29 Sep

Useful Services in North Tyneside leaflet update


The latest version of Useful Services in North Tyneside is available now. The leaflet, created in partnership with the Ending Loneliness in North Tyneside campaign, SIGN directory and North Tyneside Council, signposts residents to a range of support via local organisations and includes mental health, families, disabilities, physical health, carers support and telephone befriending.

You can download a PDF of the leaflet here. If you have a service you would like adding to the leaflet, please email victoria.logan-coulsey@voda.org.uk

28 Sep

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Mindfulness Sessions

North Tyneside Carers Centre are running a new Mindfulness session in October. For more information and to book please email andrea.lanaghan@ntcarers.co.uk

Download poster here.

Andrea Lanaghan

Carer Community Link Worker

​North Tyneside Carers’ Centre

0191 643 2298



Suite 9, Saville Exchange,
Howard Street, North Shields
NE30 1SE

28 Sep

The benefits system failed Anna

“The benefit system doesn’t work for people with mental health problems.”

These were Anna’s words when we spoke with her about her experience of applying for disability benefits during the coronavirus pandemic. Now she has written a blog to share this experience with you.

Read Anna’s story

Anna lives with depression and anxiety. When she started to struggle with her mental health whilst working part time, her psychotherapist suggested she try applying for PIP (Personal Independence Payment), which is a disability benefit.

“The lady who did the assessment was helpful and friendly, but she wasn’t interested in the mental health side of things. I have arthritis in my left thumb, and she was much more interested in how physically my hand affected me doing either the cooking or household chores. It hurts sometimes, but it doesn’t stop me doing things. It’s my mental health that stops me doing things, not my physical health.”

Disability benefits are supposed to support people. Instead, the process of applying for PIP made Anna’s mental health worse, and didn’t get her the support she needed.

Read more from Anna

Anna’s experience shows that the UK needs a better benefits system. Together we can build it, and make sure the society that comes after the pandemic is kinder, fairer and safer.

Take care,


26 Sep

Diabetes and Moving More event – 29 September 2020

Diabetes UK will present an online session packed with useful information about the basics of getting more active later this month.

The ‘Diabetes and Moving More’ webinar, organised by the charity’s North of England team, will take place on Tuesday, September 29 (8pm-9.15pm).

It is free to register and will be particularly useful for anyone living with diabetes, anyone caring for someone with diabetes or anyone at risk of developing diabetes. There will be advice for people of all fitness levels, from beginners to people who exercise regularly.

The session will feature talks from Neil Gibson, Physical Activity Insight Advisor at Diabetes UK, and George West, a Sheffield-based Diabetes UK speaker and volunteer living with type 1 diabetes.

Neil’s talk will include myth-busting, top tips, and practical ideas and suggestions around getting more active. George will give a personal perspective on living with diabetes, touching on some of the mental barriers that commonly prevent people with the condition from exercising more.

There will be a Q&A with Neil and George following their presentations.

The event will be run on the video conference platform Zoom and you will be sent a link once you register. To sign up, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/diabetes-and-moving-more-registration-117263413025

Download the poster here.

If you have any queries, email Evie Kinghorn at evie.kinghorn@diabetes.org.uk.

Many thanks,


Evie Kinghorn

Volunteer Development Officer (Event Registration Expert)

T +44 (0)7885 557 010

E evie.kinghorn@diabetes.org.uk | W www.diabetes.org.uk

Facebook www.facebook.com/diabetesuk | Twitter www.twitter.com/diabetesuk

Diabetes UK Wells Lawrence House, 126 Back Church Lane, London E1 1FH

Got a question about diabetes? Contact our Helpline.
0345 123 2399

24 Sep

Update from the Employers Team at Time to Change – 21 September 2020

Time to Change

World Mental Health Day Activity Pack

This World Mental Health Day, we encourage you all to consider how you can create learning opportunities for all your staff and increase their level of understanding of mental health.

As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, many more of us are working remotely. This activity pack is full of suggested activities that you can look to deliver remotely via digital platforms.

Download now >


Reaching Out

Champion Training

Are you looking for training for your Champions?

Time to Change can provide ‘Being a Champion’ training for up to 16 of your employees. The course aims to:

  • Help Champions identify what the role means to them and to their organisation.
  • Support Champions to gain an understanding around boundaries, managing conversations and difficult disclosures.
  • Equip people with and without personal experience of mental health problems with the skills, information and confidence to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace and challenge the stigma about mental health problems.

Options are available for face to face training at your venue or virtual training hosted by us on Zoom. Each training session is only £750 plus VAT and expenses where applicable.

For further information regarding Champion training options, please contact our Champion Training Manager by emailing R.Uddin@time-to-change.org.uk

Book now >


Employer Stories

Baywater Healthcare lead from the top

Baywater Healthcare’s proactive approach provides an excellent example of how commitment by senior leadership can help create a positive culture around mental health in the workplace.

Click below to read about Baywater Healthcare’s senior leadership and response to the challenges of Coronavirus.

Read more >


Useful Resources

Trauma impact in policing

Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is an anxiety disorder which can develop after somebody has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. 

Recently, we marked Emergency Services Day by talking to Dr Jess Miller, the Director of Research for Police Care UK.

In this article, Dr Miller talks about how trauma affects police officers, and how to help.

Read more >

Working together to prevent suicide, and to support people after it

Thursday 10th September 2020 was World Suicide Prevention Day.

In this blog, Sophie Pullan, Senior Comms and Marketing Officer for Mental Health At Work, shares her personal experience of her father’s death.

Sophie also explores ways organisations can support their employees when it comes to this difficult topic.

Read the blog >


Upcoming Events


Masterclass: Communication and Awareness Around Mental Health

In this Masterclass, our guest speakers from Hoxby will be discussing staff engagement, digital communication and utilising technology to support the mental health and wellbeing of employees. This event will run from 12-1pm on Thursday 8th October. Participation will be via Zoom.

Find out more >


10 OCT

World Mental Health Day

Save the date! World Mental Health Day is coming up on Saturday 10th October.

Find out more >

22 Sep

Welfare support advice for disabled people from Disability North

Disability North has published some presentations to support disabled people across the region to access information and advice about the welfare benefits they may be entitled to.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it has continued to provide one-to-one support for claimants of disability benefits, with remote appointments taking place on the phone or on Zoom. But the videos, on the Personal Independence Payment and the Disability Living Allowance have been made to replace some of the talks and workshops the team would have usually delivered.

Both videos provide basic information about the benefits, along with tips and advice on how to make claims and complete the application. To watch the videos click here

22 Sep

Disability North launches ‘Ability North’ project

The Ability North Project offers series of free personal training programmes funded by Sport England to be provided to disabled people across the North East of England.

The aim is to provide an opportunity to help people improve their health, fitness and wellbeing whilst building confidence to continue to keep active throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Each programme is 3 weeks in length and will be instructed by specialist trainer Jonathan Baker. The project is open to those with a wide variety of medical conditions and impairments such as:

  • Wheelchair users due to spinal cord injury, stroke, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Sclerosis
  • Limb impairment
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health issues
  • Hearing impairment
  • Visual impairment

Sessions will be held at Disability North’s fully accessible Dene Centre, on Mondays and Fridays between 10.00-14.30. The start date for sessions is Monday 5 October.

For more information and to apply for a space please contact Jonathan at m: 07712 289225 or email: info@motionnortheast.co.uk

22 Sep

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 16 September 2020

How have you coped with COVID-19 restrictions?

During the pandemic period we have been keeping in regular contact with our Healthwatch Champions. Allan Robinson has been volunteering with us since 2014 and enjoys the face-to-face, interactive elements of our work. Allan has many interests but has had to adjust to life under COVID-19 restrictions. He has spoken to us about his thoughts on the situation:

“The current virus has affected everyone in one way or another. Normal life seems to have changed forever, so how do we cope? Hospital appointments cancelled, doctors are difficult to access, libraries and community groups closed, shopping and travel difficult. On top of this family and friends’ visits are restricted.”

Read more at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/covid-19-restrictions


Supporting Patient Participation Groups

We have received requests in recent years from patient group members and GP practices to help develop their Patient Participation Groups (PPGs).

In response, we prioritised PPGs in our 2019—2020 workplan and launched the pilot of our Participation in Practice award (see our July newsletter for more on the award). However, this initiative only allowed us to support 12 PPGs. Other groups wanted to get involved so we created a new forum for PPG members — the Healthwatch Patient Participation Group Forum.

The first forum meeting took place earlier in February. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, the forum has met a further two times online to share good practice and identify issues, trends and problems.

Read more about the forum at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/news/patient-participation


Don’t box me in! Are services young people-friendly?

Healthwatch Gateshead received negative feedback last year from young people about the way health professionals treated them. They told us their doctor, dentist and/or optician spoke to their parents rather than to them and felt uncomfortable with their health professional’s manner.

Healthwatch Gateshead and Children North East worked in partnership to look at whether services in Newcastle and Gateshead were young people-friendly.

They focused on accessibility, patient choice, communication, confidentiality and feedback. Healthwatch Gateshead made several recommendations as a result of its ‘Don’t box me in’ report.

Read more at https://healthwatchgateshead.co.uk/news/young-people-friendly-services


Welcoming a new Chief Executive

We are delighted to have appointed a new Chief Executive — Siobhan O’Neil — who will be joining us in October. Siobhan comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in both the voluntary and the statutory sectors, most recently at a mental health and wellbeing charity in Northumberland.

In addition to a busy work life, Siobhan is mum to four boys, an active volunteer and enjoys running, usually slowly and as a way of offsetting cake consumption!

Siobhan is thrilled to be joining us. She’s looking forward to working with Cynthia Atkin (interim lead) during the handover period, getting to know the team and building on the strong work to date.


Forward-thinking Chair sought for ambitious CIC Board!

Tell Us North is a community interest company (CIC). It holds the contracts for Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead and is seeking a new Chair.

The Chair will support Tell Us North’s ambitious growth plans and ensure excellent governance arrangements. Working with the Chairs of the Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead Committees, the successful candidate will oversee the successful delivery of the Healthwatch contracts.

The closing date for applications is Monday 19 October 2020.

Find out more at https://tellusnorth.org.uk/vacancies


The rule of six

From Monday 14 September it is illegal to meet people you do not live with in groups of more than six. This new COVID-19 rule does not apply to schools and workplaces, or weddings, funerals and organised team sports. Failure to comply could result in a £100 fine.

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/gov-six-rule


#DoYourBit to protect the NHS

Health leaders across Northumberland, North Tyneside, Newcastle and Gateshead are asking people to do their bit by thinking pharmacy, GP and 111 first, and not just to turn up to A&E.

Health chiefs say that due to social distancing and infection precautions, the space available in A&E to care for people and allow NHS staff to work safely has been reduced by 30-50 per cent.  Action is needed now to protect both patients and staff, from now and into the future.

If your need is not life-threatening, you are advised to contact your local pharmacy, GP or 111 online in the first instance.

Advice will be provided based on individual issues. Solutions will range from self-care through to an appointment with a GP or being directed to go to a pharmacist or an Urgent Treatment Centre.


Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month. More than 21,000 women are diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer every year. The number of urgent suspected cancer referrals in general for June was 21 per cent lower than a year earlier, so it’s more vital than ever to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms.

Find out more about the symptoms and treatments at https://eveappeal.org.uk/gynaecological-cancers


Volunteer to help find the vaccine for COVID-19 in Newcastle

Several vaccines for COVID-19 are being developed and safety-tested but only large scale studies can give researchers information about how effective they are.

The National Institute for Health Research is working with the NHS and aims to recruit half a million people onto a registry by October. This will allow people to be put in touch with vaccine studies in the coming months. Researchers are looking for people from all backgrounds, ages and parts of the UK to take part in vaccine studies. This includes people with or without existing health conditions to make sure that any vaccines will work for everyone.

Anyone aged 18 or over and living in the UK can join the registry. There is no obligation to join a study if you are contacted. By taking part, you could help researchers find vaccines to protect us all more quickly — which in turn could help the NHS and save lives.

Take part at https://bepartofresearch.nihr.ac.uk


COVID-19: what people are telling us

In recent months we have been asking people in Newcastle for their experiences of health and social care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This feedback is included in Healthwatch England’s latest briefing, which outlines the key issues experienced by over 19,000 people throughout England.

Find out more at https://bit.ly/2FjIFAB


Printing this newsletter

We’re currently unable to provide copies of this newsletter. If you would like a version you can print out yourself please email info@healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk

14 Sep

Take on your own Memory Walk this September

Defeating dementia starts with a single step

Memory Walk may look a little different this year, but completing your own walk is a fun and flexible way to make a real difference and every pound raised is one step closer towards life-changing dementia breakthroughs.
Whether you complete it on your own, with your household or four-legged friends, it’s your walk, your way.

> Register for free

During the current crisis you can support us through social media, helping our fundraising and supporting our campaigns. Go to www.alzheimers.org.uk to find out more.

Fiona Swindell
