20 Jun

Tell us your experience of breast screening services in North Tyneside

Share your experiences of breast screening services

We’d like to hear from people who have recent experience of breast screening services

Have you used breast screening services?

We want to hear from you if you have recently been invited to book a breast screening appointment.

If you booked an appointment…

We are interested in all aspects of the process from receiving your invitation letter, traveling to your appointment, to getting your results. Tell us what worked well and what could be better.

If you didn’t book an appointment…

We would like to understand why some people choose not to make an appointment for breast screening. Your feedback will help us to address any barriers people experience.

Everyone who completes a survey will be entered into our £50 Love2Shop voucher prize draw.

Your feedback will help improve breast screening services in North Tyneside.

Complete our survey here

Please share this post with people who would be interested in sharing their views.


Breast screening

The NHS breast screening programme aims to detect breast cancer at a very early stage.

The mobile screening unit is at North Tyneside General Hospital or you can book other locations. If you’re aged 50 to 70 and it’s been more than three years since your last appointment, you can book now by telephoning 0191 282 0202 or online by clicking this link. Eligible people should have received a letter from their GP.