30 Jun

Online Threat Material: Guidance for Parents/Guardians

Dear All

Download some useful information relating to Cyber security and online hate here; this is particularly relevant at the moment . We have seen an increase in social media usage with young persons being locked down due to Corona virus restrictions and this useful guide helps to identify warning signs that carers and parents need to be aware of.

There have been instances of far right groups taking advantage of the increased social media activity by young persons, who have increased their online activity to push out hate messages.

Can you please share the document with your contact list or any persons who may have concerns about a child. Could I also ask that any concerns are fed in through Prevent referral or contact our team for advice.

Thank you and let me know if you need any more information.


Afshin Malekian 9665
Community Engagement Officer
Ext: 73256 | T: 0191 4374 788

25 Jun

Report into financial inequality and mental health in light of COVID-19

A briefing from the ‘Coronavirus: Mental Health in the Pandemic’ Study has been published by the Mental Health Foundation.

It states that those who face the greatest disadvantages in society also face the greatest risk to their mental health, with the distribution of infections and deaths during the pandemic, the lockdown and associated measures, and the longer-term socioeconomic impact likely to reproduce and intensify the financial inequalities that contribute towards the increased prevalence and unequal distribution of mental ill-health.

Read more at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research/coronavirus-mental-health-pandemic/covid-19-inequality-briefing

25 Jun

Free resources from Time to Change

Time to Change

1 in 8 young people will experience a mental health problem; that’s roughly 3 students in every classroom. It’s time to change how we talk about mental health. 

Last month we launched our Action Plans – a range of free resources about mental health for five different areas of the school community. Hundreds of schools and colleges have signed up already, but there’s still time to get involved.

If you don’t work in a school, please consider sharing these resources with colleagues who do. Our resources are also adaptable to other settings, for example our resources for young campaigners can be used in any environment, from youth groups to football clubs! 

We know that the changes to lockdown have been at the forefront of many people’s minds, particularly worries about safely returning to schools and colleges. At the end of this email we have included information designed for young people about managing feelings around lockdown easing, from our partner charity Mind.  

Talking about mental health is easier than you think.


Sign up for your Action Plan

You can sign up to combat mental health stigma and discrimination in 5 different areas of your school:

Assembly and lesson plans
Resources for young campaigners
Information for parents
Support for the staff room
Take part in national campaigns

Resources are based online and adaptable for virtual learning. Once you’ve submitted your form, you will be able to download resources.

We will also email you when we launch new campaigns and resources for schools throughout the year.

Take part >

Coping with changes to lockdown

Managing your feelings about changes to lockdown – a resource for young people

Our partner charity Mind has put together information for young people who are struggling with their feelings about lockdown changing, and want to know how to cope and adjust.

Read more >

23 Jun

Time to Change Employers Newsletter – June 2020

Time to Change

Working From Home Wellness Action Plan

The Wellness Action Plan (WAP) is a useful tool to help us identify what keeps us well and what impacts our mental health. 

This revised WAP is designed to support you when you’re working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak.

As we all adapt to new ways of working and learn what works best for us in our new working environments, the WAP provides a personalised, practical tool we can all use to support our wellbeing, whether we have a mental health problem or not.

Download now >


Reaching Out

It’s time to put your Head First

Toolstation have teamed up with Time to Change to spread a positive message about mental health to their customers.

Click the link to find out how Toolstation are getting the trade industry talking about mental health.

Read more >


Employer Stories

Split the Bills: small but mighty on mental health

Split the Bills are a young, small utility company whose size hasn’t stopped them from being a mighty force for tackling mental health stigma in the workplace.

Click below to find out more about the changes which have made Split the Bills an aspirational example for other businesses to follow.

Take a look>


Useful Resources

Supporting remote workers through the coronavirus

This webinar was first delivered in June 2020 by Emma Mamo, Head of Workplace Wellbeing at Mind, and Andrew Berrie, Time to Change Employer Programme Manager.

Emma and Andrew discuss how a Wellness Action Plan (WAP) can be used to support the mental health and wellbeing of remote workers.

Watch now>

Our Frontline: Supporting teachers’ mental health during the pandemic

The online educational publishing house, Twinkl, has teamed up with Mind to support teachers and help them cope with their new ways of working.

In this toolkit, you can find resources that have been selected by Twinkl’s teachers. These are focused on helping you relax, let go of anxiety, and take positive steps towards feeling in control at work.

Take a look >

23 Jun

Looking after your mental health as we come out of lockdown

For many of us, the gradual easing of lockdown brings longed-for opportunities (even if at a social distance) – to see friends, play sports, resume contact with family in ‘real space’ or get back to work that we value.  

But for many of us, even the happy, much anticipated changes can be difficult for our mental health.
And for many others the prospect of coming out of lockdown when debate is still live about the science supporting it can be a real worry. This may especially apply to those more vulnerable to the virus and those of us with mental health concerns.
Read more here.
19 Jun

Golden Bridge Pen Pals

AGE UK North Tyneside has teamed up with Golden Bridge, a new project from Newcastle University’s Student Union to help end loneliness. The Golden Bridge volunteers want to be modern day pen pals either via email or good old fashioned handwritten letters, with people who are isolating or shielding at home alone and would like to reach out and make a connection with someone new. Find out more about the project here.

19 Jun

Holding Hearts COVID-19 Bereavement Support Service

Holding HeartsThis new project from Holding Hearts CIC focuses on supporting parents and carers to support children with their grief during lockdown at home. This National Lottery funded service also offers the potential for 1:1 therapy or group therapy for the child if this is needed and when safe to do so. Read more here.