12 Jun

Update from Time to Change – 11 June 2020

Time to Change

The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on all of us and our mental health. Below, we share Antonio and Anna’s experiences of managing their mental health during lockdown. As lockdown begins to ease, we know that coronavirus will continue to impact our mental health, and we’re looking for your stories about what this means…

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07 Jun

Healthwatch North Tyneside News – 4 June 2020

Your experiences during coronavirus We want to hear your experiences of health and care services during the outbreak of coronavirus.NHS and care services are starting to develop plans for how they can open up again and deliver more services whilst social distancing and other coronavirus restrictions are in place. We want to ensure that local…

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16 May

Update from Time to Change – 12 May 2020

Time to Change

No one should have to fear being treated differently because of a mental health problem, and that’s why we’re working to end mental health stigma and discrimination. By sharing the image below on your social media this Mental Health Awareness Week (18–24 May) you’ll help us reach even more people. And why not share this…

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06 May

Update from Rethink Mental Illness – 28 April 2020

Clic is a new online support community that anyone in the UK can access 24/7 for free mental health support. It includes an online forum where you can chat about how you’re feeling and connect with others, as well as accessing mental health information tools, tips and resources. To ensure everyone’s safety and security the…

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22 Apr

VODA’S COVID-19 Response (VODA E-Bulletin – 17 April 2020)

In this e-bulletin: North Tyneside COVID-19 Support Hub Latest blog: VODA’s COVID-19 Response by Robin Fry VODA’s online COVID-19 Information Centre VODA’s COVID-19 Funding Response NAVCA surveys sector on impact of COVID-19 Essential food services in North Tyneside Telephone Befriending and Counselling Services during COVID-19 Leadership and Financial Management Masterclasses from GLT Partners Healthwatch launches…

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21 Apr

Update from Rethink Mental Illness – 15 April 2020

Everyone is adjusting to the changes in how we live, work and communicate. With so much change, we know the news can feel overwhelming right now. That’s why we promise to keep our website up-to-date with the latest information you need to know. This week, we have an update on what the new government guidance…

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