VODA’s Digital Champions Update

We are working with volunteers to deliver digital outreach support to people who already have a tablet/smart phone/computer and an internet connection, to make the best use of their device.
The volunteers work with a person over the telephone to guide local residents to become better connected.
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions we are offering support over the telephone.
Typical tasks include:
- Use email
- Online food shopping
- Access online GP services
- Social media
- Video chat
- Download and use the COVID19 app
- Stay safe online
We currently have more volunteers than opportunities so we are looking for more referrals for beneficiaries. You can refer anyone who you think would benefit from this help.
To refer a person for support enter their details here: https://tinyurl.com/y4dv5ssr or they can email me directly at Rebecca.southern@voda.org.uk
With help from Newcastle University Students and a super-star cybersecurity specialist, we have developed easy-read guides to share with the residents we are supporting. These guides should help them to retain information they are being given and reassure them in certain digital activities including email, staying safe online, video chat and more. We are in the process of reviewing and streamlining these guides and hope to get them out by the end of January.
Examples of support offered so far has been:
– Talking over a technical problem
– Support to enable Zoom on a donated laptop
– Help getting onto Facebook
– Setting up an email account
– Enhancing accessibility options such as magnifier