02 Jun

The Hub of Hope

New web app helps people find mental health services

The Hub of Hope is a first of its kind, national mental health database which brings together organisations and charities, large and small, from across the country who offer mental health advice and support, together in one place. The app is simple and effective and helps people find mental health services in their local area. The new app has been developed by a charity called Chasing the Stigma.

To use the app, you simply enter your postcode and the search will bring back a range of support services, which can then be filtered by a range of mental health options.

Hub of hope is free to use. Access the Hub of Hope app here. 

31 May

New Little Free Library at Meadow Well Connected

The second of VODA’s SAINT project’s Little Free Libraries is now in place outside Meadow Well Connected, in the Meadow Well Estate North Shields. The library has been lovingly constructed by volunteers from VODA’s SAINT project and from Meadow Well Connected. The volunteers have also learnt a range of carpentry and construction skills in the planning and building of the library. Read more here. Photo credit: Anthony Todd.

28 May

New Age UK North Tyneside groups – starting June 2019


I just wanted to let you know about a couple of new groups we have starting in North Shields and Whitley Bay in the coming weeks.

Our new gentle exercise group in Whitley Bay will run on Thursdays, starting on 6 June.

Our Busy Buddies in North Shields will run every other week, starting on Wednesday 5 June.

Please let me know if you have any questions about either group.

Hope you are well.



Emily Houlder
Volunteer and Community Coordinator

Age UK North Tyneside
Bradbury Centre
13 Saville Street West
North Shields
NE29 6QP

0191 2877012


27 May

Sign our petition

Mind is joining campaigners from fifteen countries as part of the Speak Your Mind campaign. We want to see a world where everyone, everywhere, has someone to turn to in support of their mental health.

Mental health is receiving more attention than ever before. Today we’re calling for the Prime Minister to commit to making mental health core business for every government department.

Sign Petition Here

Mental health is not just the responsibility of the NHS. We need the NHS, schools, workplaces and community groups to all tackle mental health together. Now is the time to change mental health.

Only a third of people with a mental health problem receive any support at all. Stigma and discrimination of people with mental health problems continues. Urgent action is needed now to challenge the social causes of poor mental health to prevent people developing mental health problems in the first place.

Mental health is everybody’s business. We want every government department to work together to address mental health to provide better funding for social care, to focus on public mental health and to address the social determinants of poor mental health and health inequalities.

Sign Petition Here

Sign our petition now calling for the Prime Minster to commit to making mental health core business for every government department. You can find out more about Mind’s vision for mental health services and care in ‘Transforming mental health’.

Take care,


21 May

Backpack Buddies

I am working with a local first school and the Bay Foodbank on a pilot project which is big in the USA but has yet to reach the UK. The idea is to provide a child or young person with a bag of snacks to take home from school at the weekend, in order to address food insecurity.

There are plenty of volunteering opportunities to hold a food donation drive, raise awareness of the scheme and to prepare the bags each week. I am now seeking donations of food and snacks which will be sorted with volunteers at ‘Packing Parties’. If anyone has any tote bags or draw-string sports bags to donate I would be hugely grateful for them.

Download flyer here.

If you have any questions or want to get involved feel free to ask!

Kind regards,

Rebecca Southern

Supported Volunteering Development Officer

(Please note I work part-time, typically Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday)

North Tyneside Voluntary Organisations Development Agency (VODA, Queen Alexandra Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields, NE29 9BZ

Find our precise location here: https://map.what3words.com/needed.sums.raced

Tel: (0191) 643 2637

E-mail: rebecca.southern@voda.org.uk

Web: www.voda.org.uk

04 May

Little Free Library unveiling

This week VODA unveiled their Little Free Library at The Rising Sun Country Park. This project was developed and constructed with students from Longbenton High School Melrose department with support from SAINT and CAN DO volunteers.

Little Free Library is a community scheme where members of the public are encouraged to take and leave their favourite books. The Rising Sun Country Park is a great venue for the Little Free Library and it is hoped that visitors to the centre will enjoy borrowing and leaving books when at the park.

The young people involved learned some valuable skills in construction, teamwork and joinery. Volunteers also got a lot out of working with these young people to achieve their goal of installing the Little Free Library.

You can view the library on the world map

If you have an idea for a social action project in your community, please contact Josie Robinson.

29 Apr

New Workplace Activity Pack from Time to Change

A new Time to Change Workplace Activity Pack has been launched today – just in time for Mental Health Awareness Week!

Mental Health Awareness Week, from Monday 13th May to Sunday 19th May 2019, is the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health and mental health problems and inspire action to promote the message of good mental health for all.

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week also coincides with Learning at Work Week, an annual event organised by the Campaign for Learning, which aims to shine a spotlight on the importance and benefits of learning and development at work.

This makes the week beginning the 13th of May, the perfect opportunity to set out the importance of mental health to your organisation with your staff and to underpin this commitment with a range of activities to support learning on the subject.

Download the Workplace Activity Pack >

24 Apr

New Weekly Art Sessions – starting 7 May 2019

Starting Tuesday 7 May, 12pm to 2pm at the Linskill Centre

SAINT volunteers are starting a new weekly art club, initially for eight weeks, to give people the opportunity to explore their creative ability, try new materials, learn new skills and meet new people. The session is free and will include painting, doodling, drawing, mark making and colouring. Materials are provided, or you can bring your own. Everyone is welcome. Booking is essential, so to reserve a place, please email Josie Robinson, or call 0191 643 2626.

05 Apr

Improving the physical health of people with a severe and enduring mental illness – survey

The North East and Cumbria Sustainability Transformation Programme (STP) Mental Health Programme Steering Group has established a working group to look at improving the physical health of people with a severe and enduring mental illness through hearing the experiences and journeys of patients and carers.

They want to gather feedback from mental health service users and their carers in relation to their physical health care whilst in receipt of mental health services via this survey.

05 Apr

Trauma Teddies Update

VODA’s SAINT Trauma Teddies drive has been a massive success. They received 56 teddies in total, which will be donated to organisations working with children and young people across the borough.

Thanks to: The Woolies at Linskill Centre, AGE UK, Springfield Community Association, A Healthy Awareness at SomeOne Cares, and many many more individuals.

A number of the Teddies are being sent to Northumbria Police for when they attend an incident and a child is distressed. SAINT will distribute the remainder to local community organisations.