21 Jul

Emily’s video – the impact of lockdown on her mental health

*We try to make sure our emails are as safe as possible for our campaigners, so want to let you know that Emily’s video and quote contain references to flashbacks and intrusive and suicidal thoughts.*

Thank you to all of you who invited your MP to attend our virtual roundtable event last week. The event was a real success!

One of our speakers at the event was Emily from Guernsey. Emily has experienced mental health problems since she was a child, including depression, anxiety and anorexia. She spoke to MPs about the impact lockdown had on her mental health, and has recorded a video to share these experiences with you too.

Watch Emily’s video

Emily spoke movingly about how the coronavirus pandemic turned her world upside down:

“Normally being busy would mean my mind would be distracted from intrusive anorexia thoughts, flashbacks and my suicidal thoughts, it would give me a way to stay well and focussed. Being alone with your own mind stuck inside was like being confined to a prison cell 24/7 with no way out, a washing machine on a full cycle with endless emotions, thoughts, flashbacks and anxieties and fears churning round and round.”

Hear Emily’s full story

Over 20 people joined the conversation, including the Minister for Mental Health, Nadine Dorries MP. As well as hearing from Emily, they also listened to three other powerful speakers talk about the challenges people have faced trying to access services, support, and benefits.

The message from all our speakers was clear – the UK Government needs to act now to put mental health at the heart of all recovery plans and ensure everyone gets the support they need.

Thank you for all you do,


21 Jul

Time to Change Employers Newsletter – June 2020

Time to Change

Workplace Wellbeing Index Insights Report

The Workplace Wellbeing Index is a benchmark of best policy and practice around mental health in the workplace.

Mind have developed a report of findings from the 2018/19 Index. The findings consider the role of the organisation, the role of the manager and the employee experience of workplace wellbeing.

You can find the key insights from the report, which you may find useful in the delivery of your Employer Action Plan, by clicking below.

Download now >


Reaching Out

Five tests for the UK government

Mind is asking the UK Government to meet five tests for putting mental health at the heart of the new normal.

Watch and share a short video explaining the five tests by clicking the button below.

Watch now >


Employer Stories

Riverside create support system for champions

Riverside Housing Association has recruited over 180 mental health champions across the organisation.

Along with an impressive network of champions came the realisation that a system of support was needed to keep champions safe and supported in their roles.

Find out how Riverside created an effective support system by clicking below.

Read more >


Useful Resources

Our Frontline: support for social care workers

Care workers are under pressure like never before. It can be hard to prioritise your own mental health when you’re caring for others in such a difficult situation – but your wellbeing matters.

In this toolkit, you can find support lines, advice on maintaining your well being, advice on dealing with grief, stress busting tips and more.

Take a look >

Our frontline workers are greater than heroes, they’re human

The UK owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the NHS. But when we hold NHS staff and other frontline workers up to an impossible standard, we may risk leaving them without the support they need.

In this blog, Beckett Frith calls on us to look beyond the ‘hero’ narrative and see the real people working hard to keep our country safe.

Read more >

10 Jul

The ‘Official’ Virtual Great North Run

The ‘Official’ Virtual Great North Run will be a unique virtual half marathon race experience on the weekend that would have been Great North Run weekend. The event is free to participate in and is open for all runners, whether they had a Great North Run place or not. Entries open on Monday 3rd August so mark the date in your diary to sign up!

They’re encouraging all runners who take part to run in aid of one of the official Great North Run charities. Choose a charity and encourage your friends, family and wider supporter network to rally behind you as you embark on your virtual Great North Run experience.

For more information visit: The Great North Run website

10 Jul

Public Health England updated COVID-19 guidance

Public Health England has updated COVID-19 guidance in light of changes to the government’s advice and continues to work across government to ensure guidance for the public is timely and up to date. They have recently updated advice for people who are shielding, and mental health and wellbeing guidance for the public and parents. To access the guidance please click on the links below:

The general public
Parents and carers of children and young people
People who are shielding – advice from 6 July

10 Jul

Update from Time to Change – 9 July 2020

Time to Change

As lockdown continues to lift, some of us might be feeling more anxious than relieved. Below, we share Seren’s experience of how lockdown lifting has impacted her mental health, along with our tips for supporting someone who’s worried about restrictions easing.

This month we want to hear your ideas on how we can make your email newsletter more relevant, interesting and useful. Answer our three quick questions below to share your feedback.

Have your say >


Supporting someone as lockdown lifts

Everyone will feel differently about lockdown lifting. If a friend is feeling anxious, try not to minimise their concerns and take the time to really listen. Have a look at our tips to help you be there for someone.

See our tips >


Lockdown lifting is challenging for my anxiety

“I’ve always lived with depression and anxiety, but the easing of lockdown has exacerbated my conditions.”

Seren shares how lockdown lifting has impacted her mental health.

Read the blog >


Share your story

We’re always looking for stories about people’s experiences of mental health stigma and discrimination. At the moment we’re particularly keen to hear from people with a diagnosis of PTSD or CPTSD. If you have an experience you’d like to share, find out more on our website.

Find out more >


Mind’s five tests for the UK government

The peak of the coronavirus pandemic may have passed, but its impact on the nation’s mental health is far from over. Our charity partner Mind are asking the government to meet five tests to make sure mental health is a priority.

Read more >


Read more personal stories

We’ve shared thousands of people’s experiences of mental health stigma and discrimination. Why not have a read of some more?


Information and advice

If you’re looking for mental health support, for you or someone else, there are lots of places you can go for help.

10 Jul

Digital Resources for Carers in North Tyneside

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre has teamed up with Carers UK to give carers in North Tyneside access to a wide range of digital tools and essential resources that may help make their caring situation easier.

These include e-learning modules and factsheets on health, finances and wellbeing. Read more here

09 Jul

National Helplines launch #readytotalk campaign as lockdown eases

A group of the UK’s leading helplines have today launched the #readytotalk campaign, encouraging people to seek support for problems that may have been aggravated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, or which they may not have spoken to anyone about while in lockdown.

As lockdown restrictions begin to ease, these organisations want to reassure the British public that whenever they are #readytotalk, their helplines are ready to listen.

Read more here.

09 Jul

NT LIFE is back!

We are delighted that our NT LIFE Recovery College is resuming face to face activities as a result of the reopening of the Hub at the Linskill Centre. NT LIFE is hosting a series of catch up sessions on 7 and 8 July for students to reconnect with the college. To ensure these sessions adhere to government guidelines, the numbers are limited and places must be booked in advance. Read more here

08 Jul

Involvement Communication to Service Users and Carers No. 15 ‘Recovery Colleges’ – 26 June 2020

As with many services, organisations and businesses, due to COVID-19, ‘lockdown’ and the restrictions in place, the region’s Recovery Colleges have understandably yet sadly had to close their doors to students.

In spite of this, all have managed to still provide a service to their students, have found creative ways of still being able to deliver courses, and have embraced social media where possible to stay connected and provide support to students.

This update shares just some of the amazing work our region’s Recovery Colleges have been doing throughout this pandemic and how they have adapted and changed throughout COVID-19.

08 Jul

Useful services in North Tyneside new leaflet

To help support the residents of North Tyneside as we start coming out of lockdown, VODA has put together a leaflet of useful services available. The leaflet, in partnership with the Ending Loneliness in North Tyneside campaign, SIGN directory and North Tyneside Council, is being distributed to beneficiaries of the North Tyneside COVID-19 Support Hub over the next week or so. The leaflet signposts support with a range of local organisations and includes mental health, families, disabilities, physical health, carers support and telephone befriending. You can download a pdf of the leaflet here. The aim is to update this leaflet as services resume over the coming weeks and months. If you have a service you feel should be included in the next version, please email victoria.logan-coulsey@voda.org.uk