16 Dec

An Update from Time to Change – 5 December 2019

Christmas is supposed to be a merry time of year, but if you’re experiencing a mental health problem it can be especially difficult. Knowing how to support someone can make all the difference – below, you can read our supporters’ top tips. In this newsletter you can also find out more about how you can get…

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22 Nov

Healthwatch Newcastle Newsletter – 21 November 2019

Mental health services for children and young people We launched our survey to gather experiences of mental health services in October. So far we’ve had 152 responses: 53 from Newcastle residents and 89 from Gateshead residents. Most responses have been from parents and carers. We’d like to hear from more people in Newcastle — particularly…

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16 Jun

Heads & Tales Mental Health Heritage Project Newsletter & Upcoming Events

The Heads and Tales Newsletter is here! Welcome to our newsletter for our Mental Health Heritage project HEADS & TALES, supported and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and through the great contribution of National lottery players. Heads & Tales is a two-year project led and shaped by participants to explore, rebalance, and celebrate the voice of…

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