08 May

Skills for People’s keeping people connected service North Tyneside

Many people with learning disability and /or autism will become increasingly vulnerable during the current Covid-19 crisis. If you come across vulnerable people, then please refer them to the new telephone support service: Keeping People Connected : 0191 281 8737 The service is funded by the North Tyneside CCG and aims to help people by…

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27 Apr

COVID-19 North Tyneside Council Resident Health and Wellbeing Pages

The COVID-19 health and wellbeing webpages are now live on the Council website and can be found here: https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/category/1430/health-and-wellbeing-during-covid-19 They aim to give basic information to residents with relevant links to support and services during the current situation, all in one place.  

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20 Apr

The national Self injury Support service is still open

We are still here for women and girls affected by self injury We just wanted to let you know that during this very difficult time our text-based support services are still open and we are here to listen and support. Dealing with the current global situation on top of existing struggles with mental health is…

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17 Apr

An Update from Time to Change – 9 April 2020

During this uncertain time, looking out for our own and others’ mental health is more important than ever. Below, we share three simple tips to help you be there for someone, as well as advice from the NHS on looking after your own mental wellbeing at this time. We’re also continuing our campaign to end…

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13 Apr

Update from Rethink Mental Illness – 30 March 2020

Last week, we emailed you and asked you to share how you are looking after your mental health during these extraordinary times. We were blown away by the response – so many of you shared creative and compassionate ideas for getting through the pandemic. We’ve included a selection of your tips at the bottom of…

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09 Apr

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

With the country in ‘lockdown’ and many people feeling understandably anxious about their health, employment, family and friends, it is more important than ever to share helpful advice resources for managing everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. Government Advice The government has published detailed and useful advice that covers steps we can all take in looking…

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06 Apr

New online COVID-19 resources from North Tyneside VODA

VODA has developed new online resources including a series of animations aimed at supporting volunteering during the COVID-19 emergency. These can all be found on our website. We will be adding further pages including details of the response of the North Tyneside VCS to COVID-19 in due course. COVID-19 Response – the latest updates from…

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16 Dec

An Update from Time to Change – 5 December 2019

Christmas is supposed to be a merry time of year, but if you’re experiencing a mental health problem it can be especially difficult. Knowing how to support someone can make all the difference – below, you can read our supporters’ top tips. In this newsletter you can also find out more about how you can get…

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12 Jan

Launch of North Tyneside Mental Health Carer’s Forum – 30 January 2019

Hello, As you will probably know, Launchpad North Tyneside coordinates a lively and successful Service User and Survivor Forum that has been running for a few years. We recognise carers need to have a space to meet and be heard too, that’s why in partnership with North Tyneside Carers Centre, we are launching a new…

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