside, the film was written and produced by local young people. Read more here

Have your say

We are currently gathering people’s feedback and experiences on the following themes. Please follow the links to find out more and share your views with us. You can also telephone us on 0191 263 5321 or email info@hwnt.co.uk


Along with North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, we want to hear about the experiences of carers during the coronavirus outbreak. Have your caring responsibilities changed? Have you had all of the information you need? Have your say

Care Homes

We want to know what issues matter to you and what’s working well in North Tyneside care homes; what could be done better and how you think the care home where your loved one lives could be better in the future. Have your say

Local and national news

New measures to minimise the spread of Coronavirus

Visit North Tyneside Council’s website about local restrictions to help minimise the spread of the virus.

Easy-read flu-vaccination resources

Easy-read leaflets, posters and flyers providing information are available on the Government’s website

Navigating Life in North Tyneside

Produced by North Tyneside VODA and North Tyneside Council, this new magazine features a range of useful information and resources to help residents navigate life in the borough during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Diary of a nation in lockdown

The ONS (Office of National Statistics) has published an infographic of public opinion during the pandemic. Do you agree with the statements within in? Share your views in our own coronavirus feedback survey

Have your say on North Tyneside’s SEND Inclusion Strategy

North Tyneside Council are currently consulting on the development of a plan to support the inclusion of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities within their local communities. They are looking to hear your views via this survey.

Live forums from online young people’s mental health platform, Kooth 

Available to all young people aged between 11 and 25 across North Tyneside, Kooth offers access to support and advice on emotional wellbeing and mental health – including a series of live forums throughout October. Read more and register here

For the latest news and opportunities to have your say follow us on social media







13 Oct

Youth Survey Report ‘Impact of Lockdown’ – Northumbria Violence Reduction Unit

Good Afternoon,

I hope you and your families are keeping well and those returning to school have settled in.

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who supported with the sharing, distribution and completion of our Youth Survey on the impact of lockdown. I was delighted with the number of responses achieved and this will help shape the work of my office and Violence Reduction Unit going forward.

As restrictions tighten once again, the importance that we act on this feedback increases even more – we have set out a number of recommendations and are fully committed to delivering them along with our partners.

Please read and share the report within your network, and if you have questions about the contents, or would like any of the data captured, please contact VRU@northumbria-pcc.gov.uk and my team will get back to you.

The impact this year has had on young people has been significant, but I am confident that with the excellent support networks we have across Northumbria, we can ensure their concerns are addressed and acted upon.


Kim McGuinness

Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner

11 Oct

Update from Time to Change – 2 October 2020

Time to Change

World Mental Health Day on Saturday 10 October is a great opportunity to raise awareness and start conversations about mental health.

Everyone’s experience of mental health problems is different, and we all deserve to feel safe and supported when talking about our mental health. But too often, mental health stigma leaves people feeling isolated and ashamed. At worst, it prevents people getting support, finding employment or having open conversations with friends and family.

This World Mental Health Day, we’re encouraging everyone to open up to mental health, to talk and to listen.

Read on to find out how you can get involved and help change attitudes towards those of us with experience of mental health problems.

World Mental Health Day resources

Change attitudes this World Mental Health Day by sharing our message. Whether you’re getting involved at work, at university or online, we’ve got resources to help you change the way people think and act about mental health.

Take a look >

Watch Barry’s story

In this powerful video from Time to Change Halton, Champion Barry shares his experience of mental health problems and how opening up about it has helped him feel less alone.

Watch now >

Be Defiant Virtual Challenge


Be Defiant’s Virtual Challenge is an opportunity to push yourself and help raise funds for Time to Change this World Mental Health Day. You choose your distance and how you complete the challenge. Whether you run, walk or cycle, you’ll receive a special edition T-shirt and all profits will be donated to Time to Change.

Join the challenge >

Our impact and future

Together we have improved public attitudes towards mental health by 12.7% since Time to Change began in 2007. Despite this progress, we know that we still have a long way to go.

Over the past 18 months we’ve been listening to the priorities of people with lived experience of mental health problems, and with the help of our social movement we have developed a proposal for continuing to campaign to change attitudes and behaviours where it’s needed the most. Our campaign’s current funding ends on 31 March 2021 and we are working hard to secure new funding to deliver this vital work.

Just like you, we are passionate about ending mental health stigma and discrimination. We will keep you updated with our progress and let you know what you can do to help.

Find out more >


Upcoming Events

10 OCT

World Mental Heath Day

World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to start conversations about mental health and raise awareness. We’re calling on everyone to open up to mental health, to talk and to listen.

Find out more >


Get involved with World Mental Health Day online

Hear from a Champion

Join Time to Change Champion Tony on Zoom as he shares his story. Hear what it means for Tony to be a Champion and how he finds fulfilment in kindness and meditation.


Take part in a comedy workshop

Comedy can actively provide a counterbalance to prejudice and help us to challenge negative stereotypes. Join this one-off workshop for honesty, authenticity and laughter.


Give mindfulness a go

Join Roya and friends for a 1.5 hour session of mindfulness and guided breathing exercises – and even a spot of Bollywood dancing thrown in.

07 Oct

Age UK North Tyneside winter support services

Age UK North Tyneside has launched a new Winter is Coming campaign to raise awareness of the services they offer that can support people in North Tyneside aged 50+ to ensure that they are taking advantage of the benefits and services they are entitled to. Age UK North Tyneside’s professionally qualified Information and Advice team provides friendly and unbiased advice, free of charge, on a huge number of issues relevant to older people. Last year the service leveraged over £1.7m in unclaimed benefits.

A few examples are:

  • Free Benefit Check
  • Winter fuel payment
  • Cold weather payment
  • Warm Home discount
  • Energy Companies Obligation Scheme ECO
  • Switch your suppliers for cheaper rates
  • Green Home Grants Scheme
  • Home improvement – insulation grants
  • Local Authority support
  • Priority Services Register-Utility providers
  • How to avoid Winter related scams
  • Tax Aid- support with tax returns
  • Tyne & Wear Fire Brigade FREE Winter home checks
  • IT skills support and employability skills

So if you need Information or Advice on any of these topics and more, call 0191 280 84 84.

02 Oct

North Tyneside Community Health Champions – Sign Up Today

Do you want to help keep your community safe from COVID-19?

VODA is looking to harness the power of our local residents as North Tyneside Community Health Champions to share up to date, trusted health messages with people they know and care about.

If you live or work in North Tyneside and want to get involved you can sign up at voda.org.uk/champions or for more information contact Alice Holliday at VODA on 0191 643 2626 or email alice.holliday@voda.org.uk

02 Oct

Navigating Life in North Tyneside During COVID-19

VODA has worked with North Tyneside Council to create Navigating Life in North Tyneside During COVID-19 magazine, to provide residents with useful advice and guidance to navigate life in the borough during the pandemic. The magazine features information on health and wellbeing, what to expect if you visit a GP or go shopping, how to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, wearing face coverings and what support is available from local VCS organisations. You can also find out more about the work of local Good Neighbours and NHS volunteers.

Printed copies of the magazine are being distributed to local charities and community organisations, residents who were on the shielding list and GP surgeries. You can also read and download a copy online at: voda.org.uk/Navigating-Life

02 Oct

Useful information for those affected by dementia

Dementia UK has just published five new leaflets to support people receiving a diagnosis of dementia. Written by their team of Admiral Nurses, they cover the following topics: The emotional impact of receiving a diagnosis, how roles and relationships might change, dealing with stigma, staying healthy, dementia and driving.

The new leaflets and many others covering a broad range of topics can be downloaded from their website. Type the name of the leaflet in the search box on their website.

Why not fundraise to enable them to recruit and provide specialist nurses during October? See ‘Raise your game’ on the website.

Read more on dementia and Dementia Friendly Newcastle

01 Oct

Chilli Studios Newsletter: October Workshops & Activity

NEW Online Programme:
Workshops & Activity for October & November

In these odd and surreal times, it’s important to stay connected. We know the value of creativity to our mental health and we will endeavour to do our best to replicate something as creative, fun, engaging and community-driven as our usual programme. Although we have had to postpone the studios opening due to recent further restrictions    we’re striving to up our online offer
So, as well as new Zoom activities (see programme above) we also have a few one-off workshops, a Halloween special event and New postal creative wellbeing box offers! Exciting stuff! so keep eyes peeled for updates on our facebook wall. 

“We can get through this together
with kindness, cleanliness and creativity”

In this email:
1. Chillitunities: Creative Care packages
2. Postal Art Exchange
3. Halloween event
4. Chilli Quiz
5. Membership update
6. Support links


Chillitunities: Creative Care packages

We are delighted to announce that we will be releasing a further 3 Creative care packages to current members of our charity. Please sign up by emailing info@chillistudios.co.uk You can sign up for them all but there is a fair policy so please state your preferred box.

1. Clay pack – Clay and tools linked to online zoom workshops
2. General Wellbeing box
3. TBC – Possibly a beginners silk painting kit

Images below are examples of past boxes



Is a new exciting project open to all. Information above.
Members of the Chilli Studios that are interested can receive 2-3 free blank postcards to create their artworks as well as pre-paid envelope to return to Chilli Studios
To get involved please contact jo@chillistudios.co.uk


Chilli Studios Online Halloween Party!

Thursday 29th October 7pm
Zoom link on Members forum and members facebook group

There will be live music, performances, poetry, ghost stories and even a dance-off and more!
If you would like to perform please contact jo@chillistudios.co.uk


Chilli QUIZ returns!

2pm Last Friday of the month
Zoom link on Members forum and members facebook group


Membership Update

From April Chilli Studios opened up the forum and live workshops further to new members and those who would benefit from this resource and are experiencing isolation & mental health issues. This is to support those wishing to join in Chilli Studios Creative activities during the Covid19 crisis.

All new members will have to fill in a more basic version of our membership form to ensure we support on an individual basis, maintain good practise and create a safe space for all using the resources. Link to form: https://forms.gle/H1fkqRYFXjoof9rK7​​

There was no charge attached to our online service from April – August 2020. From September 2020 membership will be back to the subsidised £10 a month for full membership which includes online activity. Please contact info@chillistudios.co.uk to update membership.

Our current ONLINE offer includes:
– Access to 3-10 zoom workshops a week (live and interactive) and basic technical support
(see timetable www.chillistudios.co.uk)
– Access to our Online forum community and activity

Occasional & optional:
– Wellbeing check-ins and signposting
– One to one music support sessions – zoom, email or phone
– Postal art 
– Creative care boxes 
(Past Creative boxes have ranged from clay, fimo, printing, card making, watercolours, to general wellbeing & care packages)


Support Links

Remember, there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone, we will come together soon and be stronger still.

Chilli Love to allx


Spend time exploring our Chilli Collective website!

A diverse collective of artists based at Chilli Studios


Also, you could explore our
Oral Histories, Personal Stories & Lived Experience

Heads & Tales is a people’s archive for the North East that explores, rebalances and celebrates the voice of people experiencing mental health conditions.

Explore a growing collection of 500 + archive items. This archive serves as a snapshot of mental health in the current day (2016-2020) but you’ll find information and interesting items from the ancient, victorian to the contemporary in numerous and creative forms.

A people’s archive should rightfully be a living and growing archive, so do remember to check back for more items to be uploaded soon