05 Mar

ADHD 360

Hello again

Following their successful (and extremely informative and interesting) launch in the North East last month at Gateshead Clubhouse and the excellent conversations that were held with them at 3 of our support group meetings, it seems appropriate to include them as already being great allies. As they put it in their literature-

“Here at ADHD 360, we strive to offer more than just a diagnosis. Our expert team have put together a range of packages that cater for you and your family. Treatment is excellent, to the highest medical standards. Treatment is focused on getting your ADHD as controlled as we can, as quickly as we can. Access to a programme of care that goes beyond your diagnosis, making sure that your treatment plan is designed for you”.

www.adhd-360.com | enquiries@adhd-360.com | 07710919868

best wishes, from bill

bill scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups NE

mobile / text: 07856212564
Website: http://aadhd-ne-uk.weebly.com


05 Mar

Authentically ADHD: navigating you and your family through the world of ADHD

Hello again

Our good friend Kirsty Leach has continued to expand her new service, working with some wonderful folks. She also organises vibrant meetings, for families and carers of children with AD/HD, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, in a safe and family-friendly environment – the function room of Gosforth Hotel, High Street Newcastle. Meetings run from 6:30 – 8pm. There are guest speakers, support and Q&A sessions. Food and drinks are available at the bar. There is no need to book; but, if you require further information, please contact Kirsty on 07435030699

best wishes, from bill

bill scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups NE

mobile / text: 07856212564
Website: http://aadhd-ne-uk.weebly.com

02 Mar

Connect Cafe Relaunch – 4 March 2020


Just a quick one to say that Connect @ Cafe32 is running this Wednesday evening, from 6.30pm-8pm.

It is a lovely event for people to get together to make new friends, with small activities to break the ice, with free hot drinks and biscuits.

Please do share this new poster amongst your networks.

Many thanks,

Rebecca Southern

Supported Volunteering Development Officer

North Tyneside Voluntary Organisations Development Agency (VODA), Queen Alexandra Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields, NE29 9BZ

Find our precise location here: https://map.what3words.com/needed.sums.raced

Tel: (0191) 643 2631

E-mail: rebecca.southern@voda.org.uk

Web: www.voda.org.uk

Charity Reg. No. 1075060

Company Reg. No. 3703221

28 Feb

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 27 February 2020

Thank you for doing our Healthwatch survey

Our ‘What matters to you?’ annual survey is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey and congratulations to our prize draw winner, Megan Sanderson from Preston Grange. 

Over 600 residents and users of health and social care services in North Tyneside completed the survey. We are analysing the information and using it to identify priorities for the coming year as well as raising issues with service providers and decision makers. In April we’ll be publishing a summary of what people told us in our annual survey and other engagement work, alongside our priorities.

Welcoming Mary to our staff team

Many of you will recognise our new Insight and Engagement Officer, Mary Low, who has volunteered with Healthwatch over the past year. Mary joined the team on 24 February and her first task is to complete the reports on our recent visits to GP practices.
To contact Mary email m.low@healthwatchnorthtyneside.co.uk
In February we said farewell and good luck to Joanne Brown, our Research and Engagement Officer. Jo has left for a new job with homelessness charity, Groundswell.

We’re looking for new trustees

Closing date extended to 15 March

We want to hear from anyone who wants to make a real difference to people’s lives in North Tyneside. You should have the skills and experience to help us deliver our aims and at least 3 hours a month available to volunteer with us. 
As a trustee you will play a vital role in setting our direction, overseeing our work and working with health and social care providers to improve services.
Find out more about what is involved or call Paul Jones, Director, on 0191 263 5321, email p.jones@hwnt.co.uk

Have your say

Happy to Chat

Happy to Chat brings together people and organisations for a chat and a cuppa. Following the successful launch in January there will be regular sessions at the Beacon Centre, North Shields and Whitley Bay Big Local. Our volunteers, Colin and Cheryl, are supporting the Happy to Chat sessions for Healthwatch North Tyneside.

  • Meet Colin and Cheryl at the next Happy to Chat session on Tuesday 10 March from 10 to 12 at the Beacon Centre, North Shields.
    Find out more here

To find out more about Happy to Chat and how you could get involved contact Josie on  0191 643 2632 or go to North Tyneside VODA website

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Women and girls from across North Tyneside are invited to celebrate International Women’s Day. There will be free arts and crafts, information and a chance to try weight lifting and spinning. Look out for Amanda, our Volunteer Coordinator at the event on:

  • Wednesday 11 March from 6.30 to 8.30pm at The Parks Sports Centre, North Shields

This event is supported by Active North Tyneside, Phoenix Detached Youth, De Paul, Tyneside Women’s Voices, Harbour and Acorns.
Find out more

North Tyneside Cancer Plan

Patients, carers and anyone interested in cancer services are invited to get involved in the development of a North Tyneside Cancer Plan. The plan has been developed specifically for the people of North Tyneside and aims to increase prevention, speed up diagnosis, improve the experience of patients and help people living with and beyond the disease.

Drop in at any of these sessions:

  • Wednesday 25 March from 9.30am to 12 at the Oxford Centre, Longbenton
  • Monday 30 March from 9.30am to 12 at Meadow Well Connected, North Shields
  • Monday 30 March from 1.30 to 4pm at Howdon Community Centre

To book a place on any session, please contact Donna Sample on 0191 293 1140 or email nt.cancerplan@nhs.net
Download more information

How would you improve Newcastle Hospitals website?

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust wants to hear what people would like from the hospital website. Your feedback will be used to design a better website for you. Please respond by the end of March.
Go to the online survey


News and resources

Making communities dementia friendly

North Tyneside Council, supported by Alzheimer’s Society, is inviting groups, businesses and local people to information events to find out how to make our community more dementia friendly:

  • Thursday 5 March from 3 to 5pm at the Linksill Centre, North Shields
  • Tuesday 17 March from 3 to 5pm at Whitley Bay Big Local

Attendance is free but places are limited so please register your interest by emailing felicity.shoesmith@northtyneside.gov.uk
Download more information about the information sessions

Carers Connecting

Do you have a family member or friend who depends on you?
Do you struggle to find time to care for yourself?
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre are holding free wellbeing sessions for carers during March.
Go to North Tyneside Carers Centre events for more information

Coronavirus – where to go for information

These websites are updated as new advice and information is available:

The symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a cough
  • a high temperature
  • shortness of breath

But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu. Go to the websites above for more information. NHS England advise you not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call 111, stay indoors and avoid close contact with other people.

What matters to people using A&E

To inform NHS England’s Clinical Review of Standards, Healthwatch England have been helping to understand the impact of potential new targets by finding out what matters most to patients and the public when it comes to A&E.

This new briefing illustrates the chain of factors which impact on people’s experiences in A&E, based on 330 patient interviews carried out by local Healthwatch in six of the 14 hospitals testing proposed changes to A&E targets.
Go to Healthwatch England to find out more


Latest reports from the CQC

The Care Quality Commission has published new inspection reports for these care homes in North Tyneside:

If you have something to say about a care home in North Tyneside you can give your feedback online to Healthwatch through our feedback centre


Hear my voice, North Tyneside

Experience of your GP practice

Hear my Voice North Tyneside is a new project being launched by North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) which enables patients, residents, family members, carers and staff to describe their experience of receiving and delivering health care across North Tyneside. This is one of the ways in which the CCG can strengthen a culture of partnership and collaborative working by integrating the feedback they receive into shaping and delivering services for the future.

The CCG will be launching a range of surveys asking for your experiences across a range different healthcare settings. The first survey is asking specifically about your experience accessing and receiving care from your GP practice.

Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire as your experiences are invaluable in service planning.

Go to Hear my voice online survey

27 Feb

Time to Change – See the Bigger Picture

See the Bigger Picture

Attitudes towards mental health problems are improving, but common misconceptions are leaving some conditions behind, adding to the stigma and stereotypes.

We want everyone to See the Bigger Picture and change how they view all mental health problems.

You can help us do this by watching and sharing our new video, in which Antonio, Billie and Jason share their bigger picture.

Watch now >


Watch and share

Watch our See the Bigger Picture video and share it on your social media channels.


If you have experience of a mental health problem and want to share your bigger picture, join the conversation online.

Find out more

Find out more about our See the Bigger Picture campaign, and read Antonio, Billie and Jason’s stories.


There’s still time to share your feedback

We’ve extended our Time to Talk Day feedback survey until Friday 28 February, so you’ve still got time to tell us how it went for you.

Take the survey >

27 Feb

How can we improve Time to Talk Day?

Thank you for helping make this Time to Talk Day our best yet!

With your help, thousands of people across the country chose to talk about mental health – breaking down barriers, busting myths and changing lives.

Your involvement is key in making Time to Talk Day a success. That’s why aa on the day – what you got up to, which resources you found useful and what we can improve.

Whether you held an assembly, got involved online, attended an event or organised one yourself, your feedback will help us make sure Time to Talk Day continues to get people talking about mental health.

Please complete our short survey before 28 February

Share feedback >



Take the survey

Share your feedback on Time to Talk Day and let us know how we can improve.

Blog for us

`If you have experience of a mental health problem and want to share your story, find out how.

Highlights from the day

See how our movement celebrated Time to Talk Day around the nation.

21 Feb

Caring for a loved one with eating distress: free course – 9 May and 10 May 2020

niwe eating distress service

Saturday 9 May and Sunday 10 May, 9,30am to 4.30pm, at NIWE, The Old Post Office, Newcastle, NE1 5DW
NIWE eating distress service is hosting this Maudsley Model training (also running 10—11 October). The New Maudsley Model aims to help carers feel more confident and empowered in their role, to reduce their anxiety, and improve communication lines in the family, ultimately helping them best support their loved one on their path towards recovery. Places are free but limited so booking is essential.
For more information visit www.niwe.org.uk/services

21 Feb

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 20 February 2020

What areas should we focus on during 2020—21?

Every year we ask for your help in choosing our work priorities from a shortlist of health and social care topics. The list for this year is:

  • Adult social care assessment process
  • Carers’ assessments
  • Interpreting services
  • Reviews of social care support for people who are no longer in crisis
  • Supporting young people who are facing gender identity issues

Following a public consultation, our Committee will make the final decision on the areas we will focus on during 2020—21.

Find out more at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/priorities-for-2020-21

Find out what we’re doing right now at www.healthwatchnewcastle.org.uk/about-us/our-work


Supporting GP patient participation

In September last year Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead launched the pilot of a ‘Healthwatch Participation in Practice’ award. This is a best practice award for patient participation groups (PPGs).
Twelve practices and their PPGs from across Newcastle and Gateshead signed up to take part in the pilot. This has been running from autumn 2019 and will finish in late summer 2020. We have worked with practices and their PPGs to help them become more effective. There have been workshops, the creation of an information-sharing forum to circulate best practice materials and share experiences, and one-to-one support.

At the end of January, we organised a co-production workshop delivered by the Experts by Experience group from the Fulfilling Lives programme at Changing Lives. The workshop (shown here) was attended by 14 people representing eight of the practices involved in the pilot. Feedback from the workshop has been very positive.

The pilot is being supported and evaluated by the Academic Health Science Network. If the outcome of the evaluation is positive, we will then consider how it can be made available to all local GP practices and their PPGs.


Health pop-up
Thursday 12 March, 11.30am to 2pm, at West End Library, Newcastle, NE4 9JH

Navigating the NHS can be confusing for new arrivals to the UK. Action Foundation holds a monthly event, primarily aimed at asylum seekers and refugees but open to everyone. There will be information and essential health checks, including blood pressure, heart rate, cancer and TB screening, oral health, health costs and many more.

There will also be a Healthwatch Newcastle stall at the event, where people can find out about our work and how they can be involved.


Listen to us!

Enjoy this newsletter on the go by downloading our podcast at


Other news and events

Coronavirus (Covid-19) — current advice and information

The risk of individuals catching coronavirus (known as Covid-19) remains low in the UK.
Like the common cold, Covid-19 infection usually occurs through close contact with a person via cough and sneezes or hand contact. You can also be infected by touching contaminated surfaces if you do not wash your hands. The main symptoms are:

  • A cough
  • A high temperature
  • Shortness of breath

The advice is to call 111 if you’ve been:

  • To Wuhan or Hubei Province, China in the last 14 days (even if you do not have symptoms).
  • To other parts of China or Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Republic of Korea or Malaysia in the last 14 days and have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath (even if it’s mild).
  • In close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus.

Do not go to a GP surgery or hospital. Call 111, stay indoors and avoid close contact with other people.

Read more at www.nhs.uk/conditions/wuhan-novel-coronavirus

Preparing for Adulthood — SEND event
Monday 2 March, 10am to 1pm, at Newcastle Civic Centre, NE1 8
Preparing for Adulthood helps young people (16—25) with SEND in Newcastle get ready to be independent adults, living well in our communities.

The event will look at possible and positive achievements and goals that could be made over the next 3—5 years. This will be compared to how life is ‘now’, looking at recent review of the city’s Education, Health and Care Plans.

This event will be of interest to families, employers, housing providers, practitioners, managers, leaders and commissioners across education, health and care. A separate event will be organised for young people.

Register at https://tinyurl.com/rzx7y4l

Caring for a loved one with eating distress — free course
Saturday 9 May and Sunday 10 May, 9,30am to 4.30pm, at NIWE, The Old Post Office, Newcastle, NE1 5DW

NIWE eating distress service is hosting this Maudsley Model training (also running 10—11 October). The New Maudsley Model aims to help carers feel more confident and empowered in their role, to reduce their anxiety, and improve communication lines in the family, ultimately helping them best support their loved one on their path towards recovery. Places are free but limited so booking is essential.
For more information visit www.niwe.org.uk/services

Hospitals — new website survey
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust wants to hear what people would like from the hospital website. Your feedback will be used to design a better website for you. Please respond by the end of March.

Take the survey at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/nuth-external

What people want from the next ten years of the NHS
Last year, the Healthwatch network held 500 focus groups and engaged tens of thousands of people online to find out what people want from the next ten years of the NHS. The evidence gathered was shared with local NHS leaders, who will set out how they have used public feedback to improve services. Healthwatch England will also analyse these documents to see where people’s input has helped to shape local thinking.

Read more at https://tinyurl.com/wxg2yfc

What you can expect when using a pharmacy
The General Pharmaceutical Council is the regulator for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacies in Great Britain. The council has written a new online guide which explains what you can expect when visiting a pharmacy.

Download the guide at https://tinyurl.com/t7h29ew

21 Feb

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is on the 8 March and there are a lot of celebratory events happening in our region on and around this day. Connected Voice has included a page on their website with a listing of what’s on. What is your organisation planning to do around International Women’s Day? Tell Connected Voice and they will add your details to this website page. Email connect@connectedvoice.org.uk.

International Women’s Day 2020