15 Mar

Trauma Teddies Update

Volunteers from VODA’s SAINT (Social Action in North Tyneside) project have received the first batch of Trauma Teddies, kindly knitted by the Linskill Woolies and AGE UK North Tyneside, for the Northumbria Police ‘Trauma Teddies’ scheme. Trauma Teddies involves police officers giving a teddy to young children they meet during their daily patrols or to children affected by crime, helping them to cope with their often traumatic experiences.

08 Mar

Money and Mental Health campaigns for regulation changes to bailiffs

A recent report by Citizens Advice estimates that 850,000 people contacted by bailiffs over the last two years have experienced bailiffs breaking the rules. This includes agents misrepresenting their rights of entry, and seizing people’s goods inappropriately. There are also continued reports of bailiffs failing to fact sympathetically towards people classed as vulnerable, including people experiencing mental health problems. The report also found that less than a third of people who experience bailiffs breaking the rules make a complaint. Money and Mental Health are calling for the Ministry of Justice to introduce two key changes that could help address these issues.

Find out more

04 Mar

Opportunity to participate in research into needs and experiences of parents of children with AD/HD

North East ADHD support group

A thank you and a reminder from Tom Nicholson’s regarding his brilliant new AD/HD research project:

Tom asked me to thank everybody who has already contacted him about his research. There is still ‘room’ for more participants, so please contact him if the details below apply. I forgot to mention that his research will be based on getting responses from people living across the region.

Understanding the needs and experiences of parents whose children are on the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnostic journey: A longitudinal study.

The principle researcher is Tom Nicholson (BA (Hons), RMN, Bsc) and Graduate Tutor in Mental Health Nursing (Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Newcastle University) a valued colleague who has been a great asset to the support groups in recent months. Tom’s Ph.D. research project aims to better understand parental needs and experiences throughout the ADHD journey, this includes referral, waiting time, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and discharge from NHS services.

Eligibility criteria regarding people who would like to participate in this research study

If you, a client, family member, or a friend can answer yes to either of these two questions, please contact Tom (contact information below)

1)   Are you a parent of a child who has recently been referred for assessment for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?


2)   Are you the parent of a child who has recently (within the last 6 months) been diagnosed with ADHD?

Tom’s research will be particularly useful in that it is genuinely interested in giving parents the ability to voice their stories regarding their experiences, and how these stories may change at pivotal moments across the diagnostic process. The research will also connect with key supporting individuals within the parent’s life to help develop an understanding of how parents of children on the ADHD journey make sense of their situation, and what influences that ‘sense-making’ process. The research will collect data through 3 interviews with parents over a period of two years.

For a full participant information sheets and information, please contact the principle researcher Tom Nicholson T.nicholson@northumbria.ac.uk or 0191 215 6267

If it is applicable to you, please support Tom’s research, he has a genuine interest in ADHD.

best wishes


bill scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups NE

mobile / text: 07856212564
Website: http://aadhd-ne-uk.weebly.com

23 Feb

Mind-Craft Therapeutic Social Group – weekly from 8 March 2019

Mind-Craft Therapeutic Social Group, Friday 8 March, 12pm to 3pm.

Healthy Awareness, alongside VODA as part of its SAINT project, is starting a new therapeutic social crafting group to allow people to keep their hands busy in a safe and supportive environment. The weekly sessions will be held at SomeOne Cares, 3 Amble Close, North Shields, NE29 7XW. Beginners welcome! Spaces are limited. For more information and to book, contact knit@healthyawareness.org.uk or 0191 643 2637. 

Download flyer here.

21 Feb

LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month and hate crime training

Advocacy Centre North (ACN) has contributed to LGBT History Month NE by delivering sessions about hate crime through Newcastle CVS’s Hate Crime Partnership. Newcastle CVS has already delivered a professional development training session to teachers in the region who wanted to update their practice and take information back to their local schools. Jacqui Jobson, Director of ACN and Newcastle CVS colleagues will be presenting a further session, which is open to the public this Saturday 23 February at George Street Social as part of the LGBT History Month event.

Find out more

LGBTQ Mental Health – Past, Present and Future

Tuesday 26 February, 5pm – 7pm, Pandon Room, Newcastle Civic Centre, NE1 8QH

Jacqui Jobson will also be presenting LGBTQ Mental Health – Past, Present and Future as part of Newcastle City Council’s contribution to LGBT History Month. Please email Louise Crosby Louise.crosby@newcastle.gov.uk or call 0191 277 7133

15 Feb

Suicide Prevention E-Learning for the VCS

Public Health England and NHS Health Education England have developed an online learning programme to help people feel more confident to talk about suicide. It has been developed for the wider public health workforce including voluntary sector, blue light services, prison staff and prison listeners health and social care.  It was developed by a range of experts including experts by experience i.e. those people who have attempted to take their own lives and those bereaved and affected by suicide.

The purpose of the programme is to support the ambition of reducing the stigma associated with suicide, to help everyone see that simply asking someone how they are and talking about suicide can really help. The programme supports learning and development in suicide competence at level one.

There is no formal assessment but the learner is encouraged to stop and reflect on the learning as they progress through the course and can print out a certificate on completion of the course as evidence of professional development. The programme takes approximately between 60-90 minutes to complete.

Read more and access the e-learning programme here.

31 Jan

Dedicated NHS mental health care for veterans

Within the NHS, there are a range of mental health services that provide different types of care and treatment. This includes dedicated mental health services for service personnel approaching discharge from the British Armed Forces and veterans. A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (regular or reserve).

These dedicated services are provided by specialists in mental health who have an expert understanding of the Armed Forces. There are dedicated out-patient services available across England to ensure those who have served their country get the support they need. Individuals can self-refer or ask for a GP or military charity referral. Read more here

27 Jan

SAINT Little Free Library woodwork session

The SAINT (Social Action in North Tyneside) project has vacancies in their Little Free Library woodwork sessions at Meadow Well Connected’s joinery barn on Wednesdays from 10am to 12 noon. The aim of the project is to create a Little Free Library, which will be installed at Meadow Well Connected, to encourage people in the area to access free books and to spend some time with loved ones reading. People interested in woodwork and construction are encouraged to get in touch to find out more. Read more about Little Free Libraries here.

13 Jan

Launchpad North Tyneside Blog Post

Take a look at our blog post showing some of our achievements last year. If you have ideas for what you’d like us to do this year, please get in touch. Whether you come to every meeting or haven’t been for a long time, you’re always welcome to come along and contribute as much or as little as you feel able. If you have any questions or concerns, please do just get in touch.

Many thanks,


Beth Williams

User Development Worker

Launchpad, North Tyneside

I work three days a week, email is the best way to contact me.


We’re on Facebook and Twitter


Anderson House, Market Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6XA