07 Oct

Age UK North Tyneside winter support services

Age UK North Tyneside has launched a new Winter is Coming campaign to raise awareness of the services they offer that can support people in North Tyneside aged 50+ to ensure that they are taking advantage of the benefits and services they are entitled to. Age UK North Tyneside’s professionally qualified Information and Advice team provides friendly…

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19 Jun

Golden Bridge Pen Pals

AGE UK North Tyneside has teamed up with Golden Bridge, a new project from Newcastle University’s Student Union to help end loneliness. The Golden Bridge volunteers want to be modern day pen pals either via email or good old fashioned handwritten letters, with people who are isolating or shielding at home alone and would like…

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16 Jun

Age UK North Tyneside Telephone Befriending Service

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you’re all well, safe.  Just to let you know, our Befriending Service is reaching out to offer Telephone Befriending support to even more customers now. Our Telephone Befriending Service is there to offer older isolated people a friendly chat over the phone.  We provide a lifeline to the outside world…

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28 May

New Age UK North Tyneside groups – starting June 2019

Hi, I just wanted to let you know about a couple of new groups we have starting in North Shields and Whitley Bay in the coming weeks. Our new gentle exercise group in Whitley Bay will run on Thursdays, starting on 6 June. Our Busy Buddies in North Shields will run every other week, starting…

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09 Nov

North Tyneside Social Prescribing Service

A partnership initiative between Tyneside and Northumberland Mind and Age UK North Tyneside What is Social Prescribing? Social prescribing is a mechanism for linking patients with sources of support within the community. These might include opportunities for arts and creativity, physical activity, learning new skills, volunteering, mutual aid, befriending and self-help, as well as support…

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17 Oct

New North Shields men’s group organised by Age UK at Meadowell Connected – 2 November 2017

The group will meet every other Thursday at – Meadow Well Connected, Waterville Road, North Shields, NE29 6BA. Refreshments will be provided. Download flyer here This group has been developed in partnership with Meadow Well Connected and Age UK North Tyneside.  You can contact either Meadow Well Connected or Age UK North Tyneside for more…

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