01 Mar

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in March 2023

Hi folks,

Here are the dates and times for our support group meetings in MARCH 2023.  Please see the PDF flyers for further information:-

Middlesbrough: Tues MARCH 7th: Lingfield Ash Meeting Hall, 78 Lingfield Ash, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, TS8 OSU.  Download the Middlesbrough flyer here

Durham: Thursday MARCH 9th 6-9pm Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street Durham City DH1 4BG.  Download the Durham flyer here

South Shields: Thursday MARCH 16th 6-9pm Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street, South Shields. NE33 2QU.  Download the South Shields flyer here

Newcastle: Thursday MARCH 23rd 6-9pm Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle NE1 6UF.  Download the Newcastle flyer here

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




25 Feb

DiscoverMe new sessions

DiscoverMe Sessions

After a fantastic start to the year, next week sees DiscoverME launch its next round of 3-week sessions for young people aged 16-25 in North Tyneside.

  • Mindful Kitchen (almost full) – healthy eating on a budget. Monday’s 2:15pm to 4pm at East End Youth and Community Centre, North Shields.
  • Express, Don’t Stress! – A social session to explore creative expression! Thursday’s 4pm to 5pm at North Tyneside Art Studio, Wallsend Forum.
  • GameAholics – A fun-filled afternoon of video and board games! Gamers of any level welcome! Friday’s 12.30pm-2.30pm at East End Youth and Community Centre, North Shields.

Book your place here.or via the QR code.

21 Feb

“The Mental Health Act Failed Me” – Freya (Mind Campaigner)

Content warning: Freya’s story has some descriptions of sectioning, forced medication and restraint

My name is Freya and I’m 20 years old. Mind’s call for the UK government to address the failing in inpatient mental health care is very important to me. From 2018 to 2021, I spent most of my time in psychiatric hospitals detained under section due to my mental health.

My admission to hospital for C-PTSD, Anorexia Nervosa and depression should have been something that helped me. But instead I was left with more trauma because of ‘treatment’ that could be described as barbaric in some aspects and an inpatient environment that was absolutely not helpful to my recovery, in any shape or form. Despite these being bold statements, unfortunately I know that I am not alone when I speak of not only negative, but also inhumane experiences whilst being sectioned.

Whilst I was sectioned, I felt I was not listened to at all by the doctors and other professionals.

They did not care to hear about my views on how my treatment could be improved, or how I was feeling. Every time I attempted to speak up for myself, I would be shut down rather than heard. Being made to feel like your voice doesn’t matter is degrading and led to me thinking that I had to struggle in silence.

Physical intervention through the use of restraint and forced medication through injection were unfortunately very common. In my experience they were overused. Being held down against your will is extremely traumatic. I even had occasions where I was left covered with bruises due to rough handling with improper technique.

When I was experiencing distress that required restraint or forced medication, the bigger issue was that I was being put into these situations because staff wouldn’t attempt to verbally or non-forcibly deescalate me. If I had been spoken to and been supported to calm down in times where I was reaching a crisis point, then I may not have required being pinned down then injected with medication. The fact that these incidents happened daily (sometimes multiple times) at one point is something that could well have been avoided if I had been shown care and compassion.

Inpatient treatment under the Mental Health Act is typically a last resort. The person being sectioned might be seen as a significant risk to either themselves or others, as well as not being able to make informed decisions about their treatment. This means that usually people who are sectioned are very unwell and vulnerable. It should not be the case that the system is continuously failing people like me. The system should be there to help us, not make us worse.

Mind will be in touch soon to let you know how to get involved in this campaign. I will be supporting, and I hope you’ll join me.



20 Feb

Side by Side – Mind’s Online Community

Side by Side is a safe place to connect online with people who understand what you’re going through.

Grounded in the values of peer support, Side by Side is a welcoming place for people to make connections, learn from each other and feel inspired to take positive steps on your mental health journey.

As Side by Side is an anonymous platform, you can talk openly about your mental health and share how you’re feeling.

Our community is open 24/7. You’ll always have someone to connect with day or night. Side by Side is moderated daily by a team at Mind and protected by our community guidelines.

We welcome everyone over the age of 18 to join our supportive online community.

Find out more about Side by Side

17 Feb

YoungMinds 📢Share our NEW culturally-informed guides with young people

No young person should feel alone with their mental health


We know how important it is for young people to have mental health advice that takes into account their faith, and cultural background. For young Muslims in particular, finding tailored support can be challenging.  For a young person who’s struggling, it can feel very difficult to talk about what you’re going through and reach out for support especially if you’re worried that the people around you won’t understand. 

But we want young people to know that they don’t have to struggle alone, and that they deserve to feel proud of who they are. Whoever they are. 

That’s why we’ve teamed up with Muslim Youth Helpline, and worked directly with young Muslims from across the UK, to create a range of faith friendly information and mental health advice.

Check out our faith-friendly resources

03 Feb

It’s Time to Talk Day!

Time to Talk Day is here! Everywhere across the country – in homes, schools and offices – people are making space in their day to talk about mental health.

Are you taking part too? If you’re not sure how to get involved today, don’t worry – we’ve got some great ideas on how you can start that conversation today. There’s still time to talk, to listen, to change lives.

Tea and talk

Make space in your day to catch up with a friend or colleague over a cuppa. Just carving out some time to check in with someone can be all the space they need to open up. 

You can check out our conversation tips to help get the ball rolling.

Catch up over a cuppa

Get social

It’s easy to get involved in Time to Talk Day using just your phone! Make a post on social media talking about what the day is and why you’re taking part.

We’ve even got some pieces you can download and share, too. Just make sure to use the hashtag #TimetoTalk

Tweet about Time to Talk Day

Do something special

Another great thing about Time To Talk Day is that you can do anything you want! 

Before, we’ve seen people share poems, bake cakes for neighbours, or just reach out to someone they haven’t spoken to in years. 

Start a conversation about mental health in a way that’s really ‘you’!

Whatever you do today, remember that Time To Talk Day isn’t the end – it’s just the beginning. Today is the time to start those conversations, and tomorrow is the time to keep them going. 

So – how will you keep things going tomorrow?

Visit TimeToTalkDay.co.uk


Need more support?

Talking about mental health isn’t easy. And you might find that you need you more help along the way. Information and support is available via the Mind website.

Our Infoline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays) on 0300 123 3393

31 Jan

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in February 2023

Hi folks,

Here are the dates and times for our support group meetings in FEBRUARY.  Please see the PDF flyers for further information:-

Middlesbrough: Tues FEB 7th: Lingfield Ash Meeting Hall, 78 Lingfield Ash, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, TS8 OSU.  Download the  Middlesbrough flyer here

Durham: Thursday FEB 9th 6-9pm Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street Durham City DH1 4BG.  Download the Durham flyer here

South Shields: Thursday FEB 16th 6-9pm Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street, South Shields. NE33 2QU.  Download the South Shields flyer here

Newcastle: Thursday FEB 23rd 6-9pm Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle NE1 6UF.  Download the Newcastle flyer here

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




28 Jan

Body Benefits with LD:NorthEast & Active North Tyneside – starts 31 January 2023

body benefits

Starts Tuesday 31 January, 10.30am to 12.30pm 
Body Benefits is a free 10-week healthy weight programme for adults with a learning disability in North Tyneside. These two-hour sessions will help participants learn about healthy eating and meal ideas, get support to become more active and feel good about themselves! If you, or somebody you know, is interested contact LD:NorthEast on 0191 262 2261 or ldne.health@nhs.netRead more here

23 Jan

Courses for Parents and Carers in North Tyneside

Being a parent or carer is one of the most rewarding but challenging jobs there is.

Providing the care, love, security and support your child needs to develop as a happy, healthy and confident individual is crucial.

Whether you’re pregnant and looking to do some formal learning, a new parent or a parent to a primary or secondary age child or young person, there are comprehensive online courses residents of North Tyneside can access for free.

Each course aims to improve emotional health and wellbeing by supporting the relationships in families.

Use the access code ‘QUADRANT’ to create an account and get started here.

02 Jan

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in January 2023

Hi folks,

Here are the dates and times for the support group meetings in January.  Please see the PDF flyers for further information:-

Middlesbrough: WED JAN 4th NEW Venue: Lingfield Ash Meeting Hall, 78 Lingfield Ash, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, TS8 OSU.  Download the Middlesbrough flyer here.

Durham: Thursday JAN 12th 6-9pm Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street Durham City DH1 4BG.  Download the Durham flyer here.

South Shields: Thursday JAN 19th 6-9pm Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street, South Shields. NE33 2QU.  Download the South Shields flyer here.

Newcastle: Thursday JAN 26th 6-9pm Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle NE1 6UF  NB Guest speaker / innovative app developer Ahmed Abdelrahman.  Download the Newcastle flyer here.

Best wishes to you all for 2023


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East


