Support from Deaflink

Deaflink offers support to D/deaf, Deafblind, Hard-of-Hearing and Deafened people and their families across the North East.
Sessions include:
Saturday Forum BSL accessible meeting, usually run every two months to give D/deaf community the chance to meet and share information and knowledge.
Drop in and chat / Zoom catch ups Regular BSL sessions for Deaflink members
Hard of Hearing Project
Aimed at people experiencing hearing loss from mild to profound – helping people navigate appropriate equipment and services by providing information, support and signposting.
They also run two monthly support groups:
Hearing Loss Support Group (formerly known as SHHH Group) a chance to:
- meet others who experience hearing loss and share experiences
- discuss coping strategies for different situations
- discuss equipment that may help
- occasionally meet reps supplying hearing equipment or audiologists
- discuss different opportunities and settings that are deaf/ hearing loss friendly
Tinnitus Support Group a chance to:
- meet others who experience tinnitus and share experiences
- discuss coping strategies and different techniques used to manage symptoms
- discuss equipment that may help
- occasionally meet reps from the British Tinnitus Association or audiologists specialising in tinnitus
- receive and discuss updates and news about Tinnitus
If you have any queries please get in touch at