30 Dec

Mind Campaigns 2022

It’s that time again, when we look back at what we’ve achieved together this year. And what a year it’s been! For many of us, it’s not been easy. We faced the biggest cost of living crisis in a generation, and its impact on our mental health is still growing.

It’s also not been an easy year for us to campaign, as Prime Ministers, Chancellors, and Ministers in the UK government came and went. 2022 has been a year with a lot of change. But despite all of this, there is still lots to celebrate. Through all of the change one thing has stayed constant- your support. And we want to thank you for another amazing year of campaigning!

Together, we’ve made a massive difference during the cost of living crisis…

  • We called on the UK government to raise benefits at least in line with inflation. Almost 15,000 of you signed our petition calling on the government to make sure benefits cover costs.
  • And we didn’t stop there! Over 500 of you emailed your MP to share your experience of the cost of living crisis and ask them to raise our campaign with the Chancellor.
  • Your voices convinced the UK government to pay attention. In his autumn statement, the Chancellor confirmed benefits would be raised in line with inflation, and he announced extra cost of living support too. That is a win to be proud of.
  • But we know that it’s not enough. The extra money will not reach people until April 2023. This means that millions of people on the lowest incomes will continue to struggle this winter.
  • We’re still pushing for the support that people need right now. Earlier this week, we sent the UK government a Christmas message and shared hundreds of quotes on how the cost of living crisis is impacting you.

But that’s not all – there’s so much more you’ve done to support the fight for mental health this year:

  • After years of campaigning, the UK government have finally begun reforming the Mental Health Act. This is the law that allows people people to be detained and treated for their mental health in hospital against their wishes. In August they published their draft mental health bill, which sets out what the new law could look like.
  • This is long overdue, and you have supported us to be part of the process at every step. Throughout the year several of you attended government focus groups to share your expertise and personal experiences.
  • Thanks to your insights, we have also provided written evidence to the committee leading the reform and in October we attended parliament to discuss the bill with decision makers.
  • We welcome many of the changes that are being introduced. But we believe there are ways to make the reforms more effective, so we will continue to campaign on this in 2023.
  • Back in the summer, over 5,000 of you joined our call on the UK government to #FundTheHubs. This would provide a network of early support hubs across England – to make sure young people aged 11–25 have somewhere to go when they first start to struggle with their mental health.
  • Although the hubs haven’t been funded yet, you helped us bring attention to the need for better mental health support for young people.
  • Mental health sits across so many areas of the UK government’s work. So we were pleased when, earlier this year, a new 10 year cross-government mental health plan was announced. This plan is an amazing opportunity for the UK government to join up decision making across all areas that can improve the nation’s mental health.
  • Hundreds of you shared with us what you think the plan should look like. The political changes over the last few months have slowed the progress but we’ll continue to push the UK government to recommit to this plan in 2023.

Whether it has been meeting your MP’s, sharing your own personal stories or signing petitions, everything you have done has helped make this year so amazing.

Thank you so much for being part of an incredible year of campaigning. I hope you take a moment to reflect on the impact you’ve had this year and as the song goes, look to the future now, we’ve only just begun…   

Take care,


30 Dec

ThisMayHelp – Children’s Mental Health Advice aimed at Parents and Carers

November saw the launch of This May Help, a new national initiative providing mental health advice to parents and carers. The website gives easy-to-follow advice to help families manage their child’s mental health. This advice was developed by NHS professionals and parents who’ve been through their own child’s mental health journey. Parents and carers have shared advice that helped them and that may also help other families. Professionals who work with children are also being encouraged to use the website.

Visit the ThisMayHelp website

24 Dec

Mind – Christmas coping tips, understanding how talking therapy helps,helplines here for you

Get help now

Christmas coping tips

The festive period can affect your mental health. If the Christmas season is a hard time for you, it’s important to remember that you are not alone.

Christmas can feel tough for many reasons. For example, you may have money worries or experience loneliness.

We have some tips for coping at Christmas that you might want to try:

  • Look after yourself – be gentle and patient with yourself and take time out.
  • Plan ahead – if there are things that might be difficult for you, think about anything that might help you cope.
  • Talk to other people – let people know you’re struggling and what they can do to help.
  • Manage relationships – think about how to step away from difficult conversations.

Get support – if you’re struggling with your mental health, you may want to find support. Call Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone)  or text SHOUT to 85258.

More on Christmas and mental health

Understanding how talking therapy helps

When you find yourself going through difficult life events, you could find it hard to talk to family and friends about it. And sometimes all you need is one person who can take the time and listen without judgment. This is where talking therapies could help. Through talking therapies you will be talking to a trained professional about your thoughts, feelings and behaviours within a safe environment.

The sessions can help you:

  • Understand yourself better.
  • Make sense of things.
  • Help you resolve complicated feelings or even find ways to live with them.

Getting support from a therapist even when you’re not at a crisis point can be really helpful – it might feel easier to reflect on what’s going on, and could help you decide on what to do next.

Learn about the benefits of talking therapy

Helplines here for you

Our helplines are confidential so you can feel safe when you talk to us.

You are not alone, if you need help, call us now.

Get help now


Our Infoline provides an information and signposting service. Ask us about mental health problems, where to get help near you, treatment options and advocacy services.

We’re open 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

Call 0300 123 3393

Legal line

Our Legal line provides legal information and general advice on mental health related law. Ask us about being detained under the Mental Health Act (sectioning), mental capacity, community care and discrimination and equality.

We’re open 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

Call 0300 466 6463

Need support?

Contact our Infoline for information and help.

0300 123 3393

We’re open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday

(except for bank holidays).

20 Dec

Healthwatch North Tyneside Unpaid Carers’ Survey

upaid carers survey

New survey launched – tell Healthwatch North Tyneside about your experiences as an unpaid carer in 2022. If you are a carer in North Tyneside, they want to hear from you. Tell them about your experiences as a carer in 2022 to help improve carers’ support and local services; you could also win £100 of vouchers. You can complete the survey here.

19 Dec

Warm Welcome in North Tyneside

Warm Welcomes in North Tyneside and other offers in the North East

warm welcome in north tyneside

This winter could be tougher than usual for many of us in the North East due to the rising cost of living crisis. This is why North Tyneside is offering all residents a Warm Welcome consisting of free of charge spaces across the borough which will include free hot drinks, toilet facilities and activities.

North Tyneside libraries and Customer First Centres, as well as many community and voluntary sector organisations, are extending their support to residents by offering a comfortable space to relax. Please note, this is not means-tested and is available for all residents.

The Warm Welcome offer is being regularly reviewed and updated, so please regularly check the schedule to make sure you’re up to date.

Linked below are the various Warm Welcome directories, as well as links to North Tyneside, Gateshead, Newcastle and Northumberland County Council’s respective Cost of Living support pages. 

Related Links

14 Dec

Mind – personal experiences of the cost of living crisis

Content warning: This email contains quotes from people about their experiences of the cost of living crisis, which some may find upsetting.


Last week we asked you to answer some questions to help us send a Christmas message to the UK government. Over 500 of you shared your personal experiences of the cost of living crisis, and what it would mean for you if the UK government provided extra support right now. Thank you.

Hundreds of you told us your financial situation is making you feel stressed and worried. Lots of you said this is making your mental health worse, and for some of you your physical health is suffering too. Carl told us “It is adding to anxiety right now, but I’m really terrified about the future.”

Many of you shared why an urgent increase in benefits from the UK government is so important. Mark said “They should be raising the benefits starting now, instead of waiting for the next tax year. They also should give more additional help, in a timely and consistent manner, to everyone struggling, to make up for the hardship people are going through and will keep going through.”

We also asked what this extra support from the UK government would mean to you right now. Many of you talked about your mental health improving, of feeling relief, and of being able to heat your homes and feed your families.

For Lisa “It would change everything and it would mean the world to me right now. Mostly I would be able to eat and feed my family more and we would be able to be more comfortable in a warm home.” And David said “It would help to stop my wife’s mental health spiralling.”

If you are struggling with money and mental health, you might find our information page helpful. Here, you can find out more about organising your finances, claiming benefits when you have a mental health problem, dealing with services, and looking after your mental health when you’re worried about money.

Read our money and mental health advice

The survey is now closed. Next week, we will be taking your responses to the UK government to show the difference they can make if they take action this winter.

Take care,


09 Dec

Mind – Information for young people aged 11-18, Time to Talk Day, Find your Local Mind Shop/

Get help now

Information for young people aged 11-18

Watching your child go through a difficult time can be very upsetting. We can be unsure how to go about helping them and making sure they get the support that they need.

We’re here for you if you’re finding things hard. We help everyone understand mental health problems, so no one has to feel alone.

Ways how your child can seek support and help from us:

  • Understanding mental health, wellbeing and types of mental health problems.
  • Learn about feelings and experiences they might be having, and how to cope with them.
  • Finding support, talking to their doctor, and understanding CAMHS.
  • Learn about what legal rights they have for their mental health.

You can also visit our Information page for parents, carers, family members and guardians who are supporting a young person with their mental health and wellbeing. Visit our Information hub for young people today

Make space in your day for a conversation about mental health this 

Time to Talk Day – 2 February 2023

Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives.

We are pleased to announce Time to Talk Day 2023 will take place on 2 February 2023, run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with the Co-op and with support from Time To Change Wales, SAMH in Scotland and Inspire in Northern Ireland.

We know the more conversations we have, the better life is for everyone. Talking about mental health isn’t always easy, but a conversation has the power to change lives. Visit TimeToTalkDay.co.uk to find out more on how to take part in Time to Talk Day, from organising an event in your local library or hosting a lunch and learn session to simply sharing information on social media or texting a friend. And you can sign up to our newsletter to learn more in the run-up to the next Time to Talk Day.

Learn how you can take part this Time to Talk Day

How close is your local Mind Shop to you?

You can find our Local Mind shops in more than 150 communities around England and Wales. Some may be local to you and within the shops we sell high quality sustainable items which you get to wear or use while also helping fight for mental health.

The money raised from our sales helps to support people in your local community through:

• National campaigning

• Providing information and support through our helplines, website and publications

• Your local Mind

There are other ways to shop with us if you can’t visit your local Mind shop:

Online Shop – you can find our latest Christmas cards, wedding favours and more.

eBay shop – you can find lots of preloved items on sale on our eBay shop.

Find your Local Mind Shop

Need support?

Contact our infoline on for information and help.

0300 123 3393

We’re open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday

(except for bank holidays).

07 Dec

Chilli Studios News! – December 2022

Welcome to our update on Chilli Studio’s creative activity!

  1. Festive Open Studio & Art SALE Fri 16th Dec 12-4pm
  2. Chilli Festive Party Thursday 22nd Dec 1-4pm
  3. December & January program of activity
  4. Studio closed from Friday 23rd Dec and back open Jan Tues 3rd
  5. Featured Artist of the Month
  6. Shop ethically & alternatively this winter
  7. Postcards for Peace, Artist Opportunity
  8. Success in Kickstarter campaign, Community Photographic Darkroom
  9. Support links

Scroll down for more info


Festive Open Studios & Art SALE
The ethical & alternative Xmas shopping that gives back to Charity. 

Friday 16th December 12noon-4pm
@Chilli Studios, 2nd Floor Blackfriars centre, Newbridge st, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2TQ ( Opposite the Tanners Arms)

Come in, have a look around, buy some beautiful handmade gifts, have a sip of mulled wine and be inspired by our wonderful community, Charity and artists. (It will be Non-alcoholic wine and damn tasty! Nibbles also supplied).

As an “Outsider Arts” organisation we will be promoting the work of our members and studio as well as providing an alternative festive shopping experience! Chilli Studios will open it’s doors for one afternoon as a fundraiser for our Studios and future ventures. It’s also a nice chance to see the space and chat to us about what we do. Perhaps you or someone you know have artistic flair or need a space to creatively engage to better support mental health.





We are excited to announce that we will be featuring a Chilli Studio Artist each month both online and through our micro Gallery Space in the Studio.

November: It was a delight to invite Rob Crawford for our first Artist of the month. Rob is a dynamic artist specialising in sculptural ceramics. 

December we are pleased to announce Pamela Cartwright’s quirky and wondrous art will be featured.






Our shop is going from strength to strength and developing in exciting avenues! We are an ethical and local business where all proceeds go directly into our Charitable activity and day-to-day running of the Art Studio.
We now have our products stocked in two shops including The Baltic Shop and Number One Kirkharle. The Chilli Studios website also has a shop webpage where people can purchase our products to support the studio as well as on Etsy. See buttons below.

Our products are handmade and/or designed by our members, volunteers & staff within the studio. We have multiple ranges within the shop including our ceramics range ‘East End Earthenware’. We have also thrilled to be starting to work with local artist and Chilli volunteer Almudena to help produce new products inspired by Chilli to raise money for the studio.

SHOP HERE! Chilli ETSY shop



Be part of an exhibition/installation which will take your small artistic whispers and turn them into loud artistic shouts. All in the name of peace.

Postcards for peace is a mass participation Art installation/exhibition which uses small media as its base. Curated by Pete Mitchell, Chilli Studios.

The idea for this project came from a desire to promote a message of peace through small-scale artistic endeavour and a want to give as many people as possible to participate through the use of accessible small media.

The aim of the project is to take a number of the submitted pieces and amalgamate them into one or two much larger pieces of art. The first of these will be a large rainbow flag, which has its origins as a symbol of peace, but has now also come to symbolise inclusivity, liberation and representation in society. These sentiments serve as a perfect counterbalance to a sometimes disjointed world.

Participants will be asked to submit landscape-format A5 postcards or similarly sized pieces of thick paper or card which they have filled with any 2-D art of their choice. In order to facilitate the rainbow flag part of the project, those who would like to have direct participation in that will be asked to use one of the seven colours of the rainbow flag predominantly in their piece. These are purple, dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange and red. However, there are no obligations in that regard.

When participants are creating their cards, it is suggested that they stick to one or more of the following media : Ink, pencil, paint (watercolour, oil, acrylic), wax crayon, oil pastels or chalk.
All postcards should be produced in landscape format.

Final artworks will be exhibited at COBALT studios from Mid-February (Date TBC). However, exhibition dates are subject to change.

Email for more info: postcardsforpeace@mail.com

Send postcards or A5 (in landscape format) art to:

Chilli Studios
2nd floor
Blackfriars centre
Newbridge st
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ne1 2TQ


Light Painters Studio Fundraiser with Kickstarter
a Community Photographic Darkroom for mental health


A dedicated group of our volunteers from Chilli Studios are building a community and peer-led darkroom & processing studio with a mission to keep film alive, accessible and good for our mental health. As well as photography resources they plan to run workshops, talks, events, field trips and more.

Our motto is “A safe place to develop”, and this project aims to provide its users with exactly that: somewhere that will be a learning resource for all who attend sessions there, in an environment that will be accessible, inclusive and nurturing.

We hope to inspire everyone who comes to the darkroom, and we are excited at the prospect of sharing our skills and enthusiasm for this art form with the community. This will be a peer-led facility, member-based, with an emphasis on promoting well-being through the medium of film photography.

The Darkrooom is almost ready to open and we hope to have further information to happily share in the new year!

For more information or if you would like to DONATE towards the development of this project email: sarah@chillistudios.co.uk


Support Links



28 Sep

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in October 2022

These are dates and times for our October support group meetings. Please also see the PDF flyers for further information:

  • Middlesbrough: Tuesday  OCTOBER 4th 6-8pm Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 OTF.  Download the Middlesbrough flyer here
  • Durham: Thursday OCTOBER 13th 6-9pm Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street Durham City DH1 4BG.  Download the Durham flyer here
  • South Shields: Thursday OCTOBER 20th 6-9pm Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street, South Shields. NE33 2QU.  Download the South Shields flyer here
  • Newcastle: Thursday OCTOBER 27th 6-9pm Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle NE1 6UF.  Download the Newcastle flyer here

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East




06 Sep

Adult AD/HD Support Group NE Meetings in September 2022

Dates and times for our SEPTEMBER meetings. Please also see the PDF flyers for further information:-

Middlesbrough: Tuesday September 6TH 6 – 8pm Langdon Square Community Centre Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 OTF.  Download the Middlesbrough flyer here

Durham: Thursday September 8TH  6-9pm Waddington Street Centre, 3 Waddington Street Durham City DH1 4BG.  Download the Durham flyer here

South Shields: Thursday September 15TH 6-9pm Age Concern (ACTS) Dora Dixon House, 29 Beach Road / Corner of Anderson Street, South Shields. NE33 2QU.  Download the South Shields flyer here

Newcastle: Thursday September 22ND 6-9pm Recoco (The Recovery College) 1 Carliol Square, Newcastle NE1 6UF.  Download the Newcastle flyer here

Kindest regards,


Bill Scott
Adult AD/HD Support Groups North East


