06 May

Update from the Employers Team at Time to Change – 23 April 2020

Time to Change

Last opportunity to sign Employer Pledge

Employers have until 9am on Monday 18th May 2020 to apply to become a Time to Change Pledged Employer and submit their Employer Action Plan.

The Time to Change Employer Pledge was introduced in 2011 and has seen more than 1,500 organisations employing more than 
4 million people across England sign up to create a more open and understanding culture around mental health problems.

While applications to the Pledge will close in May 2020, a package of ongoing support will be provided to Pledged Employers until the end of December 2020.

Find out more >


Mental Health Awareness Week

Download our new Activity Pack

Mental Health Awareness Week is an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against social stigma.

This year we encourage you to consider how you can raise understanding of the intersection between sleep and mental health in your workplaces (despite the change in theme to kindness).

We’ve put together a pack of activities that can be undertaken individually or as part of a group and on work social media platforms for those working remotely.

Download now >


Employer Stories

Colleagues at BCS Consulting speak out about lived experience

BCS Consulting is an employee-owned management consultancy delivering complex business change projects in banking and the financial markets.

Having senior leaders speak out about their own lived experiences, and marking key dates such as Mental Health Awareness Week, helped to create a more positive culture around mental health at BCS Consulting. 

Follow the link to find out more.

Take a look >


Useful Resources

Coronavirus and Isolation Toolkit

The Coronavirus pandemic is not just a physical health issue; it is also a mental health issue.

Many of us have found ourselves suddenly isolated and working remotely, but there are ways that employers, managers and colleagues can support this change. 

This Toolkit is intended to help you support yourself and your colleagues when working in isolation.

Click the link below to access the resources.

Take a look >

Advice and guidance for small businesses and the self-employed

The UK’s Coronavirus lockdown has caused a sudden change for many businesses, and it seems the information and advice you need is changing every day.

This guide from the FSB explains everything small businesses and the self-employed need to know about the government’s help during the Coronavirus outbreak.

It is frequently updated to ensure it is always giving you the most up-to-date information.

Click the link to find out more.

Find out more >


Upcoming Events

18 May

Employer Action Plan Submission Deadline

Any organisation wishing to take the Employer Pledge must submit their Employer Action Plan by 9am on Monday 18th May 2020. This will be the final opportunity to sign up before the Pledge is retired.

Find out more >

27 May

Evaluation Masterclass

This Masterclass will enable pledged employers to understand how to measure the impact of mental health strategies and initiatives. This event will run from 10:00-12:30 on Wednesday 27th May 2020. All participation will be digital via Zoom.

Find out more >

05 May

A wee paper craft video – make mini recycled envelopes

Good afternoon…..I’m here with a link to a lovely quick ‘How to Make Recycled Envelopes’ video.

Here are some of mine…so addictive!  These are lovely for something fun to do or for little gift envelopes…I popped a KitKat in the Harry Potter one and posted it under my sons bedroom door!  My daughter used the rest to write ‘Stay Safe’ notes for the neighbours..bless her.  I’m going to make some for VODA’s Good Neighbours project if anyone would like to join in.

Download the template for you to print out OR as Jenny says in the video you can draw around an envelope that you have already and use that instead.


If you fancy sharing your creations I would LOVE LOVE to see them!

Chat soon

Charly Mulvaney

Older engagement worker



Linskill and North Tyneside Community Development Trust, Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE30 2AY.

Monday to Thursday 9-3pm and Friday 9-12 noon

T: Currently only available on email or via the facebook page – thank you.

Charity No: 1119143

Company No: 04827255


05 May

Online cuppa and a chat with Charly

Happy afternoon,

I’ve been thinking of all the people who I usually see for a catch up in the corridors or a cuppa in my office and wondered if anyone fancied an online chat?  Download the poster for a ‘Chat with Charly’ on Fridays at 11am which will work via an online programme called ZOOM and all you need is a phone/tablet/laptop/PC that has a camera/microphone – so you can see/hear me and anyone else in the chat.  I’ve stolen the idea from the Woollies weekly Zoom chat and some other groups within the community development team are using Zoom.

If you fancy trying it out please get back in touch and i’ll send you a link for the meeting on Fridays at 11am, whilst we’re all at home.  Depending on how many people sign in I might do a quiz!

Thanks for having a read…

See you Friday for a cuppa!

Charly Mulvaney

Older engagement worker



Linskill and North Tyneside Community Development Trust, Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE30 2AY.

Monday to Thursday 9-3pm and Friday 9-12 noon

T: 07442 505 791

Charity No: 1119143

Company No: 04827255


05 May

NTAS Online Programme

With the temporary closure of our physical studio spaces, we have been looking at how we can best support people to use art and creativity to improve their mental health.

As a result, we are now offering 3 creative classes per week as part of our open-access online creative programme.  The sessions are available free of charge to everyone with access to the internet!  This will enable us to support not only our existing members but anyone whose mental health is being negatively impacted by COVID-19.

These sessions will not only be of benefit to the people who you work with but also for your staff and volunteers as we all deal with the stress, loneliness, anxiety and disruption caused by the pandemic.

I hope that you will therefore consider sharing our creative programme, either through your social media, mailing lists, or team meetings, as a free, open way that people can experience the benefits of being creative and engaging with art and learn how art can improve your mental health.

Our sessions run as follows, with all the sessions being saved on our Facebook page to be watched later if you can’t make the live session. To visit our Facebook page, click this link: NTAS Facebook


Rachael Jones

Operations Manager

My working days are Tuesday to Saturday

North Tyneside Art Studio, Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields, NE30 2AY.

E. rachael.ntartstudio@gmail.com

T. 0191 2961156

Charity No. 1059103

Company No. 3266699



03 May

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 23 April 2020

Our priorities for 2020 – 2021

Earlier this year we asked you to help us choose our new work priorities from a shortlist of health and social care topics. The list was:

  1. Adult social care assessment process
  2. Carers’ assessments
  3. Interpreting services
  4. Reviews of social care support for people who are no longer in crisis
  5. Supporting young people who are facing gender identity issues

Unfortunately, the work we were doing to make sure as many people as possible could share their views on our priorities was limited by the spread of COVID—19 (coronavirus) and the restrictions on gatherings and movement. Therefore, we only managed to hear from 72 people, which is lower than in previous years. However, those people clearly told us that the adult social care assessment process was the most important priority, followed by carers’ assessments.

Things have changed a lot since we launched our priority-setting in January and Newcastle is a very different place. So, last week our Committee decided that we need to take a different approach to priorities this year. Our immediate priorities are:

  • Information-giving — communicating key messages to the public. These will relate to how to stay safe and well, how to get help if and when required, how to support others, etc. Most of this will be via electronic/social media and our radio show.
  • Signposting — supporting people to get the help that they need in response to enquiries via the phone, email, website and social media.
  • Troubleshooting — helping people who are not getting the response they need.

Supporting the local communities — working with others within the voluntary and community sector, health and the local authority to support the wider community. This will primarily be via befriending calls but could cover a range of other activities determined by the team and community need.

We will continue to gather information and feedback about people’s experiences of services and share these with the people that plan and provide the services. As things settle, we’ll look at how we can do this more, without breaking regulations or putting anyone at risk.

When the pandemic period has passed, we will look at longer-term priorities and these may be an opportunity to reflect on and learn from the pandemic response.


So long, farewell

Steph Edusei, Chief Executive, writes:

“I will be leaving my role as Chief Executive of Healthwatch Newcastle at the end of April after five and a half years to take up my new post as Chief Executive of St Oswald’s Hospice. During that time, we’ve seen a lot of changes. I like to think that Healthwatch Newcastle has become a respected and influential partner in the city. As a result, we have much more ability to amplify the voices of the people who live and use health and social care services here.

We have completed in-depth engagement and research on a huge range of topics: from home care services to access to GP services; from Education, Health and Care Plans for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to barriers to accessing cancer screening programmes; from developing effective patient participation groups in GP practices (PPGs) to health care provision in prisons.

I’ve been very lucky to always be supported by a great team of volunteers. Our Committee members all give their time freely to steer the strategic direction of Healthwatch Newcastle, and over the past five years we have had a huge range of skills, experiences and backgrounds on our Committee. Our Healthwatch Champions are tireless in their support of our work, even volunteering to help us complete surveys in Emergency Departments at midnight on a Saturday. I always look forward to the times I get to meet with and work alongside them as their enthusiasm is infectious and their knowledge of their local communities impressive.

Over the past five years, we’ve seen changes in staff and structures and I’m honoured to have worked with a very skilled and committed staff team; I have learnt a huge amount from them and will miss them. However, I hope that we will be able to work together in future in my new role.

This is a difficult time for many people and organisations, and the work that we are doing is more important now that it has ever been. I’d like to thank you all for the support that you have given me and will continue to give to Healthwatch Newcastle.”


Heading for pastures new

Felicity Shenton, Deputy Chief Executive/Operations Manager, writes:

“After a year at Healthwatch I am heading off to pastures new. I just wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on my time here.

I have met and worked with a fantastic team of people, including a passionate and committed group of Healthwatch Champions without whom we simply could not deliver the services that we do. And I have worked with colleagues and partners in the local authority, NHS and within the voluntary and community sector, who are all committed to delivering and improving public services.

From strategic level meetings with Newcastle Gateshead CCG and the local authority, to focus groups with refugees and asylum seekers, or at freshers fair in Gateshead College (which made me feel very old), my time has been diverse and varied. I stood alongside colleagues and Champions for hours on a freezing cold Sunday in January with a howling gale blowing during the Chinese New Year celebrations in the centre of Newcastle.

These are strange days but the Healthwatch team has responded in its usual constructive and flexible style by moving seamlessly (almost anyway) into homeworking and continuing to work with local communities and our stakeholders to ensure that we continue to provide information, support and a voice whilst the current unusual circumstances prevail.

I will be taking up a new post as Public Involvement and Community Engagement Manager with the ARC (Applied Research Collaboration) in the North East and North Cumbria (https://tinyurl.com/y7bt3ayx). So, I will continue to be involved with service users, carers and community groups helping to deliver ‘Better, fairer health and care at all ages and in all places’. I wish you all well and hope our paths cross again in the future.”


Help us help the NHS

Calling all 11—20 year olds in Newcastle and Gateshead! Help us to help the NHS.

We want to find out about your experiences of GP, dentist, hospital, optician and sexual health services. Help us to help the NHS, so that together we can have health services that are young people friendly.

Your feedback will also contribute to a wider consultation that Children North East is making on poverty-proofing health settings. Please respond by the end of April.

Take the survey at https://tinyurl.com/YPfriendlyservices


COVID-19 information and support

There is a lot of information out there about coronavirus and COVID-19. Unfortunately, not all the information is correct or accurate, and some of the incorrect advice is potentially dangerous. The government and the NHS are asking that people use official and reliable sources of information.

To help you, we’ve put together a list of useful information to help you during the COVID—19 (coronavirus) outbreak.

More can be found on our website at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/covid-19


Listen to us!

Enjoy this newsletter on the go by downloading our podcast at soundcloud.com/healthwatch-newcastle


Tune in to ‘Health matters’

During the pandemic period, we’re doing weekly shows all focused on various aspects of lockdown. So far, we’ve spoken to a pharmacist who works with the NHS 111 service, a primary school teacher and a parent of young children, a hypnotherapist, a psychologist and a men’s mental wellbeing advocate.

Because we are doing the shows remotely, you can’t call us but you can message us via the Spice FM Facebook page at www.facebook.com/spicefm

Join us next on Tuesday 28 March from 2pm to 4pm on 98.8 FM or listen online at www.spicefm.co.uk

Catch up with previous shows at https://soundcloud.com/spice_fm


Support for the most vulnerable in Newcastle

Around 1.4 million people have been identified by the government as being particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus due to health conditions. They are advised to stay at home and take special steps to protect themselves (known as shielding).

These people have been contacted directly by letter, text or email and asked to register for government support at www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable. Support includes help with food, shopping deliveries, prescriptions and any additional care that is needed.

Citylife Line also helps those most vulnerable residents in Newcastle. Citylife Line prioritises those people unless they are already being supported with a social care need. If you have an urgent support need, which requires a same-day response, call the helpline on 0191 277 8000.

Support is also available via an online form (urgent requests for food parcels or other items should not go through the form).

Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/citylifeline


NHS advice in other languages

Doctors of the World has the latest NHS advice in over 40 different languages at www.doctorsoftheworld.org.uk/coronavirus-information


Information in BSL

SignHealth publishes daily updates on COVID-19 in British Sign Language (BSL) at https://signhealth.org.uk/resources/coronavirus


Looking after your wellbeing at home

We know that staying at home for a prolonged period can be difficult, frustrating and lonely for some people and that you or other household members may feel low. It can be particularly challenging if you don’t have much space or access to a garden.

It’s important to remember to take care of your mind as well as your body. There are sources of support and information that can help, such as the Every Mind Matters website at www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters


Mental health support for young people

There’s free online mental health counselling and support service for young people in Newcastle and Gateshead. It’s for all young people aged 11—18, and for care leavers up until their 25th birthday.

Chat to counsellors and get support from the Kooth community. Counselling hours are Monday to Friday from 12pm to 10pm, and weekends from 6pm to 10pm.

Find out more at www.kooth.com


Concerned about safeguarding?

Safeguarding adults and children is everyone’s responsibility. Here are some contact numbers for Newcastle:
Adult Social Care — 0191 278 8377 (0191 278 7878 out of hours)
Children’s Social Care — 0191 277 2500 (0191 278 7878 out of hours)
Northumbria Police — 101 (in an emergency always dial 999)
Newcastle Integrated Domestic Violence Abuse Service — 0191 214 6501
Waltham Forest Council has produced a video on safeguarding awareness for volunteers during lockdown, which is useful for us all at https://youtu.be/HHQG8CJROhU


Working from home?

North East Counselling Services has a webinar to support people with their mental health while working from home at https://tinyurl.com/rodkg6k

30 Apr

NHS Services in North Tyneside

Morning Colleagues

Download important information about local health services here.

Please share with your networks

Thank you


Health and Social Care information can be found by following these links:

NHS North Tyneside CCG


North Tyneside Council


Michele Spencer

Chief Officer

North Tyneside Community and Health Care Forum (CHCF)

email: michele@chcfnorthtynside.org.uk

website: www.chcfnorthtyneside.org.uk

27 Apr

COVID-19 North Tyneside Council Resident Health and Wellbeing Pages

The COVID-19 health and wellbeing webpages are now live on the Council website and can be found here:


They aim to give basic information to residents with relevant links to support and services during the current situation, all in one place.  

22 Apr

VODA’S COVID-19 Response (VODA E-Bulletin – 17 April 2020)

In this e-bulletin:

  • North Tyneside COVID-19 Support Hub
  • Latest blog: VODA’s COVID-19 Response by Robin Fry
  • VODA’s online COVID-19 Information Centre
  • VODA’s COVID-19 Funding Response
  • NAVCA surveys sector on impact of COVID-19
  • Essential food services in North Tyneside
  • Telephone Befriending and Counselling Services during COVID-19
  • Leadership and Financial Management Masterclasses from GLT Partners
  • Healthwatch launches Service Changes Information Hub
  • Offer of cleaning services for Community Centres and Groups

Please note

Due to the volume of information around COVID-19, this bulletin is an overview of just some of the resources and news of relevance to the voluntary and community sector. Please visit our COVID-19 Information Centre and our social media channels for the most up-to-date information. Thank you and take care!

Download the e-bulletin here


21 Apr

Update from Rethink Mental Illness – 15 April 2020

Everyone is adjusting to the changes in how we live, work and communicate.

With so much change, we know the news can feel overwhelming right now. That’s why we promise to keep our website up-to-date with the latest information you need to know. This week, we have an update on what the new government guidance on exercise means if you live with mental illness or care for someone who does.

Visit our information hub

Photo of the week

Thank you to Shabena for sharing your wonderful flower photographs with us. Shabena was originally asked to take photographs of flowers by her local carers forum, to help people self-isolating. We think this beautiful shot will brighten anyone’s day.

flowers by Shabena

Miles for Mental Health

Danny in his garden 

Stay safe, get some exercise and help raise money for vital services. Join our miles for mental health challenge by running a marathon over the course of a month while socially distancing. You can run wherever you like; in your garden, around your living room or while exercising outside.

Supporter Danny has been running up and down his garden. He says: “Exercise has really helped me through this lockdown, and you can now use it to help others. Let’s get through this one step at a time.”

Sign up today

Your tips

“Be kind to yourself if you can. This is an unusual situation, and it’s ok to feel upset or anxious. You don’t have to achieve anything during lockdown, just focus on looking after yourself.”

– Val

“I’m only listening to one coronavirus update each day, and sticking to my normal routine when possible because I have autism. I’m listening to relaxing music 🎧 Reading more books 📚 Praying 🙏🏻 Staying in touch via email etc. Baking. Sitting in the garden. These are the things which are helping me. It’s important not to let anxiety overwhelm us.”

– Pat

“Keeping busy! I’ve been reorganising cupboards and drawers as well as making things out of stuff I have in the house- for example a toiletry holder/box out of an old amazon parcel box and some fabric! – if you type DIY home decor into Pinterest or Google there’s lots of easy ideas”

– Georgie

“I’m doing the Joe Wicks daily workout on YouTube with my son. I am not good at doing exercise normally but have noticed the sense of wellbeing immediately.”

– Dominic


20 Apr

The national Self injury Support service is still open

We are still here for women and girls affected by self injury

We just wanted to let you know that during this very difficult time our text-based support services are still open and we are here to listen and support. Dealing with the current global situation on top of existing struggles with mental health is leaving people feeling more isolated than ever. Our TESS service offers emotional listening support for women and girls affected by self injury and a safe space where they can explore feelings and experiences alongside a trained female volunteer with knowledge of self injury.

Our service are self-referral and available for women of all ages. To use our services:

Text us on 07537 432 444

Email us at tessmail@selfinjurysupport.org.uk

Or start a webchat here https://www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk/Pages/FAQs/Category/webchat-support Webchats are for up to half an hour.

If you don’t know where to start just text or message ‘hello’ and we will be there with you. All our services are confidential and anonymous.

All of our services are open from 7pm -9.30pm, Tuesday-Thursday.

We also have lots of self-help resources and information on our website at www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk

Our experience of the last few weeks has shown us that many people are not getting the same mental health support they usually get and/or not in the same way – this is at a time when people need it more than ever. Our text-based services can often some support during these difficult times and a place where people can feel listened-to and relieve some of the isolation.

Please circulate to staff, colleagues and service users who might benefit from these services.

We hope you are keeping as safe and well as possible right now and thank you for all the amazing work you’re doing.

With best wishes

The team at SiS


Text: 07537 432 444 email: tessmail@selfinjurysupport.org.uk or webchat via link on website

Keep up to date with resources, innovation & research around self injury – sign up for our monthly ebulletin